Other urls found in this thread:
EU server
>leading squad as NTF
>turn corner
>was scoped in so I got really spooked and ran back
>basically caused all my brothers to die
Since this is based around SCP, aren't they forced to have their code be public?
I want to make some changes to it that I think would help the game, but I can't find where the project is available
>Spawn in as chaos
>Doctor and peanut spawncamping us
>Die immediately
seriously though, what the hell is wrong with NTF players?
No it just means they can't try to copyright/sell the game or grant rights to anyone.
That fucking larry going ultra-radical raping both MTF and Chaos squads for 20min
If there ain't at least one SCP you'd fuck you're gonna have to leave this thread, okay?
>no results on e621
time to rev up those moonrunes
Don't open it.
>All r34 of 049 is shit
someone post the ding comic NOW
What do you do once when you're in the chamber on the bottom right?
>:D :D Bois :D :D :D
I want to create a sensory interface with 079 and fuck it super hard
join the discord, the devs are in there. you can find a link on the steam forums.
Thrusted too soon into a world where literally everything but maybe 2 people wants to kill you makes you a bit paranoid
>SCP's hate you
>D-class would eagerly kill you if they have the proper tools to do so
>Chaos insurgency hates you too
>Only group of people that don't want you dead are scientists, but even they would leave you for dead the instant they face danger
>Other NTF thinking you're chaos insurgency from far away or throw grenades at you in enclosed spaces.
Look for where the corpses/dropped items are, and go in a door besides those ones
If there aren't any, you gotta fuckin guess
Go down a hallway without a corpse and pray to RNG
pick a way and pray. one of the hallways teleports you outside of 106's spawn, the others kill you. don't pick a hallway that has a dead body. if you can, drop an item before the entrance of the hallway to mark it in case it's the right one, let people know you did. if anyone else gets caught by 106 they can leave safely too.
Fellow anons who host a server, how the fuck did you do it?
I've tried following that guide "how to set up a server in SL" but other people still tell me they're timed out
>049 and 079
g a y
someone make an NTF version of this
I have never seen D-class shoot NTFs first, ever and are always thankful if they save them
What do you do in this game?
somone post the other US ip
Fuck I had to wait forever to respawn
> (US)
> (EU)
> (US)
Cause a plauge doctor makes a good trap
>Massive group of D-boys and nerds working together, make it to the lifts
>Nerd pulls out a gun and starts shooting out of nowhere
Fucking nerds
Lagging nigger server
someone give me the basic rundown of gameplay
What's this game about?
fuck my game crashed as 173
>D-boy block
>Nobody shouts D-BOYYYYYS at the start of the round
This happens when I try to start the game; anyone know what's going on?
>Peanut and Doc chasing group of D-Boys and Scientists
>MTF soldier stumbles in to light containment
>Everyone screaming "RUN RUN RUN"
>MTF's first instinct is to kill D-Boys
>Then he dies shortly after
What did he mean by this?
You need a mic
several teams have different objectives to complete
have fun.
can people from other factions hear each-other on VOIP when nearby?
when that happens i just leave the server
Is this basically SS13 but with SCP?
Everybody but the SCPs. SCPs can hear you, you can't hear them.
>Dumb MTF squad trap themselves in that small armory room in Heavy containment at the three-way catwalk intersection
>Larry shows up
>Both the US servers are full
>Nerds and NTF help myself, a D-boy to escape
>All I had to do was recite some equation
Love you guys
There is a sound glitch that makes it so you can hear their talk. Makes things fun at times.
I put memesystem back up. Server went down because Windows is a shit OS for hosting servers.
It's now at a 64 player cap, so it probably won't ever be full. However, keep in mind that voice chat will be broken for you if you aren't one of the first 20 players in the server.
Currently, I'm using these custom config options:
minimum_MTF_time_to_spawn = 240;
maximum_MTF_time_to_spawn = 360;
ci_respawn_percent = 40;
intercom_cooldown = 20;
intercom_max_speech_time = 60;
friendly_fire = true;
I was also thinking of buffing the SCP's HP. Currently there's no mechanism for HP scaling, so I can't give SCPs more HP with more players. What would be some good values?
I joined a game earlier but had literally no idea what to do
Yeah, happened to me as a D-boy when I nearly escaped alone with every human but me dead. I told them I could hear them and repeated what they said, then they told me "Well, now we HAVE to kill you." Fuckers.
Tutorial brainlet
>friendly_fire = true;
Why is this meme so popular? What's fun about losing most of your health to FF in every team fight?
For those of you who want to make a server: if it's not working, it's probably because you have a dynamic IP. Set it to static and it should work.
>intercom_cooldown = 20;
>intercom_max_speech_time = 60;
raise cooldown & significantly decrease max speech time
It works fine for me
>they didn't praise you as their new lord and savior
Fucking heretics
>64 players
jesus christ
yes, except this game's general gets to be on Sup Forums
Go back to your fucking E-celeb threads if you don't want to actually discuss video games
post you favorite OC you have saved from these threads
literal nobody games don't belong on /vg/
3000 for SCP 173
1500 for 049
1000 for 106
Just ask people while spectating, controls are also not in game: tab for inventory, click items to equip them. There are weapons, key cards, grenades and a radio. The rest is basically useless. You can spawn as D-class (orange jumpsuit) or Scientist - your mission is to escape. Chaos Insurgency or Mobile Task Force - save D-class or Scientists respectively, kill the rest. SCP: Kill everyone. As D or Scientist, you need to find a big room with a machine that can upgrade your card so you can access other things, just ask the huge ball of boys around you
NA with 2 open slots
>Whole squad of CI just got out the elevator
>Plague Doctor, Peanut, and Airplane Army at the gate
>SCP sound glitch
>Let me in bro, I'm a scientist
>The madman actually opens the Gate
I did that you dumb fuck, literally just
>how to open doors
>how to shoot
>how to change keycard
>In machine room
>Nerd threatens to open the door if D-Boy doesn't drop his stolen card
>D-boy opens the door himself to a standing 173
>Nerd panics and runs outside
>D-boy closes doors again
>Hear his neck snapping after doors finish closing
Serves you right
I'm heading home in 30 minutes. You faggots better keep up the good servers
>squad sees scp
>squad holds left click
>scp dies
Sounds really fun. Ff makes you at least somewhat think
Play this song over intercomm
>earlier today
>playing doc
>enter the NTF elevator
>they're all waiting for it to come up
>hide around the corner
>two walk in
>close the elevator on them
>mulch one
>the other lets out a scream of fear
>mulch him
>later in the round, more NTF are bunched up in the CI gate with the door closed
>go out the NTF elevator into the CI elevator
>mulch them all from behind
playing doc is so fun
that's all you need
are you the same "I'm heading home now, you cunts better have servers" guy from yesterday
Do you know how many other games have recurring threads on Sup Forums? That doesn't mean they belong on /vg/ aspie.
Fuck off 079
You are a retard, I hope you know that. It's not about the fucking friendly grenade kills, it's about actually making the SCP's a threat.
I was the guy who opened the gate. Had to make most of such high comedic value situation.
Someone here should just make a big video tutorial for the brainlets. Simple stuff like inventory management, shooting, going up to the surface, the different rooms and dead ends. Spoonfeed the retards as much as possible so they can shut the fuck up please
I want him to impregnate me.
So it was you
fuck off Nurgle
So now you know how to play the game.
You open doors that are unlocked
You shoot the bad guys
You use key cards to unlock locked doors
>are you the same "I'm heading home now, you cunts better have servers" guy from yesterday
>volume doesn't work through headphones
Wat do?
> author doesn't even know how to spell "Abel" right
> described as a middle eastern man fit as a warrior and coated in demonic occult symbols
> everyone draws him as a beardless, feminine twink with non-occult tattoos
>Do you know how many other games have recurring threads on Sup Forums?
as of late just one
He's being obtuse. No, the tutorial isn't comprehensive. You only get the basics, and that, not even a full explanation of what your objectives are/how games will play out exactly. You're supposed to be at a loss for what do and learn by experience. Now that I sort of know what I'm doing its fine, but before that, don't play to win. Just pay attention and communicate.
Well 106 I made it despite your directions.
I hate Abel's entry in the wiki.
It's such a mary sue. The only deliberate mary sue should be 682
That the 50 man server? is voice still fucked?
>That last D-boi
Absolute madman