Is PC gaming dead?

>When you tell people to stick with consoles

I've never thought this would be possible. I finally got a friend into PC gaming after all these years. He finally started to see the benefit of the superior platform. Now all that was left to do was actually buy the thing.

>Start getting all the parts
>All goes well
>CPU, motherboard, ram, storage
>Now it's time for a GPU
>A 1080ti costs more than €1100 here

Remember when a high end card was 400€?

You could literally get an entire high end gaming pc for the price of a single 1080ti just a few years ago.

>Friend gets mad at me for the prices being so absurd

How the fuck can I even blame him for sticking with consoles like this?

Fuck cryptocurrency

Other urls found in this thread:,29.html

I've heard that Nvidia is working on a card that is designed to mine cryptocurrency. Once it releases, hopefully prices for other cards will normalize during the 3 seconds they are in stock

>Remember when a high end card was 400€?
yeah 10-20 years ago

>Remember when a high end card was 400€?
So never?


My 780 was top of the line 3 years ago and I bought it for 400

only a 780ti was higher then

Wont fucking work because /biz/ retards are obsessed with resale value

PC gaming is far from dead

It's a temporary phenomenon. Even if the mining mania continues, the mark will deliver alternatives for gamers. For example, Ryzen APUs are no good for mining, but are already kind of okay for 1080p gaming (comparable to the 1030) and really okay for 720p gaming. The next generation of APUs will be even better.
>I finally got a friend into PC gaming after all these years. He finally started to see the benefit of the superior platform. Now all that was left to do was actually buy the thing.
Your story sounds fake (why the fuck didn't you check the prices beforehand?), but anyone buliding a PC today should consult,4388.html for the possible substitutes. You can buy a used HD 7870 for cheap and have a decent card.

>getting ages old vita ports
>only exclusives get ported to the economically superior platforms
>PC versions delayed constantly
>PC versions broken constantly
>PC versions sometimes never come
>CPU exploits that need performance killing patches which bring them to the level of consoles
>grossly overpriced GPUs and RAM

>"far from dead"

>Top of the line parts are expensive
As has been the case forever user.
>Remember when a high end card was 400€?
They still are, this is enthusiast level parts you're looking at.

Mate the Titan was that generation of cards, stop lying you retard.

>oh wow these cards are great
>they sell out
>shit, well better buy the normal gaymen cards

more games
every multiplat is better on PC
who cares if a game makes x money on console cause it certainly runs better on any PC
That's a lie
That's a lie
If it aint on PC i don't give a fuck about it anyway
The prices will fall soon

>more games
Shovelware is something to brag about.
>every multiplat is better on PC
Western games aren't good.
>who cares if a game makes x money on console cause it certainly runs better on any PC
Publishers do, the ones who feed you the bones.
>That's a lie
What is MHW, FF15, World of FF
>That's a lie
What is Arkham Knight, The Evil Within, Saints Row 2
>If it aint on PC i don't give a fuck about it anyway
Literally sour grapes.

just buy a prebuilt or a gaminglaptop retard

pc gaming is not dead, pc building is though and rightfully so.

not bragging about I just said more games
just your opinion man
and yet PC still has thousands and thousands more games than any console
Games I don't play or have any interest in
Games I don't play or have any interest in
There is no sour grapes, I only have a PC so why would I be interested in console games? I'm not going to go out and spend £200+ plus £45 worth of Xbox/PSN to play what ever shite is exclusive to console

>gaming laptop
That's a waste of money.
>rightfully so

>That's a waste of money.
you're a retard.
point proven.

Nigvidya is releasing Ampere and Turing

Ampere will be the consumer gamer GPU with hardlocks for mining meaning it will be utterly useless

Turing will be the mining card

The rumor mills are 95% correct

>b-but PC gaming is dying!


Imagine how people would have reacted 10 years ago if you'd predicted that one of the three main console companies would just totally give up and put all of their exclusives on PC
Imagine how people would have reacted if you said that a game on PC would sell 30 million copies even though there's only meant to be 1 million people on the platform who actually buy games apparently

Enjoy your gaming laptop, user.

Works for Nvidia from a buisness standpoint if they sell out of anything.

i am, enjoy your $10000 gpu's for 10% better performance.

This is the case if you live in literally Japan. Only place on earth where any of this occurs.

titan is a professional card

780ti was top line then for gamers

>Remember when a high end card was 400€?

anyone who spends $10,000 on a GPU is an idiot fortunately there is no $10,000 GPU and GPU's won't ever be 10k

also you don't upgrade your GPU until absolutely necessary.

What if I told you, you don't need a high end graphics card for PC gaming. Especially if you are on a 1080 60 fps monitor.

You'd think so, but as a company it's bad to sell out of products, consumer faith in you being able to deliver will diminish and ultimately ruin your brand image. It's why big stores often add unit limits per customer on high demand items.

Why the fuck do you need a 1080ti?
So he can fucking play hollow knight at 1080p 60 fps?
Or even better, fucking counter strike?
Or why not, WoW or Dota? fuck off and kill yourself OP.

I 100% agree with you, as along as everyone understands Nvidia doesn't do anything for the benefit of anyone, including PC gamers or miners, but themselves.

>>CPU exploits that need performance killing patches which bring them to the level of consoles

oh no I now get 147 fps instead of 150

>cres about bang/buck
>gets a gaming laptop
does not compite

Titan was enthusiast grade consumer items, their professional products are like $20k a piece. The 900 series was also released 3 years ago, so it still wasn't top of the line.

lets be pretty fucking clear about this, in the year 2018 consoles are struggling to play games at 1080p and have 30fps

for instance PUBG literally takes 10 minutes to load while running like shit on Xbox One.

then you must be very young

I have a 960 and can runoptimized aaa at med-hi 1080p 60fps

The 780 Ti was 700 eagle funbucks at release

Or maybe you're full of shit

>buy 1060 6G for $300
happy with my purchase

here it was about 400 i think

I bought my pny OC 1060 6gb for $280 as intended before the crypto bullshit.

>yuro prices
>being lower, even with a stronger currency
Shit user what are you doing

>Speaking about money, the suggested retail price of the GeForce GTX 780 Ti is set at 699 USD. In the EU based on VAT differences that would boil down to roughly 650 EUR,29.html

I had one in my cart for $259 for the single fan version and it went to $304 the next day, I was bummed but I needed an upgrade badly.

She a good girl, got my windforce for about 280 yuro moneys

The problem is AMD and Nvidia are scared to put the money into increasing capacity because there is a very real possibility that the mining bubble is going to burst.

If you are willing to play stuff on lower settings... i guess you could ride it out on one of AMD's new APUs

nothing will be done until you guys boycott console gaming

I am glad that I got a 1060 instead of just getting a 1050 ti. This baby will last me good for a while, now I can save for switch and ps3 to become idort. Then I'll worry again when it is time to upgrade.

I recommended the 1050ti to some friends who just got into pc gaming and they love it. They literally can't tell the difference between 45 and 60 fps and they're happy with the price.

That board is a get rich quick scheme full of larpers.

You have to be over 18 to post on Sup Forums

I was going to tell my buddy to get a 1050 ti but I ended up giving him my old 980 instead since he's a good dude. I'm so glad I bought my 1070 when I did.

Give us an example of what you mean, user

>getting ages old vita ports
I get to play games I didn't previously.
>only exclusives get ported to the economically superior platforms
Other people get to play games I enjoyed playing previously.
>PC versions delayed constantly
>PC versions broken constantly
Delays are rare or short, this usually results in a better PC version, not a broken one.
>CPU exploits that need performance killing patches which bring them to the level of consoles
It ended up having almost zero effect. But yeah, I have a 9-year-old Phenom II, so I'm already at console performance.

>Upgrading from a 980 to a 1070
What a waste.

I was gonna gift a 1050 to some faggot on the net but he refused
Now that the crypto bullshit started, it is far too late for that.

Yes and i'm ok with it.
If he has money to burn and he wanted to help his bro why not

1070 is a little faster than the 980 ti which is quite faster than the 980, so it was a good upgrade regardless.

what even the point of pc now that you can run current games in 1800p checkerboard on a fucking 400$ console? And a lot of xbone x games are true 4k.
when ps5 comes out pc will become completely irrelevant

PC is not just about speed, but be able to do the fuck you want.
You can't play truxton on any console other than a sega genesis or a PC.

>you will never live in the US where people just gift each other mid range gpu's

Say with me
S U B 3 0 F P S

Because 60fps is more important but the 4k meme is all the console game makers care about.

You can't play truxton on the PS4 pro or Xbox one X.

>what even the point of pc now that you can run current games in 1800p checkerboard on a fucking 400$ console?

Draw distance beyond a few meters, something consoles will never be able to to do due to shitty cpu.

I am from mexico and I gift shit to fags on the net when I have money.
But don't ask right now because I don't have any funds, I have to upgrade the computer of my mother right now. Maybe in 2 or three months.

A big box with better, customizable hardware over a small box with fixed, proprietary hardware will always be worth getting as long as mobility isn't a concern

This, the frames and higher resolution, graphics options and mods just can't be beat.

You can stil customize a PC to a degree that it can be easily moved around, even if it is a desktop.

who cares. Most pc fags playing games on shitty tn monitors with abysmal contrast and colors so any graphical advantages pc has over consoles are moot point
meanwhile even midrange properly set up tv is vastly superiour, let alone oled tv that getting cheaper and cheaper

You don't need a high end card.

>Most pc fags playing games on shitty tn monitors with abysmal contrast and colors so any graphical advantages pc has over consoles are moot point


PC games have godawful draw distance too, all games are built for consoles

>bought 1050ti for 180 USD 6 month ago
>now the same model is 270 USD
*muffled mad world playing in background*

this is true though

>PC games have godawful draw distance too, all games are built for consoles

The things you retards say to feel better about being poor

Sure, I move mine about weekly and it's a hueg full tower
I just needed some kinda limitar so smartass user doesn't go all >but what about smartphones lmao rekd

A tv is not going to make a console game look as good as a PC game you delusional retard.

And most consolefags play FIFA, Madden and CoD and couldn't give less fucks about your exclusives, 4k and other memery.

Name one good game released on PC in the past 5 years that didn't have pop in out the ass
And no 2D games you faggot

>buying a 780 3 years ago
>when a R9 290 was 100$ cheaper and on par with the 780ti

Even low-to mid end cards pricing is fucked.

Get a bundle. They're not the greatest deals, but they're the closest you'll get to MSRP. NVIDIA is also supposedly selling reference cards, too, but you'll want a cooler for it. Conversely, wait, altcoins and bitcoin are massively over-valued right now.

ok I'll get back to you but I have a 970 and see no reason to upgrade at all

yeah, but there are still more players on all consoles combined. i think steam alone has around 125 million

Yeah but if you aren't a fucking neet you can still afford a 1060 and that plays every game maxed in 1080p 60 or if you dare, 4k at 30 fps they say.

If you got a 970 you wouldn't get shit from me since I only gift to people that have igpu or computers that are breaking down anyways.
Or you would get $20 in steam gift cards.

ALL console games, and I mean ALL of them, were, are, and will be shit. Playing with invisible walls, controller made surely not for human hands, and a camera made the way that your character's model takes 30% of the screen.

Sadly, PC gaming is dying. Not because of mining, but because most games are now made for normies for them to play on consoles, and then ported to PC with all the flaws console games have. PC has some games which are actually decent or good, but you can play them with integrated graphics. Lack of GPUs on the market will maybe make devs get to optimizing their fucking engines for the first time in ~10 years, and make them focus on gameplay instead of sick lookz for the normies. It's a blessing.

nah it's all good, I'm slavshit so I pirate everything anyway.

>modding is dying
>player hosted servers and communities are dead
>cash shops in every game
>every popular FPS is now casualized as hell
>RTS is dead
>e-sports and """competitive""" matchmaking only
>RPGs are either mediocre crowdfunded nostalgia bait or consolized as fuck
>almost every modern release has Denuvo
>DRM is eagerly defended by consumer whores
>Valve has a massive, unstoppable monopoly on PC gaming
dude but I can play a bunch of shitty console ports at 4k XDDD pc gaming is the best it's ever been!

Hey at least the online is free.

Just sold my 1080 for 700 bucks since i hardly used it the past year. How do i safely ship it since i dont have the original box or anti static bag?

And consoles is all of that but with paid online, propietary hardware and zero modding.
What do you want user?

have you seen an oled tv? Comparing it or even higher end lcd tv to what pc gamers play on is like comparing monochrome to color display.
pc monitors are fucking trash even mid range ips ones but most pc retards have gaming tn crap anyway

for example my friend have a new upgraded pc but his games look like puke since he plays on a gaming monitor, what a waste of money

Get an anti static bag.

Buy an anti static bag and a cardboard box to fit the card in.
Shouldn't be hard to get one unless you aren't close to any place that sells computer hardware. If you are desperate you could check the trash of some walmart I guess?

buy the anti static bag and box then stuff it with something to hold it in place. do it yourself don't trust the shipping company they'll fuck your shit up.
>t. warehouse worker

I want PC gaming to be held to a higher standard again rather than having a bunch of redditors like you bending over for daddy Valve and mommy Blizzard and sucking them off for stripping PC gaming of everything that made it unique. Rather than acknowledging the multitude of cancerous tumors and getting treatment for it, you're pointing fingers at the morbidly obese and diabetic cancer patient in the bed next to you.