>go to gamestop
>cashier is a tranny
>180 the fuck outta there
Why do video games attract so many faggots?
>go to gamestop
>cashier is a tranny
>180 the fuck outta there
Why do video games attract so many faggots?
Because faggots play video games
>going to physical stores
Because you live in a shithole.
you'll just walk into her (him)
>living in amerifat
>he doesn't order games online
Are you some kind of basement dweller that doesn't even have a debit card?
>calls people faggots
>posts anime
The irony is hilarious.
>go to gamestop
>feel like a loser who should be buying games for his children instead
>360ยบ and buy online
You can't be this retarded
I like to have physical copies so i can put them on shelves.
If it can teleport maybe, math isn t so hard user
Fuck off normie.
Who is that semen demon?
Just he live not in Murica.
But user
The cashier is probably a speedrunner
my gf
You're retarded. If you did a 180 you'd be facing the same way. You must like trannies
>He didn't turn 360 degrees and walk away
Why would you turn around and walk towards the cashier?
He doesnt know how to order physical copies online
No underage allowed
oh please, how can she be your girlfriend if she's not real
she looks like a cunt
am i being trolled here? i meant i turned around and left the store. That's what 180 means wtf
Maybe user isn't real neither.
isn't that the results of SJWs infesting vidya?
And people still believe that we should leave them alone and let them do whatever they wanted because they "aren't harming anyone"
Remember, slippery slopes is very very real.
It's a meta joke about the old "turn 360 degrees and walk away" meme
what are you doing here then?
I don't trust purchasing things online with my bank debit card. I could get a greendot but I don't want to waste money reloading it at walmart.
It's 360 degrees dumbass.
>go to gamestop
>cashier is a trainee
>69 the fuck out of her
Are you surprised there is no option for making a trans character in the character generation screen of modern games?
She isn't.
idk op, why does video gaming attract you?
just look at this shithole
Avatarfags are just as bad as trannies.
Just get some empty cases and print off the covers.
I think OP's just shitposting, to be honest. I wouldn't take greentext stories on Sup Forums too seriously.
Yes, but give it time.
There is alot of alternatives like paypal
Get a credit card and use it as a buffer The you're also building a history of credit you fucking weenie.
>Avatarfags are just as bad as trannies.
I don't think I've ever met a tranny IRL, so it feels weird how Sup Forums goes on about them 24/7 like they're everywhere.
can you deny what happened to speedrunners?
the "journalists"?
It's infecting right in our eyes, but nobody take it seriously.
where do you live? trannies are everywhere in NorCal.
can you prove it?
>Living in a third-world shithole
We really do need a Sup ForumsSup Forums...on a different site.
In the UK.
she looks like she has a cunt
>op is scared of a tranny
why are whitoid right wingers such fragile pussies
>Not "trusting" purchasing things online with a card
reclusive autism detected
>go to gamestop
Fuck off back to r/the_donald, stupid transphobic newfag
>Born to be wild
>Walk outside
>See filthy mentally ill monster trying to pass itself off as a woman
>Pic related
If the tranny in OP's example actual looked good he would've thought it was a real woman not some aspie in women's clothes.
Watch the animu, jackass.
So what if I'm transphobic? I just hate mentally ill retards that think just because they grow their hair long and wear a skirt it makes them female.