>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The absolute fucking state of what was formerly known as ATLUS

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The absolute fucking state of what was formerly known as ATLUS

>still being this mad about a costume

atlus has the retarded weeb market cornered and they're gonna milk it for everything they can.

What's wrong here?

Nigger the DAN games are literally dress up games.


then just don't buy the games you dumb nigger faggot.
Even tough it's a sweet deal on the ps4 section you get P3D, P4D and P5D that is a sweet deal that ps vita could never catch up to.

Obligatory LOCALIZATION [announcement] WHEN

remember when atlus made edgy games about demons and mythology and shit?

anime was a mistake

>No arguments given at all
Fucking Sup Forums

What happened lads?

>what was formerly known as ATLUS
Are they not known as ATLUS now?

they literally changed their name for a while until their parent company went belly up and SegaSammy bought them up.

why did they feel the need to piss all over SMT? As if Persona normies will give a shit anyway

persona was never SMT
it's a goddamn spinoff series

they only kept the SMT tagline for 3 and 4 in the west and dropped it for 5

so why use demi fiends design from nocturne in a persona dancing game? is what i'm saying

it's a spinoff game
are you gonna start sperging because they include characters from unrelated series?

It's a skin for the main character of 5, it's not the demi-fiend.

Went from edgy fedoralords to fun loving guys who love cute girls. Nothing could make a better timeline.

Oh to go back.

It's a fanservice skin in a fanservice game, what's the issue?

who actually plays this shit
at no point during my playthrough of 3, 4 and 5 did I say to myself

Prototype Vice Admiral Holdo

We didn't get mad when P5 had fanservice skins and we won't get mad when the Fanservice Game has fanservice skins

Vita players are the most desperate public. They'll play whatever is released for it.

Otaku cancer happened.