Kiefer sutherland as snake

did he do a good job?

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Yeah it just was that he didn't have much to do, but IMO scenes like the funeral scene were great and I think he has a solid voice. Hope he does more voice stuff.

I don't remember hearing him at all.
I didn't listen to the tapes though.

He was excellent but under used

He also had the disadvantage of deliberately playing a taciturn character, the way he voiced Venom versus BB was noticeably and he didn't get to voice the latter much.

looking back david voice is parodied so much just makes me think how stupid sounding solid snake is

I like the voice change

Hayter was great fuck off

Kinder was a solid performance, and he fit the character way better than David’s attempt

Sutherland spoke?

better than hayter

It really should've been Richard Doyle.

He's awful in anything past 3

he almost singlehanded ruined Peace Walker

Doyle is like 75, he's way too fucking old

Go cry on Twitter Hayter no one cares anymore.

I loved him but he barely speaks outside of tapes. I don't know why they made that decision.

To make him more a player avatar and that you're playing a brain damaged guy basically

The game files got datamined and it's full of atmosphere lines that they deliberately removed to make him speak less. Like originally they had him saying stuff when you made idroid choices, saying things to your soldiers on Mother Base, the Paz scenes being a two way conversation instead of just listening to her, etc.

I really liked him. More subtle than Hayter, fits a PTSD addled Big Boss more than Solid's over the top action hero lines.
If Konami decides to be not retarded I'd like to see him back in remakes of the MSX games.

He was pretty good

No, he completely phoned in it, waste of money.

He was a pirate.

can somebody please explain to me why kojima hired a hollywood celebrity to voice snake only to give his character almost no lines or expression in the entire game? i dont understand

Quality over quantity

but youd think hed want to showcase that celebrity. even disregarding the cut VA, a ton of keifer dialogue is relegated to cassettes that most players wont even listen to. its like he hired this famous celebrity and showcased his role in the game all over social media and then he just cut it all out. its inexplicable. ive never heard an explanation for it.

>my friends like this game
>they didn't play any of the other main series games
honestly doesn't both me as much as i feel like it should but it does bother m

Kojimbo is retarded and just wanted to waste Konami's money

Yes, but Kojimber wanted a mute like Gordon Freeman, so he took most lines out

He did pretty good the few times he spoke

I'll take minimal dialogue over hours upon hours of cringe lines delivered by one of the worst mock tough guy impersonations I've ever heard.
Hayter is a one-note hack and I'm thoroughly convinced anyone who praises his performances are either retarded or have their tongues pressed firmly in their cheeks.

I love him, but I'd say that Kojima didn't use him well enough.
He was great in CoD.

Kojima talked about it a few times and it was basically "I wanted Snake to come across in a certain way, and I wanted someone who could portray that in a subtle way"

Since he kept the original Snake in Japanese, he's politely saying he wanted someone who could actually act rather than a choking garglemouthed cartoon character in English

He was fine I guess even though he barely talked but Kojima ruined it more than anyone else. What an abortion of a story.

He was great. Laconic and exhausted, as anyone would be who’d lived the boss’s life.

My guess regarding the cut voice lines was that Konami’s rush-job at the end resulted in them scrapping dialogue and other inclusions in cut-scenes and in the game. It kills me, as I loved this version of snake.

Hayter is a fucking cornball.

He had nothing to do but the scenes that he was in he did fine. His "kept you waiting, huh?" was horribly delivered but other than that no complaints.

That's exactly what MGS was always known for: subtlety. Kojima trying to create original art instead of a schlocky mish mash of movie cliches is why 5 didn't work at all.

no that was Kojima's fault

>no that was Kojima's fault

No it wasn't.

He nailed it. Wish we got more.

making his retarded ridiculous game deadly serious was a mistake that killed PW and 5 in the plot department

doesn't help that the gameplay was boring too

It's a shame we never got to hear him do an MG1/2 remake

Didn't mind him

There any way to mod the game to get that back?

Every line he delivered felt weathered and tired. Whether he was drunk or what doesn't matter, he nailed NOT big boss, he must have been super expensive or the writers we're retarded (probably both) I heard hayter was making a killing voicing snake

Nope, it's just vestigial data with no links to anything in the game.

A bunch of the lines for features that were never implemented in the first place or changed to something else.