>Windows 10
>Defeated now
I thought UWP was already defeated by virtue of NOBODY CARED
>Windows 10
>Defeated now
I thought UWP was already defeated by virtue of NOBODY CARED
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programmers e-peen is so big and long. I would be bragging to everyone.
Crackers crack because they like cracking. They don't actually like video games. Video games just happen to give them the best puzzles.
>five layers of DRM
Fucking hell Microshit
what are they hiding?
Minorly interested, wanted to try out Gears 4. Otherwise dgaf.
>put game behind 5 layers of DRM
>it runs like shit
>cracked version comes out
>runs great
>the paying customer now has an objectively inferior product
And they wonder why piracy is so common.
I expect pajeets to post anti piracy threads for weeks now.
let me know when forza is cracked
Let me know when Forza comes out on Steam actually desu.
>And they wonder why piracy is so common.
Most people pirate just because you get stuff for free
That's fucked up, thanks for posting this.
Let me know when Forza becomes relevant again.
The people who crack games don't do it because they want to pirate the game in question, they do it because it's an amazing programming puzzle.
It's basically like sudoku or picross to them.
Does this mean Killer Instinct will get mods?
Just fucking use executables MS you dumb fucking cunts.
And it balloons your dick to almost infinite sizes, it means you're "the best" for a few hours/days.
What games does this open up for me?
Right now, only Zoo Tycoon
After a while, you'll get most Microsoft exclusives I guess
>runs great
cracked version still have the protection but just bypassed, so quit your bullshit
I guess I mean what exclusives does ms even have? I haven't paid attention to them in years, the only time they had my attention was with scalebound but they fucked that up
we tried that already
The sad thing is that in the days of old, the proper cracking groups actually stripped the DRM out entirely, like with Splinter Cell Chaos Theory.
It took like a year to crack, but they removed the DRM, they didn't just bypass it.
UWP emulator for win7 when?
Forza is the only thing I knew that was Win10 Exclusive on PC
>not paying money for a masterpiece like Chaos Theory
UWP is literally a hundred times worse because Microsoft is a bunch of imbecile control freaks that can't accept people not wanting their grubby hands to have full control.
>wooo! I can finally play Re:Core
>it's it's still w10 only
Why is it when I make threads about this stuff, I get no replies, but when others do it, they get more replies than me?
>giving money to Ubishit
No thanks. Ubisoft, EA, Activision, Warner Bros, Konami and Bethesda are on my blacklist.
Just dual-boot a Win10 LTSB
Wait why Warner Bros?
Does the Xbox Game pass also works on PC?
I just noticed there's a few game labeled as free with game pass even for the Win 10 version
Injustice, Mortal Kombat, BamHamNight, Shadow of Lorerape Lootboxes fiascos.
thank fuck now just need mortal empires and tomb kangz crack for WH2
Micro$hit has been literally Pajeet Company for years now.
Ayo if I pirate WAR 2 do I get the WAR 1 old world campaign unlocked?
I think on Steam it's tied to owning the game itself rather than DLC
Are you saying that I can play a WINDOWS STORE EXCLUSIVE on windows 7? kek.
if you own TW1 legaly, you can use creamapi to jew valve out off all the DLC for both TW1 and TW2
you just need pirated TW2 installed on your pc
that being said i aint paying 35 bucks for something that has already been cracked
>I think on Steam it's tied to owning the game itself rather than DLC
Owning the original game automatically gives you a DLC in your War2 DLC list.
It's like with Serious Sam HD Second Encounter, you can play First Encounter HD in it but you can't just buy the First Encounter DLC for it and the DLC won't be there normally. But if you do have First Encounter HD, a new DLC called "Fusion" will show up in your Second Encounter HD DLC list, which will let you play FE from inside SE's updated engine.
Elaborate pls
Shiet, had I known that I'd have bought at least WAR 1
I only have a pirate copy of WAR 1 right now
its some sort of russian spoofer for getting DLC for steam games you own legaly
check out the TW1 and TW2 respective threads on cs.rin.ru
No you can't, it's still w10 only, just free
I'd play it maybe if not the windows store.
Aren't you risking steam ban by using what is effectively a third party exe and dll?
its a really low chance apparently, and barely anyone has gotten banned, but yeah, you do
Then fuck that, I ain't risking my 1000+ games steam library for this.
just buy it on an different account , i have a second steam for shady shit
>dude just pay money for something you're basically guaranteed to lose
No. I'd rather just wait, it will get cracked eventually.
>Paying money for shit tier ubisoft garbage
You aren't a shill but you sure are a faggot No seriously you should kill yourself for enabling cancer
we're talking about the best stealth game of ALL TIME, fucking neo Sup Forums
inb4 thief fags
It's a good thing 911 got raided by the FBI making scene groups dig deeper underground, otherwise CODEX would have been wiped out by now.
They're trying to lock everyone in their garden sort of like how Apple does it. Unfortunately, I think this might be our future.
I know what they're trying to do and I simply don't buy into it, even if they force it, I'll just not play new games and stick to retro on older OS or Linux since WINE is quite good nowadays.
Bypass by definition implies it's not being executed
It's probably a performance boost but not as much as a full removal would boost it.
No, it just means that it falls back onto itself, but it's still working and doing all the encryption operations which is what's taking up performance.
It's just being told that "everything's fine" while it's doing it.
Even if they cracked it why would I even care? I couldn't play Forza online it's the only game I care about on the Windows Store.
who the hell even uses the appstore for video games?
Enough people for Microsoft to keep trying to force it onto everyone else apparently, which I find hard to believe
>3 years of cracking a puzzle
>for fucking Zoo Tycoon
the absolute state of
it's a start
If the devs are not abject retards like RiME, and thats not to say we can forgive all of them
but if they tie to to engine start code, the VM runs once and thats it
no performance impact
The more baffling thing is the fact MS put 5 layers of extreme DRM in A FUCKING ZOO TYCOON
You gotta have all those layers of protection. Don't want the wild animals to get loose in your computer
Ok Poodeep, Cumdeep and Assdeep we now have to make a new PooDRM with 5 Poo Layers they will not be able to boo our loo again!