I made a GameStop employee angry

>be in gamestop on my lunch break
>just looking around cause bored
>don’t see any good deals so I walk out

Why are GameStop employees such cunts?

They're all kids scared that they're going to lose their jobs to Amazon

Game stop is a horrible company to work for and so is the Canadian equivalent. These stores are about to go the way of blockbuster so everyone is underpaid and overworked because they are on the verge of bankruptcy. Why would I buy marked up physical media when I can buy digital?

And if I really want a physical copy, I can have it mailed to my door for less than these guys sell for in store.

>in gamestop
>checking out games in those giant bins
>leave all the games on a big pile on the floor
>walk out because its all junk
>ignore the employee like the piece of human garbage they are

Apparently there’s an employee subreddit where they all complain about their jobs and customers. They literally sound like the same joyless souls I’ve met in GameStop.

I've maced more Gamestop employees that I care to remember, they're fucking scum

This faggot is acting like someone walked into his home and to talk on their cell phone. You're running a fucking store you cunt. Customers can look at your merchandise.

Gamestop employees are subhuman filth.


Wagies are so mad about nothing all the time
>man just checking out your wares & having a conversation
>doesn't find anything he wants
>heh yeah fellow wagie someone came in & stole our stuffed animals that are insanely overpriced what the hell
I've been NEET all my life but I have to enter the wagie world soon I'm so scared


I work at my aunt's news store and it's a small family business. We have all kinds of degenerates and sleazebags come in. Some of them will come in and talk on their phone really loudly about crude shit, it can be really off-putting to customers and the staff.

That being said, this is a GameStop we're talking about. If I was working at one I wouldn't care if a customer killed someone in front of me.

>mad at people just stopping by and not buying shit

They are cunts. I never cared if people just wanted to browse. Then again the game store I managed in the past was in a shitty part of the city so we had actual insane crackheads and thieves to worry about. Had an armed robbery once too. Bet these people would get shook up if a soccer mom raised her voice.

>in gamestop
>patient thrifty gamer
>trade in 5 games for $53
>getting all my money back i paid for them
>ask aboit Forza horizon 3
>think its $30 cuz i just saw it advertised for that price at gamestop
>its $50 new and $45 used
>no thanks ill get it somewhere else
>clerk pulls out phone to look it up
>"Microsoft store its $60 teehee"

These faggots think every customer is a braindead consumer.

that's exactly why some stores don't allow browsing, homeless people start using you as a free bathroom to wash up and shoot heroin.

Sometimes ill go in when my girl is clothes shopping or something. Nothing wrong with browsing. Maybe if the employees were all cunts, id cone back and buy something.

>shit on customers who literally did nothing wrong

This how wageslaves get fired

Rhankfully we didn't have a public restroom so that wasn't an issue. Just saying I can't imagine getting bent out of shape due to a guy being loud on a cell phone. Must be a slow store in a decent area.

When your hours apply on how much you upsell, you gotta get crafty. If they did it to you, that means they did it to other people and it worked. Likely getting more hits than misses, at any rate.

Become self employed

>Gamestop will die in your lifetime
>They will do it themselves

>showing off what you found browsing reddit

i really wish hiro would just kill this site already

All this thread does is stir up anxiety over my job becoming obsolete one day and being left up shit creek without a paddle

Imagine working at gamestop and one day the district manager comes by and announces that you're gonna be dedicating half your floor space to video game merchanidise and not games.
So you have to dispose of half your inventory in order to make room for the new merch.

Imagine being the poor minimum wage fucker being assigned to backroom duty that has to snap over 20,000 game discs, good games, bad games, rare games, it doesn't matter, they just can't be salvageable by resellers, and corporate has already marked them as destroyed.

Get a different job.

>Why are GameStop employees such cunts?
Because they work at GameStop.

>stores don't allow browsing
how do you even enforce this without pissing people off?
>are you gonna buy something
>no i'm just looking thanks
>sorry if you're not gonna buy something you need to leave
>potential sale is now gone

Get a trade job. World will always need plumbers, mechanics, and electricians. And they have good pay, unions, and ability to be self-employed.

Being completely unironic here. You either go to school and have a degree tell people you're worth it, but this is increasingly a hustle and a waste of time and resources unless you want some doctor's gig. Or you're a self-taught talented individual and can show that off to land jobs. If you're neither and you don't know people, you're doomed to entry level retail. Just skip that bullshit and learn a trade.

Doing gods work

This trend of casually posting reddit shit is really indicative of the scum that are shitposting here.

>Tfw work in GameStop
>Bros friend is the manager
>I don't need to do the pre-order shit quotas that other employees have to

Godamn I know one employee who freaked out on a customer for cancelling 3 preorders. Because of how shitty the system is.

>imagine taking a retail job the slightest bit seriously
>imagine not stealing tons of games you were told destroy

Lmao bruh and this is coming from a guy that closed down circuit citu and another electronics store 2 years later.

stream video games

Working in retail is hell. Gamestop is worse. I worked at Gamestop for a year because I was dating the manager, but left when we broke up. It was an "underperforming" one because we didn't really dig the whole "sell the credit card and the pro card and all that jazz to literally everybody" short of saying "hey you got a card? no? you want one? well okay" and then bam you get your game. But in any retail job you get that. And it's really understandable to hate people who just sort of wander or don't buy anything. There's a reason most shops have a "no loitering" sign, it's because that behavior actually keeps customers away.

Now, you might be saying to yourself, "now I wouldn't care" but honestly, you're in the minority. I feel that way too, but most consuming americans are just stupid little sheep with tempers.


>Recently got a job in creating automation mechanical robotics

>With every robot we make everyone in the team feels like shit because we replace thousands of hard working people with automation.

The pay is really damn good though.

Don't criticize their precious nintendo either or janitors get angry

You faggots wouldn't know criticism if it bit you in the chodes you call dicks. You're just as bad as OP.

I've always heard of stores like this but never understood how they work.
How does someone know if your store has what they want to purchase if they aren't allowed to see what's in your store?

Nah, they're set to just become an off-brand FYE. Investors said FYE was going to die, but it didn't, though it did go through some tough times. Investors say Gamestop is going to die, but it had an incredibly successful half of the year last year. Investors are dumb.

Those are all terrible jobs. What we need is robots doing the shitty jobs, teens doing the shitty jobs robots can't do to learn what it means to work and adults getting enough support to receive a proper education so they can get real jobs. If you can be replaced by a touchscreen or mechanical arm then your job is worthless.

>this victim complex

Hi there, current wage slave and failed electrician apprentice.
Trade job isnt worth a fuck because it's impossible to get in the Union and non Union jobs pay less than retail, are sporadic and you'll probably get bumped for someone working illegally.
It's so much fun applying for jobs see they want an apprentice with four years of experience when at that point you should be a journeyman anyway, unless you want to be a pussy and get a district license in a few months

Good job

>work in a retail store selling phone plans
>earn decent money for little to no real work
>can tell customers to leave the second they start getting shitty
>manager's are chill as fuck
>get the newest phone every 6 months
>get $500 bonus every month on top of already decent paycheck
>live very comfortably with what I need

Anyone who says retail is shit hasn't worked at the right place

Dude they have to deal with angry parents who dont know shit yelling at them and managers forcing them to shill rewards cards to every customer all day

they are dead inside


Having worked in a store like that once (not a Gamestop), typically you'd leave someone alone for a few minutes, but if they're just meandering back and forth, you politely ask them if they're going to buy something, maybe give them a few more minutes to look, but if they're still just sitting around, you gotta find a way to get them to buy something or get out. Some stores aren't as nice about it. Generally you will only ever find this happening in big cities, though. Or places with too many homeless. Regular shoppers aren't the issue. It's vagrants, thieves meandering about deciding if they want to get entered into the system for stealing some candy because they're too stupid to think ahead, or just junkies that cause these problems for everyone else.

Because they work at Gamestop.

They'll never really be gone just transition into something else
If everyone is buying shit online, You won't need as many stores however you'll need warehouses to keep that stuff
You'll need postal services to send it out etc.
Even with everything going digital itsa the same shit
More people will be using the internet meaning more customer support jobs and so on.

I feel this pain. .t electrician working as a stockboy

probably just going to get into programming and get a cushy IT job somewhere around here, lots of places hiring. trades are literally going to die because of all this fucking gatekeeping

>works in sales with commission
Yeah, that isn't retail kid

It's not that they're scared. Whilst you are in the store, you are a customer. Employees have to be mindful of customers in store, not just for checking shoplifters but for helping people who would like to buy. For a full hour, the employees of this place have had to wonder what the fuck you're doing, and whether you're an autist/drug addict/homeless person trying to get warm. Employees have to watch you. If you've ever had a dick-sucking teenage job you'll understand, it's either enforce policy or get on unemployment benefits. Why the fuck didn't you buy anything? I'd be super sketch if some guy came into my bar then stood alone looking at his phone for an hour

With more automatons being built more people are employed to mine, purify, design, and manufacture further robotic infrastructure. It's a zero net economic result at worst. It never ceases to baffle me how difficult it is for people to look at what goes into the automatic production industry, rather than just spouting nonsense about the supposedly negative results.

I don't get commission, i get salary


FYE is fucking done, mate. I go in a d listen to the manager talk to his fedora customer about how he has basically runs the store himself cuz he cant give any hours for his 3 other employees.

>are sporadic and you'll probably get bumped for someone working illegally.

That'll always be a problem, but the gate keeping thing isn't new. So many jobs are doing it. It's annoying that even entry level stuff now either mandates suffering through "internships"/"apprentices" with dirt to no pay, or they want someone with mid-level experience to be an entry level gig, and be paid as such.

It doesn't get better anywhere. At that point, you better hope you have some great connections to bypass the bullshit.

he gets a bonus, not a commission you retard. phone stores don't usually do commission

Congratulations brah, the perfect bait

Why has nobody pointed out that op not only unironically browses reddit, but for some reason he goes on the gamestop reddit.

haha, do we have the same FYE? the manager there is chill as fuck but he's literally always there, what a world.

>working salary for less then 50k

you dont?

Well we get to see the results of it. Not all people that get fired get retrained for a different job.

Haha im in VA

Hey come on now. Going to reddit is like fapping. We all do it but we don't about it unless something special happened.

>monthly bonus
Yeah, commission

Don't work customer service. You can get money without having to deal with the general public.

I work shelves at Business Depot., and almost every other minimum wage worker in our stores are IT or Comp. Engineers of some kind. There's no jobs left in that field, and what few there are get sent to Indian farms where they can have a dozen uneducated monkey people working for a fraction of the price of a single western worker. If you want work in a specialized field, your best bet is probably medical at this point.

I earn around 30 right now, when i need 50k+ i'll move to management, like i said, im comfortable as i am

ah damn, I'm in PA. I remember a bunch of FYEs closing a couple of years back in all of the bigger cities around where I live, but the one in my local mall stuck around despite the mall itself being almost barren 24/7

I worked at GameStop for a month, they didn’t hire me past seasonal because I didn’t want to sell a shitty credit card to literal children. Best thing that ever happened to me.

You don't understand what commission is user, commission is money per sale, i don't get money per sale, i have targets like gamestop and other retail stores do.

You'd be surprised. When it's day in, day out, it gets annoying super fast. I work a bar in a shitty area and the negativity and ignorance really does seep into you, it kills morale.

Its a fucking horrible job. Being shit to gamestop employees is like kicking people who are already on the ground

Not cool

If he was making comission he'd probably be making bank. Like I said, phone stores don't do commission because it's not lucrative to do so. A bonus is just a pat on the back, compared to actually making money off of every sale, and a lot of fucking people buy phones.

>walk into gamestop wearing a steam tshirt

Most of you people seem demented and delusional
The fuck is wrong with you people?
You get a job and if you don't like it, get a different job and so on
The fuck is the problem here?

>You get a job
Or better yet don't.

typical NEET not knowing how the wagie world works

we only sell Ouya here, nerds.

>getting paid to destroy shit

What's the problem here?

Oh wow.
Are you one of those neck beards who always come in that the workers cringe at?

My happiest moments working in a supermarket (and there weren't many) are of being on sink duty for say a crate of chocolate milk nearing expiry.

>when your cell phone is being insolent again
I keep telling it not to do that, but it just won't listen.

I can't remember the last time I went to a mall. I know Amazon is evil and will ruin everyone but it's just so much more convenient.

>get paid minimum wage. Even Walmart pays at least $11/hour
>constantly told they have to shill people shit that they don't want.
>if you don't reach a certain amount of pre orders/storecards/etc your hours get cut in half until you get fired
It's really no surprise they have a disdain toward life.

>browsing reddit

So many white people in this thread. You're such bitchy weaklings

I was in a gamestop a couple days before christmas to buy gifts and this seedy looking motherfucking kept coming to me to try and sell me this gay ass digimon RPG when I specifically asked for action game recommendations, and he tried to sell me persona 5 too, what a fucking asshole

I'm not talented or charming enough to be choosy, I'm a massive brainlet & not even that great of a liar

Sucks to suck I guess, enjoy working at McDonald's and being miserable

gb2r*ddit you fag

I work at mcdonalds and am paid to be on my phone when its slow. When its fast, it goes by so quickly I dont notice. Been there 2 1/2 years.

$9.50 an hour and 36 hours a week.
Im 21

wow that's a really dumb thing to do

not that guy but i work at a "lewis fresh market"
starting pay is 9.50 and we are supposed to get a 50 cent imcrease after 6 months of working there. how much did your salary started with and did you get any raise?

As long as you're saving its all good.

I'm in a similar situation.

But what do i do next

Gamestop is where my high school crush met her 1st boyfriend

They been together for 6 years and I am still mad about it. I moved away and came back to see their romance blossom so Gamestop can go fuck itself

I will never work in retail or fast food.

>Literally posting reddit on Sup Forums.
>Making a blog post, of a blog post, of someone who probably wasn't even you.