What have they done?
SJWfication of Total War
I bet the load screens are still long as shit though
Total War has been shit since Empire.
inb4 shogun 2 fags show up with their overpriced overpowered shit DLC and broken vanilla game that was unplayable in Multiplayer and multiplayer-campaign
Shogun 2 was the end buddy, Total War was gone a long time ago
>Lets send our women to war so we can no longer repopulate as well as our opponents, that'll work!
Are they implying nogs were retarded? How racist.
shogun 2 vanilla was broken and unplayable, you faggot.
Even the morale-system was fucked, sieges were fucked, multiplayer-campaign was fucked, everything was fucked.
I literally just said Shogun 2 was the end
Pretty sure you guys agree
I wonder why they got their shit kicked by the Romans.
Historyfags are fucking delusional. Warhammer is the best Modern total war game stop being hipsters
>Romans depicted as white
>/polv/ has no issue
>Egyptians are depicted as Africam
user are you stupid.
>not white
Why must games insert women at any opportunity? Do they really think women are gonna buy Rome 2 now because they've added women? Any females interested in Total War already played it and never cared about the lack of females. History is the history of men with women being a side note for the most part. Basically his story lmao.
I don't give a flying fuck about sjw and their ideologies, this is fetish fuel and it pleases my dick, hence I'm OK with it.
>Romans depicted as white
>/polv/ has no issue
why would they have an issue with that?
No it isn't shithead
They don't put them in for the sake of women, they put them in for the sake of virtue signalling. See, look at how progressive I am. I included women! This also protects them from harassment from Communists.
Total War has been shit for a long time now. Do not expect Three Kingdoms to be any good.
Romans were white and italians are still white.
>why does a game about Rome's expansion contain Cleopatra and Teuta
Fuck off you brainless Yank
Define white
He's referring to the female soldiers.
>rome is in italy
>not proto-italians
>not white
I think I get what you're trying to say, but still.
Atilla is the 2nd best total war game of all time, god you're all plebs.
explain yourself
Because i dont know what white means. Help me out
It seems fairly obvious. Look at his image.
They only pulled that stunt with Rome 2.
shogun 2 was fucking good what're you on about???
>Desert Kingdoms DLC
>African units
Rome was perfect; everything after it is shit by comparison.
The focus of the shot is a female soldier.
holy fuck tiddies
medieval 2 was better
>boob armor made of scale plates
>We wuz kangz hairstyle on a warrior
This is just disturbing on so many levels, history-wise.
Atilla's the best modern one because it does something interesting with it
Warhammer is easily the most immediately fun though
Am I the only one who remembers that Rome 1 also had female soldiers? Sure, it was only one unit, and it was historical unlike this, but still
Nobody here actually plays games, they just want to bitch
>thinks he has the authority to say if Romans are white or not
>Cant even define white
Typical right wing retard
Sup Forums as no concept of race. I'm white but I see no reason why I should stick together with an american subhuman or, worse, a german.
Same thing for the black really. A bunch of genocide happened in Africa between blacks. It's just that the black american were corrupted by their degenerate masters.
This board got mad about a fucking urn in assassin's creed earlier, one that was only there to get their outrage in the first place
>implying that i wrote
How abut you fuck off
>roman empire spans entire Mediterranean
>everyone was just Italian tho
Egyptians were majority arabic with the occasional olive skin romans , brown to olive skin were the kangz
nubians and slaves were BLACK and representing the Egyptians as black is historically wrong and frusterating for history fags
Medieval 2 with Bellum Crucis is the only total war you need to play in your life. Others are garbage in comparison
Don't buy western games it's that fucking easy, don't support these fucks
Dude, quit being a pussy about video games.
They pretty much said "we've chosen to prioritize lying over accuracy because fuck you." They may as well have put BLACK LIVES MATTER on that ancient pot. That would have been funny at least.
i'm gonna tell you something. Napoli is a southern city with sea and sun.
You should be able to understand that people can get tanned, user
>send 10 million women to Normandy because you don't want to be sexist
>uh oh looks like your population can't repopulate and your civilization dies off
imagine living your life as a feminist
>olive skin meme
tf does this even mean. So they had green skin?
(you) because people are actually that retarded
You know what people mean by that, you fucking idiot.
there's something special about nordic countries
Why is the war elephant so fucking big when they were supposed to be smaller than the average bush elephant?
shhhh turn your brain off
because they were bred to be that way like certain dogs breeds
is there a phrase like pearl clutching everytime you dorks get offended about something stupid? Like ball clutching?
They bleached her on release
i just need to know one thing, are female soldiers for this faction in this period of time historically accurate?
>Selectively breeding elephants
Lol no.
considering they got massive international blowback yeah not surprised
if they could they'd black everyone
humans have bred virtually everything animals to plants
>The first elephant species to be tamed was the Asian elephant, for use in agriculture. Elephant taming – not full domestication, as they are still captured in the wild, rather than being bred in captivity – may have begun in any of three different places. The oldest evidence comes from the Indus Valley Civilization, around roughly 4500 BC.[2] Archaeological evidence for the presence of wild elephants in the Yellow River valley in Shang China (1600–1100 BC) may suggest that they also used elephants in warfare.[3] The wild elephant populations of Mesopotamia and China declined quickly because of deforestation and human population growth: by c. 850 BC the Mesopotamian elephants were extinct, and by c. 500 BC the Chinese elephants were seriously reduced in numbers and limited to areas well south of the Yellow River.
The point is they can't get away with making whatever they want, thanks to consumers. Most of the stuff that Sup Forums bitches about tends to never come to fruition because of the threat of loss sales, unless the point of the game is to entirely appeal to the wackos.
have you read what you've posted?
it tells you that they werent bred, only tamed
it's all about them moving slowly. And not pushing against asians. Trust me, shit is in motion and one day you are going to wake up and realize the nightmare is real
>humans have bred virtually everything animals to plants
>Elephant taming – not full domestication, as they are still captured in the wild, rather than being bred in captivity
Literally contradicting your point with your own post. There isn't a brainlet wojak powerful enough to truly represent just how fucking doorstop retarded you are. PLEASE stop consuming our valuable oxygen.
It already says that they haven't been domesticated, meaning that they weren't able to selectively breed them
Another problem is that the species/subspecies of African elephant supposedly found in North Africa during the times of Carthage/Rome/Egypt is actually smaller than even Asian Elephants.They were probably similar to African forest elephants in size.
>Third world country
Pretty much. There are neighbourhoods the police refuse to enter that are under de facto Islamic control.
Nigga Italians are less white than the Irish
pol really is a bunch of shitskins isnt it?
they added some fucking difference you didnt like to a video game. go clutch your white pearls somewhere else dipshit.
t. O'Reilly
I was really surprised when everyone in warhammer in the empire was white
Hi Shamus.
there are not no go zones, and you cannot change the []-world that a country is that way. its not an economic distinction.
After World War II the world split into two large geopolitical blocs and spheres of influence with contrary views on government and the politically correct society:
1 - The bloc of democratic-industrial countries within the American influence sphere, the "First World".
2 - The Eastern bloc of the communist-socialist states, the "Second World".
3 - The remaining three-quarters of the world's population, states not aligned with either bloc were regarded as the "Third World."
Are you seriously implying that there are no neighborhoods cops avoid in America, Canada, the UK, and so on?
>Somalis flee from sweden saying it's too dangerous
I'm aware of the origins of the term. The meaning has changed now that the Soviet Union doesn't exist and the Western countries are now the Communists.
Is anyone really White anymore? can you point to any countries people and say 100% they are white? I still see so much argument on this itself.
People argue that those in eastern europe are slavic and nonwhite. Those too close to the Mediterranean are too middle eastern in color and features and so nonwhite. Ive seen people say english and germans arent white either. So who the fuck is white?
>believing right wing extreminists
are you retarded? You gonna tell me Malmö is worse than 20 years ago? Sweden has never been safer and I can practically walk around in the street without feeling too much worried
sandnigger rapists don't travel too far up north yet
Mods deleted this exact thread earlier, why not now?
t. a retard who doesnt know the meaning of communism
>it's okay the child raping hoards haven't made it to my 90% white community up north!
You can see how this is a problem though, right?
That's funny because you either come from the USA where people die everyday of gang violence or you are a poorfag from some shitty eastern europe country.
? This isn't about that retard. The game is portraying Egyptians as black, when they were in fact light skin. Even nowadays they are Arabic rape babies, not black.
It bugs me how the Roman themselves are so dark and scummy looking
It's like they thought Jersey Shore is what Italians actually look like
They are white my bruddah
The USA isn't a serious country either. It's a country where you are able to have "Sanctuary Cities" that protect illegal invaders and even criminalize working with federal law enforcement to remove them.