Are you excited to play Last Of Us 2?
Sup Forums, you're triggered more easily than the liberals you hate.
I am interested to see what they do for the gameplay. The worst part of TLOU was the AI buddies following you, breaking not only immersion but breaking the game. They can run and sprint and stand infront of enemies without being detected, because they can't design a buddy system and pathing where they don't constantly alert enemies.
I fuck white girls without condoms in the hopes I'll breed out you sensitive fucks
>n-nu uh!
>I'm being buttblasted over OTHER buttblasted snowflakes! That cancels out and make me better than them!
>buying western video games in the first place
It'll be good for its ryona and that's it.
Also yes. More almost rape please.
How many times do you think that tranny got molested as a child before the mental damage was enough to not just make it gay, but a transsexual?
There is literally nothing wrong with being considerate of minorities.
Probably zero. Being a tranny just shows you have a weak mind that is easily filled with memes.
At least bukkake and gangbang are things that happened to zer
...Almost rape. user, ryona isn't rape, its the hanging and arm breaking in that PGW trailer.
That character they're playing looks like some Mongolian boy.
I thought the left couldn't meme though
Hence why it requires a weak mind. Weak minds are impressed easily hence why the weak minded become trannies. Left can't meme for shit because those that aren't weak minded aren't affected by it. If they could then the strong minded would be affected.
>Tfw modern people are too concerned with the authenticity of their identity to realize that the self doesn't exist.
>le identity fashion face
>le look at my labels
Lmao that's some impressive mental gymnastics I'll hand you that
yes, I am
now go back to pol
Gets better everytime I see it.
>BLM isn't a hate group.
>he believes that poster is black and genuine
God, I hope you're just shitposting too and not just some fat neckbeard who clings to identity politics because girls rejected him in high school
So in the first trailer we have a girl with a tattoo in her arm in a post apocalyptic world and she didn't died of infection. Now we have people doing HRT, what kind of post apocalyptic is that that fucked up everything but aesthetic procedures?
Isn't she right? If you're going to make a story about a trans person or a story that includes one, wouldn't it be better to be written or portrayed by people who are actually trans?
I don't know if you're expecting a knee jerk reaction because a trans liberal has some anti-trump stuff on their twitter, but they're not wrong.
I’m more looking forward to it getting a high metscritic score and Sup Forums having a breakdown because of it.
Now I want to play a post apocalyptic game where you are just trying to get your braces taken off. So you scour the city for a doctor and facilities to get that shit off your teeth.