Similar name to Siegmeyer

>Similar name to Siegmeyer
>Same voice actor
>Same personality
>Same catchphrase

Why is From allowed to get away with this laziness?

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lmao dark souls 3 i hate the constant fan service

People were pissed off about this at launch

Because the gameplay is fun as fuck and fuck lore and story.

oh wait, that's a different dude?
i honestly thought it was the same one from ds1

siegward was onionbro in ds3
siegmeyer was onionbro in ds1

Its ok when japs do it

Siegward and seigmeyer are objectively different characters, with different storylines, traits, and personalities. While Siegward is mostly an allusion to Seigmeyer, Seigward, personality wise is more of a get goer.
Catarina armor all looks the same, so nobody could say that "durr the same they look the same".
While some would deem it lazy, most fans would agree that he's a good addition to the game, completely optional if you dont like him after his first area.

His lore with Yhorm gave me feels.
Goodbye old friend.

>lmao dark souls 1 i hate the constant fan service

He died in DaS1

Its almost like... they're games... in a franchise.

>game based around cycles has similarities
really buffs my int, senpai

Fan service 3. Creativity fades edition

Dark Souls doesn't have shit to be something great like Demon's

>t. underage who haven't played King's Field and Shadow Tower

Alright pal, we get it, you're assmad about demons souls, probably because ds1's getting a remaster and DS isnt, so you make a thinly veiled Darksouls hate thread just to get your "muh superior fromsoft game" kick.

3/10, got me to type.

Nah, I'm not at all
DaS3 will always be better than DaS1

No he did not. Not permanently. He just got put down as one of the many times he has gone feral.
Nobody dies in DS1 even if you yourself kill them. That is the entire point of the Undead curse.

>going hollow isn't equivalent to death

It isn't, considering Sieglinde remarks it's hardly the first time it has happened.

>t. underage calling others underage

Literally every single character archetype in the souls series was founded in demons souls

You can find assets from demons souls in all 4 of its sequels

Armored Core has used the same god damn models for I don't know how long, I think some designs date back to the ps1 era

From is lazy, get used to it

what a brainlet holy shit
you probably think that bloodborne's bad too

Lazy doesnt mean bad quality, and overall I enjoyed both onion bros storylines.

Dark Souls 1 is still one of my favorite games overall for many reasons.

Shit taste

Fucking retarded brainlets.

No, Bloodborne is the best
Only brainlets think that DaS1 or DaS2 were good or on par with DeS
FromSoft really cares about game when they're making it with Japan Studio
Tho atleast they tried with DaS3

why is fromsoft allowed to be so lazy?

>le Dark Souls 3 is bad

is there a more reddit tier opinion here?

People who say Dark Souls 3 is a shallow rehash of Dark Souls 1 make it more apparent every day that they've never played Demon's Souls which is the closest game to Dark Souls 3 not only mechanically but with the characters it presents.

It's the worst calback in the game. If Siegward had a different name, appearance, and voice, and only his personality referenced Siegmeyer, he would have had one of the best NPC quests in the series. Instead he's entirely held back by how player's apparently wanted to give Siegmeyer a more hopeful ending.

I always enjoy when someone acknowledges difficulty isn't what made Dark Souls good. It might in fact have a bit more in common with cinematic games than we'd care to admit. Fights were hard because the world was meant to be harsh, not because it was a hard video game and this is where the moss launches into a flurry attack.

They make great games; your average AC story line puts the new nier game to shame.

But are they going to get a team of 100 modelers to make everything look different and shiny when they make a new game? No. They don't make those kinds of games.

t. stopped after ending A and didn't do side quests

why do you think it's "when they're with japan studio" and not "when they're not with bandai namco, who are assholes"

Why do artists draw the same signature every single time on their art? why are they allowed to be so lazy??

>Why is From allowed to get away with this laziness?

Lore time:

It's possible that the soul of Sigward is a remant of the soul of Siegmeyer. Considering that souls get sacrificed at the first flame to re-soul the world and the fact the four great ones from DS2 have remnants of the past lords it's actually a very clever way of implementing fan service as the whole basis of Dark Souls sequels are repeated cycles, just told differently.

At first I hated what looked like to be blatant fan service but the more I thought about it the more it actually made sense in the Dark Souls universe.

I have to disagree with the nier story, sorry but I liked both AC besides V and Nier:A stories a lot. Theyre good for different reasons and I dont think its fair to compare them.

But yeah...
>But are they going to get a team of 100 modelers to make everything look different and shiny when they make a new game? No.
Totally agree.

There were no cycles before ds2. Ds2 is not canon, no one cares about its shitty excuse to rehash bosses and items.

Barely even the most lazy part of DaS3.
Not including the ability to cut tails off of dragons in a game with loads of dragons but still having a whole two items reference that fact is lazier.
Including Storm Ruler but never having it break or lose its effect after the bossfight while being completely ineffective against Giants (apparently it's only good against a very specific kind of Giant, who knew) is a decent candidate as well.
There are many characters in DaS1 who have hollowed but you interact with them normally once they regain consciousness like Laurentius who dragged his ass out of the swamp when he hollowed to get to Firelink or who got his soul snatched by an Undead off his dead corpse but got nabbed.
>They tried with DaS3
Not in any way shape or form. They rushed that shit out the door by cutting as many corners as they could. That or they fucked up during development again.
This seems more likely. Dark Souls under Bandai Namco gave birth to shit like the Dark Souls comic and Slashy Souls.

The souls of the world are the ones that get recycled which is a theme in all of the games. You know "Kindle the First Flame".

>muh 26 endings

For Answer had narrative themes and arcs that might be realized to humanity one day as well as having parallels to the society we live in today. It is literally social commentary on top of a sweet sci fi concept. The story is so good it is able to be told thought 2-3 sentence spurts before and after combat and no narrator with an over arching story expatiation in sight.

Shit is bananas on how good of an example of writing in video games can be.

They rushed the shiout of garbage level design and AI in DaS1 and DaS2. Nothing that in DaS3 except that one shitty lava location from DaS1

I'll accept that, but it doesn't mean it's an 'average' AC story since a lot of them are generic.

And A-E + Y is plenty

I never really took it as fan service, Dark Souls 3 was just a straight up sequel

Dark Souls 3 feel less rushed than DS1 or 2.

This but unironically and the original poster kills himself

the world in DaS1 had already gone through 2 ages of fire and 1 age of dark
cycles are a thing

Not it hadn't. It had an age of ancients, and then age of fire, which is on its way out when the game starts.

DaS3 was intended to be made with cut corners (or they fucked up less noticeably during development than in DaS2) so it's less likely to look as rushed as the few problem areas in DaS1.
You don't have a world layout like in DaS3 unless you aren't passionate about the game at all.
A lot of pretty bad areas like Smouldering lake, the Catacombs and Farron Keep as well, it might not have the worst areas from DaS1 of which there are really only 2 (Demon Ruins is pretty shit but Lost Izalith and Crystal Caves are the main contenders) but it beats DaS1 in terms of the amount of mediocre levels and can't hold a candle to some of the better levels.
You also still have some obvious issues and oversights pretty much everywhere as well like Greirat and if you haven't noticed what's wrong with Greirat then you won't notice anything else either.
I don't quite get what DaS3 is supposed to do better in terms of AI than DaS1 since it's still just as bad, bugged and prone to walking off cliffs as it ever was.
Because it was made to be rushed. It doesn't have areas that were clearly starved for time like Lost Izalith but it also clearly doesn't go the extra mile for anything.
And saying that it's less rushed than DaS2 is pretty pointless considering that shit had to be cobbled together from scraps.
It's pretty much pure fan service. It's not building on these existing elements and they don't have to be there, it's just including them for the sake of it.

Kaathe literally tells you that the fire once faded and that started the age of dark
gwyn linked the fire during the age of dark

>buh it's too hard it's not a real Dark Souls game!!1!
If they kept the difficulty the same like they did from DeS->DS1 then the games would be boring as fuck for returning players.
>it's literally okay when DS1 and 2 do it
Fuck off hipster contrarian faggot.

Yeah, no.

NieR is better in every way, the fact you can

>muh endings

Shows you haven't played it

>Das2 is a piece of shit that had to be cobbled together from scraps
>It's OK when DaS2 does it
Ok user.

>Kaathe literally tells you that the fire once faded and that started the age of dark
>gwyn linked the fire during the age of dark

Not quite as the age of fire to the age of dark was intransition which Gwyn postponed by sacrificing himself to the first flame. DS3 is the only time the age of dark becomes an actual thing.

>Instead he's entirely held back by how player's apparently wanted to give Siegmeyer a more hopeful ending.

Siegward’s ending is he murders his best friend and then kills himself

Did I even make the claim that Dark Souls 3 was too hard? My point was that its bosses were focused on a combat system that wasn't very satisfying to master after a while. Particularly since fast bosses all about reaction time peaked with Bloodborne. The flurry attacks are there because Dark Souls is a hard video game, not for any other reason.

It's cute that you have to turn my post into an I AM SILLY greentext strawman since the sort of people who defend the action focus of the sequels have no real ground to stand on.

Yeah but he fulfills his promise and achieves his goal in the end. Siegmeyer went crazy and died a failure.

Because fuck you the game is great, stop being a pedant

DS2 is referenced throughout DS3.

Wait what’s wrong with Greirat

he's a nigger

Siegmeyer seeks a purpose to stop himself from turning full hollow. You helping him takes his agency away to overcome things thus leads to his end.

Siegward has duty and his promise to his friend with him questioning is faith and abandoning his symbolic items on the way to kill him, thus once this is done his will to live had faded at that point.

> nobody ever complains that Sieglinde just a copy of Siegmeyer, even though it makes as much sense as saying Siegward is a copy of Seigmeyer

>DaS2 isn't canon
Widely accepted to be canon
>People still debate it
The earth is around and yet...

True, but I meant round

they arent, many people dislike it

I don’t understand how there could be a debate. Lucatiel and Vendrick are directly referenced in the game, and those are only the two most obvious things.

He’s a bro, he helps you out and always tells you to stay safe. Do you call all of your friends that word?

Only the ones who make a living through theft

You send him to raid the Undead Settlement (or maybe the base of the high wall), Irithyll and the High wall.
He comes back with various items. I want you to think about whether they make sense.
Undead settlement: Various items and weapons, Pontiff Knight sword, Pontiff knight shield, Knight armor, Assassin armor
Irithyll: Various items, Lothric Knight weapons, Lothric Knight armor, Scholar's candlestick, Lightning bolt, Dragonslayer arrows
High Wall: Ember, Alluring skull, exploding bolt, splintering bolt, lightning urn
Does it seem like maybe some of these items don't belong to the place that he steals stuff from? That maybe it's weird that Pontiff Knight gear is in Undead Settlement or that Lothric Knight gear is what he brings back from Irithyll?

They're there because the "flail around extremely slowly attacking where you were 5 minutes ago" bosses of DS1 aren't satisfying to fight more than once (if that) and none of the fights in DS1 were enjoyed for the actual combat besides the bosses that resemble DS3 bosses (Artorias, Manus, etc.). Also, you are complaining about them being too hard, stop lying.

Man who fucking cares, maybe dude took a detour. THAT of all things is what has your dick twisted? granny goodness in her rocking chair takes a pile of literal shit mixed with ashes and turns it into weapons and armor.

>I'm not saying they're too hard I'm just saying they require too much action and are too hard

He doesn't pillage the Undead Settlement, he only comes back one you've defeated any boss. The only two places he confirms his location are Irithyll and High Wall.

I liked the followers spear. It was fun throwing it at stuff but then my hdd died. What is the biggest betrayal in all dark souls games?

The core fucking concept of the souls games is about cycles of rise and decline, it's not even laziness retroactively justified by the story it's an incredibly fucking obvious design choice.

For a board obsessed with 'muh lore' half of the posters here are barely able to interpret text let alone fucking subtext.

>dark souls 2 is a rehash
>also dark souls 2 is bad because there's too many human and group bosses this time
Regurgitate matthewmatosis' nonsense some more why don't you

Once again you show that you don't understand the appeal of the games in the first place. I would much rather replay Bloodborne for its atmosphere than replay Dark Souls 3 for its combat.
>Also, you are complaining about them being too hard, stop lying.
Well everyone has a different experience. My take is that the game isn't too frustrating thanks to the quality of life changes, which is a good thing. However the combat just isn't that interesting. I had trouble with bosses like Friede and the Twin Princes but I'm sure others thought they were cakewalks. While Gael ended up being not as difficult by comparison.

And again an attempt to trivialize my argument. The combat does not lend itself well to the action focus. Its skill ceiling is low. You have to greentext what I say because it makes you feel more comfortable about me shattering your fantasies of you being a hardcore gamer. I've beaten these games without summoning, without magic, and without over leveling. That's probably how you did it as well. Would you like to know why Dark Souls exploded with normalfags? Because it's completely beatable while crafting a harsh environment.

>Once again you show that you don't understand the appeal of the games in the first place
No I didn't you colkossal faggot. I told you the game is fucking boring when the game part is fucking trash, which is is in DS1. In DeS they compensated for the shitty boss AI by having straight-on fights be somewhat rare and making those bosses very powerful, but DS1 doesn't do this, making nearly every boss a complete joke. As an ARPG it completely fails because the A is a complete joke.
>However the combat just isn't that interesting.
It's objectively more interesting than DS1's combat though. You literally cannot argue this other than "muh nostalgia".


the only colkossal faggot here is you and