ITT: characters that turned you gay
I thought he was a woman
>Not Valbar
God your taste is so pathetic
Jade - tales of the abyss
Keine (Kaine? I forget his name) - lingerie trap from Neir
Blonde priest trap from fire emblem
Kaine's not a trap. She has a vagina.
Kaine is a hermaphrodite, but she's more woman than dude. Take that how you will.
>not even a gay character with depth like Niles, just some flaming faggot whose only character trait is being gay
Bought this game for the waifu shit and ended up liking him way more than any of them, not sure what's wrong with me
Pick two.
He might be huge faggot but he was the only reliable archer that celica had, the other one is Atlas but whatever.
What about characters that make you depressed? The one you posted is pretty good.
He followed his husbando around the world. His wife and child die and he thinks he can be the one to console him. They'll travel the world while he takes his husbando's fat dick.
He finally confesses and he gets turned down immediately. It's not fair.
Kled turned me gay and now he's my husband!
>bridget wasn't the first post
Sup Forums truly is dead.
Why are archers always so fucking gay
Say that to my face IRL faggot and see if you'd still say that.
Because popular culture has feminised archery, seeing it as a bloodless way for women to engage in medieval combat.
This trickles down to people assuming men are wimps for not wanting to be in limb-losing range, even though historically longbows required such vast upper body strength it was almost impossible for most women to do said job effectively
Why are archers always so fucking gay
Kill yourself.
Speaking of Dissidia and ladyboys..
It's funny because it's actually the other way around.
He's also an FE character, so it's like double gay.
They were straight up taking the piss with this one
They know everyone will just presume the Tactics addition is gonna be like the MMOs where they pick a random girl to up the gender ratio.
Ramza is a better girl than most modern depictions of Zero Suit Samus