The shittier the armor looks the better the stats are

>The shittier the armor looks the better the stats are.

name one game

and don't say xbc cuz all the armor is shit in that game

>game only has about seven armor sets
Does dark souls have more?

True for Diablo 3. Can't stand that high fantasy shit I have to wear just to do anything and changing appearances is pretty costly.

games with armors are gay.

>games with armors are gay.

Yeah, a fairly large amount more. Though similarly to DeS they start to get sillier and more fantastical the further you get into the game. Though you can always upgrade armor if you want and the base stuff is more than enough to get you through to the end

What's that cute ladyboy cooking?

wait for real?
But yes, far more than that

>the better the armor looks, the better the stats

>this picture of a chicken I found unrelated, of course.

There's not that much other than the armor starting classes have. There's a lot of weapons though.

There’s 19.

the fuck you said about my armour?

I guess I just didn't look around enough.

I said he looks like a big fluffy chicken with his head cut off. Or maybe a sunflower.

I’d be more scared of Sir Carp in the OP.

>Game allows you to chose which armour is used for its stats and effects and which armour to use to display on your characters simultaneously.

Way more, also 2 have too many, it's literally like OP pic

>I'd be more scared of the guy who wears something just for decoration and would make him unbalanced in a real fight
shit man really?

when some is that confident then yes

>I give you multiple places to grab me and throw me down, like you have the strength or weight to do so, bitch
yeah someone that confident would be scary

muh confidence is not a good argument when all the enemy soldiers will just go and target him because they would instantly recognize that a guy like that would be of high standing