How you enjoying left 4 dead 3?

how you enjoying left 4 dead 3?

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its pretty good
Is it kino?

Yeah cutscenes are pretty well done

>Tachanka casually browsing Russian eBay for weapons
>Doc being the principled concerned humanitarian George Clooney
>FBI mom and dad bickering while rehearsing the briefing
I love the lore.

I like Vermintide 2 more.

Wait, it's out?

>instead of more operator shit and better netcode we get waifus and zombies

so much wasted potential

>how you enjoying left 4 dead 3?
Wait is outbreak basically like that Secret Laboratory game everyone is jizzing about at the moment.

The levels are a bit short, and there is never an actual swarm. Clearly the R6S engine can't handle like 30 enemies on screen at once

>R6S engine can't handle like 30 enemies on screen at once
Is Left 4 Dead like one of the only games that can handle multiple enemies at once or are there others?

I mean Dead Rising comes to mind

Vermintide is a mostly-melee version of L4D. Similar specials too

Got boring really quickly. Felt shallow as fuck, but I guess it makes sense for a temporary game mode.

The TTS is up.

shit dead game now with shitty zombies

It's not dead anymore, which is sad considering the popularity went up proportionally to how much the devs keep fucking it up.

>teammates on pandemic still run around and shoot like its normal and TK'ing on accident

So PC only I take it?

dynasty warriors

>Playing Siege on consoles

>The more popular it gets

Fucking /vg/ fags