Has this aged well or is it clunky?
Has this aged well or is it clunky?
clunky but didnt age because its a game
It was clunky back then and moreso now.
I'd still argue it has aged well though, as it shines in other regards.
If all else fails, there's a boatload of mods.
Still better than shitrim.
that ain't much of a challenge
lots of modern games are clunky. not aging well means that things we thought were okay are actually broken in retrospect.
This is now TES3MP thread.
How much fun are you having in Morrowind with your friends or even randos?
like our view on genders?
Rare Matthias
He was always a rarity among men.
it's as good as it ever was (not very)
It was shit even when it was released. Will never get the love for this game
Which means it isn't.
It's not a great game, it was groundbreaking at the time because of the expansive universe, but it's just not a good game.
Sorry, someone has to say it.
I'm either retarded or this game is the most shallow, generic experience I have ever had. Quit shortly after I got to Bruma, everything about this game just screams "outdone and outperformed a thousand times after its release"
Clunky is a just buzzword, it's meaningless
It was a good game but for now there is literally no reason to comeback. There is no great story anyone will be interested or ground breaking mechanic. It's not regular RPG but OLD GENERIC RPG
Retards WILL bite at this, but in the meantime here's your (you)
It was clunky when it came out, stuff doesn't magically become not clunky as time goes on so it's still clunky.
>there is no great story
Finding out what ALMSIVI did to Neravare and how they tried doing it again to the Neravarine after setting it up to go just the way they want, then finding out why it fails is a pretty good story.
nah we were right about that, we'll look back on this shit going on now and laugh at how stupid we are
Why does this logo have the same dragon icon as Skyrim?
I haven't played Morrowind, but plan to. Does it have dragons?
we're already laughing now, thats the thing
That dragon is the emblem of the Imperial dynasty. No actual dragons in Morrowind, though.
It is clunky as fuck. But it works well, has brilliant lore, has decent rpg combat, and questing is actually interesting and fun.
There are plenty of mods to upgrade graphics
Well, that explains. Shame there isn't any dragons though.
The gameplay was always clunky.
What makes it good is all the lore to explore.
That and the prophecy actually being fulfilled despite it being mundane chores for the most part.
And the whole 'immune to disease' bit was just because you were in the right place at the right time for some wizard to perfect his potion and not turn you into a fucked up zombie.
Not much worse than new Bethesda games. It's better in various ways though, like with how the world is designed and how certain core mechanics have more depth to them.
>swing at an enemy 100 times and hit only once the game
such as diceroll systems combined with autosave.
He means there isn't any cinematic storytelling.
It's more defining than generic as far as PC RPGs go, especially as a series.
I'm having fun, for now.
>build a character that is shit at combat
>be surprised when it's shit at combat
tbf the fact that they even give you the option to make non combat oriented characters when 99% of the quests involve combat is a design flaw, complain about that instead, otherwise you just make yourself look like a tard.
Don't be retarded, if your agility is low and your weapon skill is low the. You're obviously not gonna hit shit.
>Cyclopean squid monsters-cultists who were once humans.
>Heart of trickster god used by both sides to usurp godhood.
>All nine geographical regions aren't generic and are diverting greatly.
>Many architecture styles, from houses carved inside gigantic crabs to magically grown fungus towers.
tfw no shitty generic medieval fantasy dragons.
>dickgirl on male