What's worse? Your video game addiction/collection or your porn addiction/collection?
What's worse? Your video game addiction/collection or your porn addiction/collection?
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I take pride in knowing that I cannot remember the names of specific artists.
Almost half of my raid array is full of Anime so most likely that, although gaming is spread across more drives and should be a close second.
I don't have a porn collection, because I don't know if you've noticed, but it's no longer 1997.
Actually got vanned last august cuz of a camwhore from Sup Forums being underage so probably shouldve done pic related when I heard that knock on the door
My Sup Forums addiction
>saving porn
As an American i take great pride in being able to fap whether comcast is fucking me in the ass or not.
My apathy towards both subjects.
Porn addiction/collection
Ding ding ding
As an American, I take great pride in not subscribing to Comcast. They only have monopolies in certain areas on cable, not on broadband as a whole.
Sup Forums addiction
I don't even like being here anymore but there's no place else for me to go to
Congratulations sir, you don't currently live in hell.
How the fuck does that even happen?
Which part
first off, ya gotta greentext, second off, start at the beginning.
I play a lot but it's likely only a borderline addiction
I have almost no porn, I'd rather just fantasize about sex than watch it.
My media hoarding habit is way worse
>mfw my 4TB external with most my media died with no backup
A part of me died that day.
I have a strange habit of needing digital versions of everything but without them I feel a bit lost.
I only got ~8 GB of doujins because I'm too pussy to actually torrent porn for whatever reason.
Anime, games, movies, are fine but for some reason the idea of torrenting porn is just horrifying to me. I still live with parents so the idea of getting a letter saying "cut it out downloading porn you sick fuck" is absolutely horrifying and I'm pretty oblivious when it comes to it anyways.
I'm already on the paranoid side so that doesn't help.
>somebody posts nudies of old Sup Forums camwhore dotchan
>save pics cuz cutie
time passes
>pretend to be grill on OKcupid cuz bored
>send nudies claiming to be said camwhore
>knock knock search warrant
>rip computer
Unless you are deleting my steam account there is no way you are getting my game collections.
Now my porn collection on the other hand....
>I still live with parents
The part where the police figures out some random camwhore on a chinese cartoon imageboard was underage and then figures out that some random NEET downloaded them and should get a visit by the party van.
Good kill yourself
So you actually got vanned because of being a retard on a dating site.
That changes things.
There is such a low chance of that ever occurring that he is either lying for attention or is the most astronomically unlucky person on the planet and was chosen as the yearly "we are bored, lets dox some pedophile with almost no actual CP instead of a person with GB of the shit or a producer, just for the fuck of it"
dude, it's all the same. i wouldn't worry about it at all, unless you get your shit from some shady backalley pedo site. get your shit off the bay and you're golden.
Porn. At least videogames hasn't made me gain a cuckolding fetish.
I pay for a site so I guess my porn collection.
Community college, sue me.
Which one
porn probably looks worse because i have it all saved while i only install my games when i actually want to play them
Prolly vidya, cuz theres so many shit games I got from humble bundles or something
One of these days Ill clear out my porn...one day
I actually don't have that much porn saved for offline use. Usually I fap to new shit or an old favorite off nhentai when the site isn't loading slow as molasses. And yes, I have alternate sites and favorite artists.
That said, gaming is my primary hobby and I dabble in collecting. Well, dabble as in, if a game looks like something I'd play, I'll probably buy it. I'm not one of those hoarder types, and if I grab a game I hate or it's something I pick up the PC port to I might even give the game to a friend. I prefer physical games, but towards the end of the console's life I started accumulating a sizable digital PS3 library. I barely boot the thing up anymore despite having a sizable backlog because I've got big backlogs on other platforms, too.
So, which is worse? Honestly, it's about tied. I don't really care a whole fuck of a lot about people or relationships, and despite being fairly fit and having decent looks I haven't put forth any effort into getting laid since high school despite some slutty coworkers. Having my primary hobby being gaming suits me just fine. Not much else I'm really interested in.
Went no fap last weeks. Now indulging in more video games.
Nice blog, faggot.
I sell physical copies of most of my vidya when im done with them unless I want to play them later.
I deleted all my porn and restarted it earlier this year.
How do you know I fap to traps?
I have over a terabyte of porn, so yeah that.
I know that's nothing to some people on here but for me it's getting ridiculous.
>I deleted all my porn and restarted it earlier this year.
Worst mistake I ever made.
I want to be able to look back and see what younger me saved, but I can't.
You really dont, we all have weird fetishes grow from a blooming porn interest
winner winner chicken dinner
I seriously want to know why people download porn in this day and age
if its a video I really like I have a notepad file where I save the name and link
ok brb
>NN repeal worried me enough to go out and buy an external HDD to jam full of porn
>download every manga and doujin that I've ever fapped to and artists other works in case nightmare scenarios
>takes up roughly 10 GB
>990 GB left on HDD
So uh, now what? Just keep researching and finding more doujins to download?
I've never deleted my stash. I still jerk to the same vanilla shit I did when I was 12, it's mixed in with the weirder shit I save currently and it's a great contrast for fapping.
because believe it or not videos do get removed from sites especially if the person is copyright trigger happy
Something gets deleted, copyright claims, site is down, internet is down. All sorts of reasons.
Nothing worse when you remember that one super specific scene, want it and can't get it.
Damn straight you do
I am not addicted to anything, it kinda sucks.
alcoholic fags can kill themselves quickly drinking, drugfags faster drugging themselves, but I don't have nothing.
I am just fat because I eat a lot of food since I have money laying around.
do people actually save porn?
Third worlder internet and copyright claims, patreon shit, fetish porn that artist delete later when they pretend to have a real career.
do people actually watch porn?
Never forget megaupload
These 3. I waste the most time on Sup Forums but at least you partake in various discussions and might get something out of it and have some laughs. It's much better than the fucking 1-2 hours a day I waste looking for something to jack off to for 2-3 minutes.
ah, this makes sense
>not downloading your favorite videos with a flash downloader/converter
Doujins/pics dont really do it for me anymore.
Nigga don't even mention that name.
Yup, I encrypt that shit on my flash drive.
I've got over a terabyte of storage filled with games and porn and porn games, but as far as which ones take up the most space, I have no idea. I've also got over 2,000 physical games spanning from the NES to PS3, but only one stack of porn mags and DVDs, and the DVD's were given to me by a guy who got married and couldn't keep them due to his wife being cunty.
Are you the pedo from earlier?
There is hundreds of pedos in here, nigger.
My game collection takes up more money, but it's almost all on Steam and isn't cluttering up my harddrives. My porn collection is over a terabyte and is a gigantic fucking mess but I hate to delete it because it's all rape, snuff, incest, and 4k ultra high rez fantasy chainmail cheesecake porn pictures all of which can be tricky to get immediately streaming on demand. Though incest is getting a lot easier.
The worst part is I refuse to torrent anything so downloading porn is a nightmare. I treasure links to shit on Google Drive and Mega but they're few and far between.
pornhub's search function for favorites is also terrible because of how little information uploaders provide for the videos. you have to make a bunch of very specific playlists if you want to remember where to find that one video you want to watch.
I don't save any porn and I struggle to get myself to care enough to even keep up with the stream of uploads, so I'm gonna say video games
True answer is though
I've basically done nothing else in my spare time but at best lurk here while doing idly doing other stuff on the side
what is it with nerds and hoarding shit
you don't need to do it anymore, we have the internet
I never touch torrents for porn but I use a flash downloader like this user said
Works great for any streaming site.
clearly you weren't around for megaupload and the purge of e-hentai
what are you talking about, exhentai still exists
Although I'm not addicted in the traditional sense, I find it much hard to resist fapping and porn than I would the urge to play some fuckin vidya
>People actually get themselves addicted to porn
Pathetic, get addicted to some real shit instead you fucking low lives.
Stop watching porn.
Porn by far. At least Vidya has prolonged enjoyment. Everytime I jerk it, I am immediately ashamed and sad after.
better than drugs or alcohol
>being this new
a bunch of things that were on it got removed when fakku made a publishing deal with wani
It literally isn't.
Porn addiction is the lowest of the low. Go overdose on heroin instead, it'll be a step in the right direction.
I do that on occasion, but the quality varies wildly. Openload can sometimes have good quality shit but most streaming places are encrypted to hell with easily visible artifacting everywhere and I have a hard time getting hard if I can't see pulsating glistening moist pussies in crystal clear high rez.
That, and a lot of my shit doesn't get uploaded and/or gets takedown notices because indie porn producers take that shit down as fast as they can. Getting a nearly full MissaX collection was like pulling teeth.
porn addiction is purely psychological, drugs can physically kill you
it's no big loss, all the shit on fakku is boring as fuck
I've got terabytes of doujins, javs and h-anime that I've amassed for more than over a decade, and I'd never give it up for anything
they haven't published most the shit that got deleted but it's been uploaded elsewhere so it doesn't really matter
yeah just from taking a glance at this thread, porn is worse by default
You're like a scribe during the fall of Rome. It is your mission to perserve all the thicc anime titties for future generations.
My video game addiction is nowhere near as bad. Jerkin' my gerkin' doesn't even accomplish a semblance of an achievement like playing a good vidya does.
I actively look for old and new games to buy. I save porn when I see see it... for free at that.
One takes my money and will likely only be played once. The other is free and will likely only be looked at once.
Games are worse than the depraved shit I get off to.
>tfw Sup Forums is actually the best place to talk about videogames on the whole internet
Definately the latter, I would quit video games for some fat yellow ass.
>new years resolution is to look at porn less & stop indulging in weird fetishes that can hurt me physically & mentally
>fell off the wagon 2 days after new years & never got back on
I have a porn game collection
porn collection, I have like 6 external drives full of hit I never jack off to
I keep having an on/off thing about porn where I say "hey, maybe a week off would be nice". Then the week off is nice but then after a week when I want to empty the spank bank my jerk is always boring because I feel like I'm forcing it because I'm trying to reward myself with a jerk after a week rather than simply jerking because I enjoy it
I used to have a situation similar to that, until I made myself delete it all. I was basically a hoarder, but with porn.
I only have a small collection of porn saved and a few vidya downloaded at any one time, my bigger addiction is to Sup Forums shitposting and saving random images, I have a couple of tb of just unsorted images I've saved for whatever reason
Porn, I like collecting it more than watching it. My drives will break down before I can watch most of it at this point.
Game addiction. Easily eats up more money and time than I spend fapping
I used to delete my hoard. Never again. Regrets were had.
There's a couple pics, even while shitty as they are, I'll always remember and never, ever find again.
i could never do that since a lot of that shit would be impossible to find. having 2 of my hard drives die sucked. i was able to get back some of it but the rest is gone forever.