How do we make fighting games more accessible to the broader audience while still maintaining the integrity and the spirit of the genre?
How do we make fighting games more accessible to the broader audience while still maintaining the integrity and the...
You don't.
You leave them as is
Also "integrity" very funny I'm laughing
Just make better fighting games.
Fucking christ, how hard is that?
Most fighters player play in ps4
Nigger the game already has auto combos in it. This one if not the most accessible fighting games baring possibly smash and players still give up.
>it's totally not normal for a game to drop in popularity after its launch
>Pretending like Fighting games on PC will ever last as long as fighting games on consoles
You can't. No matter how simple a fighting game is, it will always require you to put in time and effort to start being better than the average player. People will keep getting their ass beat and lose motivation, or just get bored in a week.
That's how every fighting game's lifespan goes on any platform.
>people cry the game is dying
>its number of players is equal to every other major fighting games current playerbase at any given time
>only game they will compare it to is a FTP smash clone
>fighting games
Choose only one.
>he thinks that's the issue
Most don't even stick around long enough for the first dLC to be revealed. Casuals just don't have the patience or willpower to take the pain for the gain. Same reason why most people don't commit to exercising.
You can't. Fighting games are supposed to have a barrier entry else it would be a fucking borefest.
The problem with fighting games lies somewhere else.
Fighting games on PC are objectively better, but PCs themselves are too much of a hassle to maintain and acquire compared to consoles. FGs on consoles are total embarrassments.
Make them free to play
Go back to 2d spirits. 3d models in fightan games look like shit.
Killer Instinct already exists
You literally can't. Dragonball players got served the fighting game of a lifetime with good gameplay and shitloads of fanservice, and they still treat it like trash because they can't get easy wins like they can in Xenoverse. Fuck them. Let them wallow in their fucking garbage where they belong.
Increase the number of people with autism
Make them free to play on Steam
there is no fucking problem with fighting games.
the problem is the people that think there is a problem with fighting games when they dont want to learn shit and practice to get better.
I kind of wish there was more character variety, not good at fighting games but from what I played nobody felt super different from each other.
Why would you want to?
How do dudebro shooters avoid this problem? Since wouldn't the solution that they use to keep skilless normies playing in spite of multi-year veterans playing the same game be logically applicable here to make novices feel like they're not stepping into a meat grinder?
I'm pretty sure there was an interview by someone from the Gears of War team that explained the psychological importance of most first-time players needing to pull off a win within the first few matches or else getting turned off from the game entirely.
you kill it's current shitty community
>fighting games
>on PC
how many times does this have to be posted until you dumb niggers understand
Most dragon ball fans play on PS4.
>Killer Instinct
>great game after the seasonal updates
>shackled and ignored by MS for majority of its lifespan
>brought to steam
>don't even give it the F2P model that was near-perfect
>don't even advertise it beyond having it on Steam store for one day
Honestly, the game's PR and marketing was pathetic. Why don't they re-release it or something?
>but from what I played nobody felt super different from each other
That's because everyone at scrub levels played them the same. If you go into training mode with each character and mess around, you'll find plenty of tools and moves that make them all unique. Even the SS Blue saiyans are hardly clones of the originals.
>How do dudebro shooters avoid this problem?
They're team games, so the weight of the loss is less on the individual.
You let the shitters succeed in ways other than having good aim (aka 80% of the point of practicing in a shooter)
just look at casual garbage like ow where a literal ape can aim for you. I'm fine with fighters staying niche desu, you really don't want casuals to flood in if shooters are anything to look at. Auto combos are bad enough, I don't auto block or auto super garbage.
>Steam userbase
>Not fluctuating snow-fairies wasting money on games they won't play and instantly going back to CS:GO, Overwatch, LoL, or Dota
The best cash cow is the idiots that buy products they don't intend on using. Never understood this culture on PC, but it's really shitty for the industry.
The problem of fighting games isn't accessibility, I don't know why you guys keep pretending it is...fighting games aren't fun
In the 90s they were popular because you got with your friends in a arcade to chat with gaming as a excuse since it's a quick flow of action that finishes in less than 5 minutes. You can see it by the popularity of smash bros. since it's the only game where it still happens
Stop throwing the newbs to the wolves lmfao. I wouldn't play a competitive moba or FPS game if I kept getting matched up outside of my skill bracket.
I wish I could see the numbers on consoles.
So perhaps the solution is more team-based fighters where an individual's deficiencies can be masked along with some sort of traditional 1v1 "exhibition mode"?
It would certainly give arena brawlers some new relevance, since I'd imagine that team moves would be easier to balance in a full plane instead of 2D.
I agree that casualization has a nasty tendency to dumb down games, but OP was asking specifically for how to make fighting games more accessible. By definition, that involves not scaring off casuals within the first hour of gameplay.
Failing that, I suppose you could go the Cuphead route and instead of going the "accessible" route, have some sort of distinctive superficial gimmick with a ton of meme PR to raise your profile.
The percentage drop-off was probably the same, but with more players overall still.
>it's current
Make every fighter Pokken.
I don't mind putting in the time and effort to git gud, I just don't know how
>pander to sjws
>lose players
when will devs learn?
>A month old
>5000 players peak
This is fucking amazing for a fighting game & that's just on Steam, not PS4/Xbone
Are you seriously expecting PUBG numbers from a niche fighter?
"Accessibility" is often just dumbing down. Just make better tutorials, better resources available etc. to ease in newbies. A standard has to be set but these are all over the place in fiighting games now. In the end it's a niche genre though.
And nobody realistically expected fighterz to keep those release player numbers, even the hardcore faggots in pre-release threads.
>How do we make it shit while not making it shit
FighterZ IS accessible whilemaintaining the integrity of the genre and a high skill ceiling It's not an issue of accessibility: Both FightterZ and Pokken are accessable as fuck and both have a normie as shit IP they are tried to yet casuals still gave up on both/wish they were tenkaichi clones.
It's an issue of mindset. Normies don't get that the replay value and bang for your big in fighting games comes from mastery and self improvement and learning the game and it's characters. Unless they can approach it from the mindset of wanting to put the time and effort into gitting gud and accepting losses, they'll never be interested.
Pokken has the same issue though: Casuals can't stand iti because it doesn't have enough content for them, they just bitch that iit should have been a tenkaichi clone with 60+ characters
You don't.
Casuals hate losing. They hate the very notion of actual natural oppression that is competition.
As sad as it is, and as much as people complain about it, the pure randomness factor of FPS and MOBA matchmaking and scenarios is what gives them life.
It removes the feeling of hopelessness and personal consequence. It removes the potential of a full two hours of getting fucked in the ass. It removes the need to understand the mechanics fully than just go with a flowchart and twitch reaction.
It's a nice game, but I just went back to playing good ol' Super Butoden 2 against japanese and mexican players online.
Fuck the larger audience. I'm not even good at fighting games, I suck shit at them.
Fighting games stink for anyone who hasn't already been playing them for years. They aren't fun to play against your non fighting game playing friends because you're both just button mashing, nor are they against your fighting game playing friends because they'll just rape you.
Getting good at fighting games isn't fun either. Most people don't wast to spend hours grinding out muscle memory combos in training before they can even competently play anyone.
Reminder these are bait threads where OP acts like only mustards play this game.
You turn it into a party game
>concurrent players = the entire playerbase
>having a much higher number of players playing at launch compared to other fighting games is bad
what is their agenda and why do they have to spam this dumb article so much
I know it's the capcbros from /fgg/ of course, but even IGN put this in their daily fix thing like it's big breaking news and matters at all
It's like 5000 from 30k.
You officially don't play fighting games seriously whatsoever if you're pretending a four digit playerbase at any given moment is anything to claim doom over.
not at all.
they died for a reason and they are dying again.
also intergrity and spirit lol.
both has been compromised long ago.
Can't do it. You can't cure cowardice and faggotry.
>They are dying again
Not until I get my fucking Ranma fighter. I will force myself to learn fighting games for a Ranma fighter.
>Casuals hate losing. They hate the very notion of actual natural oppression that is competition.
Yes and no. You can lose while still feeling like you accomplished something, most fighting game losses don't do that.
>It removes the feeling of hopelessness and personal consequence. It removes the potential of a full two hours of getting fucked in the ass.
>It removes the need to understand the mechanics fully than just go with a flowchart and twitch reaction.
Unfortunate, but also correct
If you're working a 9-to-5 job and only have so much money to blow on vidya every month, why pay for the privilege of getting "fucked in the ass" for 2 hours at a time in between life obligations when non-stop losing is unenjoyable to all but the most hardcore masochists?
In that 2 hours, said Amazon crate-stacker could make it through a quarter of a moviegame, or play a team-based game where he can win between 1/3 to 1/2 of the time through putting in a bare minimum of effort.
Most fighting games are very all-or-nothing in their sense of accomplishment. You either win, or you lose, no "close seconds" or "third, but I was way better than last place" finishes, so there's nothing to soften the blow of a loss to an inexperienced player.
why does this hugbox board filter cap c u c k s now?
Fighting games are a niche genre
It's losing players much faster than other games, that's the issue.
Shooters have a crap ton of variables on how you win or lose. You just have to get good at fighting games.
I'm a casual and the auto combos are what turned me off. Mashing one button is fucking asinine
Exactly the same thing with MvC3's 'casual' mode
Why do newfags think Sup Forums is some shitposting playground?
>flavor of the week game loses players when it's no longer flavor of the week
>only 29% of players on ps4 have the trophy for playing a single ranked match
>12% have the trophy for playing 20 ranked matches
w h a t
I can say it on /vg/ fine
and what's with little babies calling me newfag when I complain about the worst board
>Ranma fighter
I like you.
You are okay.
>You can lose while still feeling like you accomplished something
Why should you?
concurrent numbers don't prove that because you don't know how long individual players are playing
and the numbers are still over twice what sfv and tekken have so how is that even a bad thing? It just had a very hyped launch and actually had singleplayer content and unlockable characters
Fighting games just need to have an easy mode for casuals to go hug it out in; rather spend free time practicing guitar for pains to gains than learning combos to beat 12yos just trying to have a good time and then losing to 30yo basement dwellers.
More like early soulcalibur 2 , customize your character , healty 40-50 hour offline , good AI , online base is trial , rank and special of the week (2vs2)-(free for all) (king of the hill). No duplicate character dlc garbage no lootbox, when you lv up you unlock new cosmetic and general lv for each indivual so you can spend more time offline. New character introduce freely and can be accessible rather easily. VOILA gg masterpiece kino.
>how do whee pweseve ouw speciaw cuwtuwe
how do you go outside for a fucking change you giant fucking nerd
There's literally nothing wrong with giving normies a flashy unoptimized autocombo so they don't fucking kill the genre with their endless whining, but they should still maintain a high skill ceiling. DBFZ did it alright, but I don't think the skill ceiling is high enough. It's better than SFV, that's for certain. They should give more defensive options, more mix up options and more wake up options. At the very least they need to reduce the cooldown of assists, because right now the neutral game is pretty meh.
I'm not very good, so I've just been bumming it out in Casuals and practicing until I feel confident enough to try it out. Needless to say I haven't been feeling very confident.
Because normal human beings like discernible reminders that they're progressing and not stuck in a static state indefinitely even if they haven't become god-tier players yet.
Even shmups have a scoring system for the people who can't make it past the first stage without credit-feeding.
>calling others nerds on a greek scholastics board
>another capkek shill thread
>fighting games on PC having a lasting playerbase
>"""the biggest fighting game ever"""
>arbitrarily compared to a game that's not even a fighting game
these journalists are starting to come off as badly disguised Sup Forumsirgins
this reads exactly like some shitty falseflagging thread that pops up every day now
NRS games drop that fast, I guess people expected an ArcSys title to have more longevity, especially one with brand recognition like Dragon Ball.
There was another one this morning comparing fighting games to rpgs. Even with Sup Forums's stupidity at least they have the sense to shitpost between games within the same genre.
>fell for the memes and wasted $60 on release
I could’ve spent it on books and done something with my life, and I wasted it all on a game I got roughly 2 minutes of enjoyment out of with fanservice depth of a kiddie pool.
The pain has still never left me.
Not only that, but the cross-platform play only works on Windows 10. They probably did want it to fail.
Budoten might have been awesome in 1994, but compared to today's fighters it's really slow and clunky. It has aged way better than most fighters from the super famicom era, but it still seems dated
I tried to warn you guys that this was a character game, not a functions game
Saved your genre. If the retardation of Rising Thunder was any indication, dumbing down the controls didn't matter when MLG no-lives could still decimate, and general spacing was 275% the fucking problem. If one side can't get a hit in and they aren't mashing, they're clearly being outmatched. Make it a fair fight via matchmaking and...there you go.
Or you know, make non-shit fighting games like Oratorio Tangram
>depth of a kiddie pool
hello saibaman rank
Most people are not going to sit in practice mode for hours at a time discovering combos and little details for their character. Most people that buy games want to be good at in about 5 hours. Fighting games will never be this. The person that slogs it out online and more importantly practises in training mode is going to win more PERIOD.
It won't stay that way for long, given the rate of loss.
>No cute females
>no loli Pan/Chichi
dying game HMMMM really activates my almonds
>spend hours grinding out combos
Idk user. I win half of my fights in DBFZ (32 wins 60 fights) and the single player story was more than sufficient to perfect a couple of combos and learn some basic elements of gameplay. The only other fighter I ever played online was Street Fighter 4.
Sounds like you need to git gud
>literally every game experiences a huge drop-off shortly after launch
>its somehow only worth talking about when its fighting games
its all so tiresome
>People will keep getting their ass beat and lose motivation, or just get bored in a week.
That's the big one. No satisfaction in getting one's ass beat and not improving. Ever.
>How do dudebro shooters avoid this problem?
Simple to play, simple to execute, multiple factors that can give you a "victory" even if said "victory" isn't winning the game. Plus some have "you suck, here's some help!" things. Anti-frustration features that fighting games just don't have.
>hyrule temple
>shitloads of items
>link only
That's how we played
Which is funny, because DBFZ may just be the easiest mainstream fighting game ever released
you can press the same button 4 times in a row and score a combo and all specials just require quarter circles
fighting games truly are the dark souls of video games