What the fuck, Japan?

What the fuck, Japan?

>that Cleo

Right looks way better.

No it doesn't. Why does Lincoln look like he's about to unleash his forbidden ninjutsu technique?


delicious brown chocolate

>2K China

> left: uncanny valley pixar shit
> right: cool manga stylization

is Lincoln trying to bless someone?

is this vita only ? it looks comfy

I bought a 360 used and it had civ revolution 1 on it. Is it worth a play?

>disliking Hidari
Why are you such a faggot user?

>starring Christopher Walken as Napoleon
>also a round of applause for Leprechaun Lincoln
>and last but not least "my eyes are up here"- Cleopatra

It's on mobile primarily. Be forewarned though, it does not hold a candle to the standard Civ series. Frankly, I think even Rev 1 was better.

Lincoln was a pretty skilled wrestler, I wouldn't fuck with him

I know right? How come we didn't get Hidari to make the cover art for the game?

It's a fantastic console-sized version of the Civ concept...addictive as hell.


t. westacuck

>shitty 3d garbage
>professional illustration
Are you blind?

Reminder that Abraham Lincoln invented the chokeslam.

Did you ever stop to think maybe America was run by ninjas?


you talk about left image right?

Lincoln is also a huge faggot that sleeps with men. And no I am not shitposting.

>not Japan

Implying that in 1820-ish wrestling was as fancy as two bearded gentleman touching each other inappropriately on the shoulders.

Japanese Lincoln looks so based
Murican Lincoln looks so soyboy
Why he doesn't have Switch?

i dont know whats worse, turning female historical figures into disgusting corpulent beings like civ 6 or turning female historical figures into generic animu girls

Lincoln was pro-nigger.

>generic animu girls

>Aboruhamu Rinkon spessiaru attaku.... KOKUJIN NO FREEDOM!
+3 production in all cities
+10% population in all cities
-1 amenities in all cities
New culture tree unlocked

If you don't think that animu makes everything better then you have to leave.
Lol no. Lincoln just hates the idea of slaves but he literally wants to ship all blacks to the Caribbeans.


It looks like there were no feminist shenanigans involved with this one

>used against a man named Jack Armstrong
What the fuck did history mean by this?

i bet you play fate go you no taste weeb faggot

That was a younger Lincoln, by the time he was president he didn't support shipping out the blacks

what the fuck is fate, weeb?


>not turning male historical figures into cute anime girls

That's because he thought race relations would be too bad to possibly leave the two populations together. He also thought most blacks would want to leace. A delegation of African American leaders convinced him otherwise.

He had to change his public stance as shipping blacks out when they literally helped them with the war is not a good look for him.

>not turning every single male into cute anime girls

Now if only the girls actually looked like that on the right.

In what world is a Lincoln that looks like he's about to unleash his forbidden ninjutsu technique not better?

You're a fat, pathetic loser that probably complains about "weebs" while wiping the Cheeto dust off your belly.

>That Cleopatra

>at least two non-jap and non-china strat games (that I know)
>STILL no Liberty Warriors
Are you fucking kidding me, Koei?

^Nothing wrong with cheeto dust

His abilities are powerful...

But they are no match for me NAPOREON BANAPARTŪ
spessiaru attaku: FÜRENSHU REVORUTION
+20% culture production in all cities
+20% gold production in all cities
+30% attraction for great artists

that himiko? or something like that is definitely moeshit pandering. it looks awkward. the rest of the pic looks normal

>Lincoln's musou skill lets him grab an enemy and chokeslam them so hard it creates shockwaves
Fucking fund this shit.

Damn, that cover is way better. What the fuck is wrong with westerners?

It’s just the artist showing that Japanese women are cutest.

>Japanese women are cutest.
imagine actually believing this

>game has new character swap musous
>Washington chops a cherry tree, throws it, then rides it Taopaipai-style
I'm literally writing this game, how can Koei not realize how easy this is?

based nips

.... You're alright.

>all of the children in this thread

Nice censorship.

no u

Did you forget that he hunted vampires?

does good ol'Abe scare you?

That's actually unique to 6 and its expansion. The other games were, oddly enough, not designed to push a political agenda.

Even still, 6 is the best of the series since the latest expansion and there's still one more coming.

>loliwashing history