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not a main series game tho, so it's not a total redemption.

Once it's cracked I'll give it a try. Then I might buy it.

still getting this fking SHIT on ps4 what the fuck do I do Sup Forums bros? I WANT TO FUCKING PLAY!!!

Sorry, I was going to buy it, until I found out about the Fortnite resource gathering.

Boy, oh boy, nothing like buying a physical disk only to be told you can not play the game you paid for.

>tfw have to wait for update to find out if I'm being rused

Game is fun
Reeve is best boy
Goodluck a shit
Gruen a bro

Though of course this could all change.
I'm on chapter 9, but that's only because I kind of sped through the first few hours.
Need to focus on resource gathering and finding materials and shit.

looking forward to playing in 2 days

Do you like TPP? If so how’s this compare? Is the story engaging and are there a lot of cutscenes or is it more of the same? I’m torn on this or monster hunter.

If you can get that far in the story without gathering resources, then why bother?

TPP had 50, getting to 9 before you need to grind doesnt seem that bad.

Launch trailer shows some bosses


The fuck does that even mean?
I think you got jewed

Story spoilers, please

Wait, is that Laurence Fishburn? Did they change the black character up right before release?

fucking sweet, those bosses actually look quite interesting and very new for metal gear.

this series hasn't had good boss fights since MGS3 anyway, aside from the odd one here and there.

I have nothing to apologize for. Thank it, maybe. I had my trepidation, sure. But I kept an eye on it and tried the beta and my friends and I had an absolute blast, so we'll be enjoying the hell out of this game.



I thought TPP was good for what it was, but it was held back by design limitations, I think. Not to say it isn't well made and polished, but it was hampered down by needless exposition. For all the touting of cinematic story telling, they dropped the ball.

For Shurfife, I'm actually really interested to see where the story goes. I have a lot of questions, and the first half hour is just balls to the wall insane.
I won't spoil anything, but I was left with more questions then ever and that's not a bad thing.
You can find tapes, as well as recordings after certain story events happen that explain the downfall of the Charon Corps, the company that entered Dite before you. So far, Chloe and Enrique are top notch. I hope they're not dead.

Reeve is the realest motherfucker and makes no qualms about how much he doesn't like you, or the situation, since he's XOF. I think there's something off with his model though, since his jumpsuit always looks shiny. He's rightfully paranoid too, since one of the Corps was murdered by bullets

Your character is even worse when it comes to talking than Huge Medic, but they emote actually quite a lot. You can see fear, curiosity, bewilderment and anger a few times. All without saying a word. Way more than Venom.
Your origin is also kind of fucking nuts.

Food mostly... And materials for customizing my shit. Also I need to hunt for containers for weapons and stuff. You can find resources, gear and weapon cases, etc etc. Its quite involved.

Seems that way. If he's not Fishburne, he sounds eerily similar.

I'm looking forward to the inevitable Lord of Dust encounter. Reminded me of the Lovecraft story Dunwich Horror, whoof.
That was freaky.

I accidentally encountered it again while going for a wormhole teleporter, so encountering it seems to be purely random. Luckily there was a jeep nearby so I got the hell out of Dodge before it could squish me.

datamine user, you still here?
Have you tried to hack the Weight Limit?


Venom's emotions were portrayed more subtly though.

Watching a streamer, about 13hours in. 44% Map explored, and has 7-8 surviors.
She actually stopped at a mission and farmed sideops, because she died. And she's playing it like darksouls, heavy hammer + Backstab.

Where are the reviews though?

I'll never apologize for a game where you can not only make an absolute qt, but play as her barefoot as well. Running around with no clothes and a spear chasing down animals is very satisfying.

Update you stupid fuck

there are two maps, user.

>face never moved
The only subtle things were whether or not Sutherland was slurring his script that day.

Heres my review, user:

>"It's good!" - user


Thanks for the detailed opinion user. How are you finding traversing the world? Is the lack of human enemies more or less engaging? I can’t tell if I’d find this more fun or less since the element of surprise seems more random and less “let me work my way through this camp and dispatch these guards with fixed patrols” does going from mission to mission feel as tedious as it did in V where you’re either spending 20 mins traversing the map or seeing the same 4-5 menu screens to fly in and out of MB? Sorry if I’m asking too much, I really want to like this game but I’m insanely wary of giving Konami any money after the MGSV fiasco

Thanks user, that's all the confirmation I need.

Sorry kojima that you have to witness this pile of shit made out of the game you made.

Tried the beta. I was surprised to see something quite more complex than what I expected.

Still, they changed the controls a tad, and I don't like it, the "aiming" of melee weapons along with movement is plain retarded, shit obviously wasn't planned for this. And then, it's still Africa/Afghanistan.

The whole thing also appears to be way more complicated than it needs to be, I guess this is something you could only confirm in the long run, but after a short try, it just seems tedious: too many menus, too many items, too much crafting, too much complexity, yet so little worthwhile gameplay.

My dick was hard at first because it felt like MGSV, and it was new, but then it turned out to be more boring than yet another FOB.

I may pirate because I've got an itch, but I certainly won't buy it, and I may not even waste the drive space to pirate it.


>the game you made

hahaha you mean when Kojima was flying around the world blowing the budget for the game on meeting people from hollywood and demanding a very expensive actor take the role of snake then have him barely speak

can you recustomize your character for free still at the AI pod thing?


sorry that you don´t like his game but like this, brainlet

Why are these threads constantly on the front page?

Why do you all type you're being paid to plug the game?

Maybe because the game came out like 7 hours ago and people are asking for opinions on the game from the people saying they bought it you dumb faggot

Some of us still play games for fun user, I'm already over the whole jaded user phase, you should too.

>I'm AI

what did he mean by this?

I mean, Xbox works.

I've noticed this for weeks. It doesn't seem genuine.

I liked the game that KojiPro spent 5 years developing

didn't like the story that Kojima phoned in, or the sudden cut off at the end when Konami finally realised that Kojima had blown the game's budget on stupid shit.


Nah you're good. I'm happy to help.

Honestly the whole thing is very fluid. Each story mission has you go to a location that's not too far away, and if it is, you can take a wormhole teleporter near it to shorten the traversal time one loading screen that might take a few seconds, and then you're playing again.

I can see what you mean by random enemies. Getting discovered by them feels more like my fault than anything else, because I was being too loud or inpatient. The game even tells you that taking time and dispatching them one by one is even practical. There are locations that are mostly intact that function the same as an enemy base, so snaking around is the same as ever, but enemy locations aren't predetermined at all, so you need to pay attention when out in the Dust and not at your base camp.

Yep. You can change everything about them except gender. So make double sure you want a waifu or a husband. But everything else from skin color to voice is changeable.

It could be shilling, but I wouldn't exclude blantant contrarianism. Noone cares about this game, and salty Kojima drones could be annoying.

or it's people that don't give a fuck about this drama one way or another and like crafting/survival games. It's not news that the people making these threads are usually the same people frequenting them day in and day out, you ever think maybe the same group of people just want to talk about the game?

Can you also change the class?

datamine user, have you searched for the weight limit using Cheat Engine?

>you ever think maybe the same group of people just want to talk about the game?


Yeah, but you need to advance the story ti a certain point. You can unlock everything via one character.

One thing I should mention is how you can have actual gadgets like a flashlight, Doom 3 style, or the scope from TPP. They take up a gadget slot each, but the scope is insanely valuable.
I forgot to also mention that you can put down specific stamps on your map. Like if you find a water source, you can put down a raindrop stamp in that spot. Its far less obnoxious than having like 6 letter markers on the screen. They only show up when you look at the map on the idroid and you can take them off whenever.

Cool, will probably grab it when I get home then. Thanks user.

>or it's people that don't give a fuck about this drama one way or another and like crafting/survival games
Then they shouldn't be talking about Survive, because it's bottom of the barrel survival, and I had more fun with No Man's Sky.

The only MG game I played was the first one for the ps1 when I was a child, will I have no idea what's going on in the story mode or does this have nothing to do with the main series?

It doesn't.

Konami wanted money, they reused MGSV engine to make a bad survival game only losely related to the fall of Motherbase.

This has nothing to do with main series. It's a spin off that makes reference to some organizations like XOF but that's it.

I am so close to buying this game but I'm not 100%. Can anyone convince me here?

No Man's Sky at release or No Man's Sky after 2 years of patches?

>Anons having fun with a game I don't like?! Better make myself feel better by calling it and them shit.

Cool, I just wanted to keep killing zombies but was worried I wouldn't have any idea what was going on in the story.

>Then they shouldn't be talking about Survive, because it's bottom of the barrel survival, and I had more fun with No Man's Sky

So basically stop liking what I don't like? You might as well just type that out. at this point.

So were acid and revengeance. They had no real MG's references beyond A metal gear, raiden and NANOMACHINES. and the snake in acid was just another clone.

I'd say Patched No Mans Sky. Patched no mans sky actually delivered. It took 2 years, but still.

You still not tired of shitting up these threads with the same retarded comments? It's painfully obvious that you haven't played the game. Just go watch another Kojima trailer while you wait for the blunder that will be Death stranding.

>and I had more fun with No Man's Sky.

That's a lie. I had more fun playing 1 hour of the beta than attempting to have any fun in NMS

twitch tv/burns_slow
>all the butthurt kojimadrones spamming chat

lmao that's me, theyre just giving me views so idc

They can be as buttmad as they want. I'm really enjoying myself.
Konami delivered what they said they were going to deliver.

I adore this customizing outfits thing.
What's even better is I think you can get Solid Snake's sneaking suit at some point. Like, the actual thing. Not that dick prototype DD made.

>You still not tired of shitting up these threads with the same retarded comments? It's painfully obvious that you haven't played the game.
That's the first time I post this, and yes I played it. Where are your arguments now?

>Just go watch another Kojima trailer while you wait for the blunder that will be Death stranding.
And this is how you expose yourself as a shill, well done!

/ourguy/ the top viewed stream

Prove its you by quickly crouching and standing 5 times in a row then laying down on your back for 5 seconds.

Fuck off kojimadrone

I'm confused, so it's only released for consoles but only Xbox version is working?

also turn on your microphone and scream as loud as you can at the top of your lungs

you are good man, i wa sin your stream earlier today giving tips

>first time I post this
Only if you don't count all the times you posted it in the beta threads

Nigga who the hell has any interest in MGSV aside from Kojima drones, and who has any interest in Survive aside from MGSV drones?

That's a niche carved into a niche. You're just outing yourself as a shill.

>brand new game releases today
>konami official twitter just tweeting dumbass shit about yu gi oh and soccer games
they literally could careless

i hated V but i really liked the Survive beta

or it's people that don't give a fuck about this drama one way or another and just express their opinion?

Who would be so hell bent on shitting on a game he didn't play other than a butthurt kojima drone?

>oh look there's a wolf I'M GOING TO PUNCH IT IN ITS FUCKING FACE

>all the people praising it aren't really shills guys!
>the posts saying it's shit is just one guy though, trustory!

As expected from a shill.

Ps4 got an update at like 3 in the morning. Its working for me and I'm on ps4

4 Y E A R S
N O. G A M E P L A Y

>that fucking shot

That's completely unrelated though, no one playing Survive would so openly shit on Kojima, and even less on Death Stranding, a game he didn't play.

When the person shitting on the game constantly compares it to no man's sky in every post, it's kind of hard to not immediately guess that it's a same fag.

Yeah, cause liking games is for corporate lapdogs. Be a real anarchist and like this obscure anime game, like me!

>install it for 5 minutes
>Don't even start with a gun

>Yeah metal gear solid is dogshit! PS buy metal gear survive.
I wonder who could be behind this post.

Or maybe because it's the most obvious comparison, considering it's just as much of a disappointment in the barebones survival area as NMS. What else would you compare it to?


NMS and MGS have nothing to do with each other, and only a retard trying to print the idea that MGS is as bad as NMS would try to force that idea. I don't know what I'd compare it to since I mostly avoid survival shit because it more often than not lacks a campaign and just puts you on a map and says "gl"

If you're stupid enough to fall for the constant shilling and buy this dogshit you might as well eat your money

This must be some of the most retarded shilling strategies I've ever seen.
>constantly shit on mgs and kojima
>somehow expect us to buy this garbage even though metal gear and kojima are the only selling points for metal gear

And not liking games is for brainless haters, because who wouldn't love a cashgrab?

That's the extent of your arguments user. I'm still not seeing you explain why this game is good and warrants its $40 price tag, and having to deal with microtransactions.

> Our base camp got destroyed by a fucking huge monster.
> Now we're in Hell Africa.
This streamer is leagues away from all the streamers out there.

This isn't "MGS" though. I mean, it's in the title, like Ac!d games.

That's where it stops. In the explore/farm/craft area, well, that's kinda more like NMS.