Runescape Thread
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first for RS3 versus OSRS faggotry
What's your username and what level are you?
Currently level 106/1744 and grinding runecrafting up.
That's cool.
What version do you play?
in the early days I remember running ess back and forth to air altar to some hot shot for 700gp
this was my rs job. i was just one of the many employees. insane how 1 person had the power to organize people with their coin
I looked up to them, wanted to be like them
Im doing armour trimming in lumby
World 85
fishing lvls?
deadman mode was a lot of fun while it lasted
I was a tanner/miner for some rich dude.
To this day, I never had that much fun in grinding than I did during that time
I used to have two or three people gather cow hides for me. I barely even made a profit
Imagine playing outdated soulless garbage like OSRS instead of an actually good game like RS3
There it is!
Level 1. I just started.
Nigga please. OSRS is way better than RS3.
Even RS Classic is better than OSRS
>i tink roonscape 3 is bettur
Gave me a laugh.
OSRS is complete shit compared to actual RS2 but its still far better than RS3
Come to World 1 so I can see you.
How easy is it to get a fishing bot up and running 8n OSRS?
Dumb botter
>OSRS drones come out the woodwork when someone makes a truthful statement about the state of their pity game
whatchu grindan tonight lads?
I'm grinding my strength to level 20 on cows.
easy but most bot frameworks have retarded restrictions unless you want to pay
Grinding some quests on the not-shit version of the game. The voice acting on some of them is top notch.
>tfw already sunk so much time into rs3 i don't wanna swap to osrs
idk, might try it out when mobile releases, heard the community is shit tho
What are your stats so far?
around 80 for most skills except 95 magic and 99 firemaking
Eh most of the shit community is confined to Reddit.
Go ahead and start the game. Its not as a hard grind as the spergs make it out to be.
I started osrs about 3-4 months ago with an ironmeme and this is the stats of it so far.
If you play as a bondie the grind will be less tedious and autistic too.
>osrs is a good game
>rev caves exist
Eh, it's not that high. Start over in OSRS. I'll even be your friend if you do. I just started OSRS as well.
You can play both too you know? Thats what I do
I sold self-made cakes on the wilderness border
>rs3 went too far into generic mmo and has plenty of microtransactions but it also has the most quests
>osrs has a reddit community and the devs only listen to that fanbase (which consists of mostly high level players) instead of their actual forums
absolutely horrible timeline for runescape
>Listening to mostly high level players
Some dude gave me 50K, 4 Rune Scimitars, 1 Rune Axe, and 1 Rune 2h Sword for free. I feel great.
>wanting no content for any new players or even just your average player
>wanting no quests because they're not efficient at raising skills
effiencyscape WAS a mistake
How good is ironman mode compared to base RS3, really?
Have fun camping QBD forever
Just got Lederhosen shorts. This will look great on me if I turn into a chick. Heh.
Holy fuck is it 2009 again?
No, it's 2018.
122/1801, grinding agility / magic
>turn into a chick
might as well just start out playing as a girl character, sometimes i get free stuff.
is osrs run by jagex or is it a private server type thing? is there a copypasta one can read to catch up? i haven't messed with rs in probably 10 years.
Fuck off back to /vg/
/vg/ doesnt talk about games retard
It's run by Jagex.
i should actually try to level a skill in this game the next time i play instead of roleplaying as a monk.
>non-99 stats in rs3 meaning shit
it broke my heart when I got high stats but I realized I'm not better, the game is just easier.
I'd do OSRS. It's more autistic, and fun usually
>Runescape Thread
Anyone commit to the 120 capes or 200m skill xp? Tell me what skill did you get with it? I'm 90m from 120 slayer.
I do thieving as I play osrs. About 105 atm.
Nice I need to sort Rune Crafting just for the Arch mage title.
They do say thieving is a faster skill to do. But only if you pile on xp bonuses from equipment and auras.
>Getting a gout tuber on an ironman
its been 5 hours
is all the old members shit still behind a paywall?
imagine playing a fucking mmo by yourself
>VAing makes shit writing and gameplay acceptable
mediocre heh
reddits here
>release day of P2P in RSC
>exploring deep in Tavelry dungeon
>make it passed blue dragons alive because i'm a nab who used anti-dragon fire shield
>full rune guy (kites being only smithable at the time) runs into black demons and gets 3 hit.
>nab a rune kite
>freaking out at my new found treasure start bragging around Varrock
>dude i'll give you 200k for it
>probably worth 1-2mil at the time
being a poor kid was enlightening
Just needed to get to the point of sharks and I was fine after that.
>dude i'll give you 200k for it
Back them 200k was retirement money.
Dude, That was my fucking character.
prove it
I fucking miss it so fucking much. But due to the updated graphics I can't run it anymore without a total burn out. But when I get a PC rig or better laptop. I will gladly lose a year of my life for this game.
rune scape
run escape
really makes you think
It's the name of the game in the wilderness
Have you been living under a rock or something?
rune scape
scune rape
what could it mean?
>remember botting years ago and sharing accounts with friends
>botted to 7 99's
>account not banned and still have the 99s
Lol I thought they would have reverted them or something. Happened to someone I knew who botted like almost all 99s. Though he did leave his bot on for like days.
>got two in quick succession in less than two hours of playing the minigame
>sold the spare on a high mark up
Like I said. Since they updated the graphics now to a super level. My laptop can't handle it. I know this is a weird thing. But if they made it for console use. Do you think it would have a bigger affect than it has now already?
Fishing was my first 99. Comfiest skill in RS
most underrated track, this is beautiful
nah, it was enough to buy rune legs and a rune plate from the shop I think is what I did. felt pro with my rune long
It is. I still get on from time to time to just fish on karamja for nostalgia even though my fishing is also at 99.
>from the shop
>dat asmr quality from the drawn out notes
This was in one of Slayermusiq1 guides
Ian Taylor wrote some pretty fucking good music, for a cheap java browser game.
Nigger 07 is literally 2007 graphics. They are going to release a mobile port soon. Unless you are playing on a 2001 Dell put something you can definitely play it
can some nia give mith armor in world 1