Vermintide II N U R G L E edition
Beta back up on the 23rd but progress wont carry over till 28th beta.
Post favorite careers.
Vermintide II N U R G L E edition
Beta back up on the 23rd but progress wont carry over till 28th beta.
Post favorite careers.
Flamethrower to remove raki>all
Also, why the fuck do people playing Waylaid on cata insist on standing right where the fucking ogre spawns and get consequently bitchslapped into a corner and stunlocked?
They had to have played it at least twice; there is no fucking way they can’t know what’s coming .
Witchhunter Captain will probably be my default choice unles Zealot gets any sort of buff.
zealot is just fucking nutty even if it isn't very good
those church bells holy fuck
enjoy ur nerfs L MA O
NDAs are fucking horseshit. How the fuck do you expect to generate hype for your game if I can’t fucking watch any gameplay videos.
man that flamethrower was so fun, crazy cliffhanger aswell
in all seriousness what would you do to nerf it seeing as it is a irondrake gun
Make it total trash against specials or total trash against mobs. No ranged weapon should be doing both with infinite ammo.
Is there not going to be an open beta? I want to see how this runs on my shitbox.
It’s a technical alpha, user.
They didn’t want people showing gameplay they know will have some severe bugs cropping up.
The actual beta starts on the 28th
no buy until the elf is REMOVED from the game
it plays fine on my two year old laptop in medium. also, the refund button is there for a reason.
What are the special weapons of each class? I leveled an Ironbreaker and unlocked the flame pistols and the heavy flamer.
>two year old laptop in medium
Just bump up FF.
That will make dealing with armoured enemies and bosses harder, since now people can wade through and take minimal damage.
Bump it up and you’ll either have to damage allies, or switch weapon and deal with it yourself, which can then risk a horde coming through the gap.
Might still make it op on lower difficulties, but who the fuck cares about them?
how do counter the itch? it's still 2 days away. i want to play huntsman kruber. help
dorf has a flamethrower?
hory shit
i miss my flail
Haven’t played yet but I already know I’m gonna be playing my man Bardin.
How’s the Slayer and the Ironbreaker?
Slayer is "busted"
Ironbreaker is busted
just use the flamethrower on a high difficulty im sure she wont last long ;)
dunno if you would count this as a balance but i think it will be alot harder to use on nightmare or above as you'd melt your team
i only used it on hard but i did find that stormvermin didn't stumble from the flame and could normally get a hit on me, give them a higher HP and add in friendly fire i wouldn't use it against them
yup and its pure sex
Ironbreaker is a fucking beast, not only tanks but has access to flamethrowers (that don't use ammo). I couldn't unlock the slayer but I heard he can't use ranged weapons and has 2 melee weapon slots.
Ironbreaker is tanky as fuck and has drakefire pistols and a drakegun
Slayer is a glass cannon so he goes down fairly easily, can't used ranged weapons, but holy shit is he a whirlwind of death
I didn't get too many games in on the first beta, but holy fuck was the first few attempts hard. The game is damned unforgiving when you have starting weapons.
And then when I finally got some items out of boxes, it was a really slow axe which was hard to use and a repeating crossbow which wasn't as good as the pistols.
So I guess the real pain is going to be not just winning rounds, but actually getting useful shit or getting your ass kicked.
yeah he plays like a blender on stumps
cant wait for friendly fire
I'm at work right now but I'm 99% sure it's dell inspiron 15 7559. I'm sure it can run on higher settings since it runs very smooth on medium but I haven't tried it
>A tide of fag Iraqi!
What did he mean by this?
Is the progress made in the 28th beta get carried over to the real game or what exactly?
>tanky as fuck dawi with a full suit of armor, a shield, and a flamethrower
>badass dual axe wielding dawi who can leap around like a madman
you can train a bit in the courtyard and test the weapons against normal and armored dummies.
Any Daemons to fight in the new game? Or is it just rats and men?
You don't really have to, you'll unlock both by playing bardin anyway, and gearing them both up isn't much harder than one
It's not fair!
The first few matches are the hardest but if you save the crates you get the gear for whoever opens them, e.g. earn them or kruber but open them as the elf and you'll get bows n shit
you get shrek and a chaos spawn as bosses
i still think theyll add a third enemy type as a surprise or more likely dlc
>when a Dawi inventions surpass your entire purpose in life
>mfw elf gets bullied with ff on
Have you tried using it on a dummy? It does around 400 damage at around 250 power, that's literally nothing compared to some other weapons. I've finished nightmare fairly often and I can tell you that the flamethrower is probably one of the least punishing ff weapons out there. Obviously it depends on how quickly you stop firing but you're probably not going to hit a teammate more than once or twice, and it most often happens when they walk into it which they'll eventually learn not to do anyways
Yeah I know, I just got a heavy axe for the Witch Hunter when I was preferring to use the rapier. It was faster and more accurate with its power attacks. The axe was identical to the falchion, really heavy and slow, and its power attacks swung in a slow arc which I felt was kind of going from the top right to the lower/middle left, but missing the middle or lower right parts of the screen, and I wasn't a fan.
Again, not the end of the world, but I felt like it was kind of mandatory to use because its power was 29 vs the grey rapier's 5, so I had to stick with it until I maybe got a rapier upgrade, or got enough stuff to salvage and upgrade at the forge.
The problem was, the missions were fucking hard at the start, and I only actually completed 2 in my playtime.
>400 damage
how much health do players have
y..y..yes if they run in front of my shooting
so far chaos spawn. maybe some plaguebearers will pop up.
>Play as Elf because I don't want to play as an old hag
>Using Long Bow to snipe special units since I seem to be the only one who notices them besides my boyfriend
>Top of the special kills and stormvermin kills every map because it feels like everyone ignores them most of the time
>Start talking on the microphone about how shitty random team mates need to keep up and stop being lumbarfoots
>VOIP to the Dorf he's a midget who wont ever get with this elf pussy
>Call any Sienna players an old hag
>Call any Witch Hunter an old wrinkly sack with no finesse
>Only ever compliment to Kruber players
>Shit talking the team in voice between hoardes just for the fun of it
I know Elf has a soggy vag who never washes but it's fun to play her because who wants to play as an old hag?
I'm not sure honestly I don't think there is an easy way to check, but friendly fire damage is reduced anyways so you're better off roasting a friendly instead of letting him get him because the damage is minuscule
stop being gay
>instead of letting him get him
get hit*
even if your wrong ill use this when i get called out on it
Well it's not so unnoticeable that you can just fire away but a quick spurt is going to do less damage than getting hit by a rat
i play Kruber and i still think youre a fucking fag
Probably the most cringeworthy post I’ve read all day. Yikes.
>Playing my boi bardin
>Some soyboy with a nasally voice comes on voice comms and says something about pussy
>Probably talking about one of his many cats
>Let him bleed out when he inevitably gets downed
your name's in the book now btw
Thank you lumberfoot
My man
>old hag
d a r l i n g
>either a grrrrll gaymur or a literal faggot
>plays elf
Who could have seen this coming
thats going in the book
So does Kruber finally have more of an identity in V2? I feel like he was just kinda there in the first game. He played almost identical to Bardin but was much less interesting as a character. I hope he is more defined now.
little known fact about vermintide two the first profession you unlock for a character is the result of them not getting carried away but the second class is a result of them getting carried away
Honestly why do they evem have the elf? A filthy ficking animal who sleeps on the floor and the rest of their race is super fucking unpredictsble and dangerous. Her character slot should be used for a true Chad like a Sigmar Warrior Priest or Brettonian Grail Knight.
what didnt you get out of what he said
yes progress from the 28th gets saved
fucking elves
actually i noticed a lot people with anime names playing elf during the beta
i know i shouldnt be surprised but come on
How are krubers careers? I just want to go a generic cleavy footsoldier
Gotta have a character that appeals to anime watching virgins and girl gamers.
>little known fact
also thats wrong since for example sienna gains control over her powers instead of letting go in her second profession
So why not make the fire witch bitch the pretty anime girl instead of an ugly hag?
You'll like his first career, it's about hitting many things at once with big weapons. Second is ranged, third is shit.
Her Place should be uses for a true High Elve. Wood Elves are disgusting they dont even come to aid Ulthuan in the times of need.
So, is this game any good?
don't sweat the petty!!
I know, I became addicted to it quickly. I got it on Sunday and played for 10 hours
I’m not well-versed enough in WHF lore but maybe there’s a lore reason?
He said first character you unlock, so that is the 2nd career. The only one that doesn't work is Kruber, unless getting promoted to a knight and not drinking is damaging to him.
Oh goodness my wife obsessed over the first vermintide game. Can't wait to run through this one with her. Just in time for her birthday.
>gains control over her powers
The second profession you unlock is literally called "Unchained" so he's right.
Kill yourself knife ears
ranged class can go invisible for 10 sec gets 1 ammo on head shot
merc uses halberd mostly med amour gives everyone temp health and dose a AOE knockdown when activated
foot knight best with warhammer or sword n board high amour and has a forward charge with knockdown in a line
Can’t wait to run through your wife.
They're also unpredictable sacks of shit
>one day murder passing caravan of village farmers taking a shortcut through your shithole forest to avoid beastmen herd
>other day flood forest with rabid animals.
Get Irondrakes and torch the whole fucking thing. Serioisly fuck Wood Elves.
That elf is destroying this webm.
youre right i understood that as the profession unlocked by default
my mistake
Kruber wants to shag elfsteel and live off the land so yeah being a knight would be a disgrace to him.
Play Saltzpyre until you can get enough crates for your other classes.
He’s a fucking beast straight off the bat.
Kruber is better since he gets the Halberd which is hilariously busted and good for both taking down bosses and trash alike.
I want a high elf.
>white lions
>swordmasters of hoeth
>phoenix guard
>wizards that can use spells from different winds of magic
you dont learn bright magic as a teenager it takes a lifetime of practice
As a Witch Hunter player it pains me to say it, but it's really Saltz who's out of place. We have the generic RPG team from the rest; stout dwarf, archer elf, wizard, human fighter.
Hint: if people aren't only talking about waifus when discussing a game on Sup Forums, the answer is yes.
Time to get total warhammer and live your fantasy
>meanwhile people itt are discussing why elves aren't anime girls in this game
In the first game it's said Kruber lost his whole squad and is ashamed of being a soldier. So continuing on being a soldier even tho he feels horrible about it seems like a bad path. While going on to instead be a hunter seems like a better path.
Which is why I said
Fair enough.
Kinda what I thought. It wouldn’t make any sense for a young girl to have that level of control over magic.
No one is talking about the elf as a waifu though. We’re talking about how she fucking sucks and how elf players are the scum of Vermintide, always have been.
who else /vicky/ here
Greenskins and Night Gobbo Fanatics specials fucking when.
maybe the handmaiden and the shade will split the good and the bad up?
White Lion would be rad as fuck but all of them are pretty high tier something like a Sea Guard would be more possible
Fucking everyone and their mother apparently. I knew Salz was popular in V1 but it seems like 75% of this thread all play him.