Is her age ever stated in the game? She's almost the same height as Link

Is her age ever stated in the game? She's almost the same height as Link

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It's never specified other than that she describes herself as a child.

No, you can only guess she's 12 to 14.
>She's almost the same height as Link

This whole thread is fucking retarded. Her age is meaningless. Stop being a gay retard.

>anons discussing something
>her age is meaningless because ???
What DID he mean by this?


She's a head or half a head shorter, but it's bait because her height compared to Link is meaningless considered the adults are 7+ feet tall.


She's barely shorter than Link who is 17.
I love this artist's Rijus. Why don't more artists draw cute Rijus?

How do Gerudo age? I assume it's like Hylians until they need an excuse to have Ganondorf show up in a future game then they'll backpedal and says it's like hundreds like they did with the Zora (Which is weird because Ruto became an adult like link in only 7 in Ocarina)

I'm looking into this too hard

Do you think the Gerudo throw acid on their Hylian husbands' faces if they cheat on them?



more riju reaction images

What does their lifespan have to do with Ganondorf showing up? I'm confused. All we know is that a Gerudo male is born every 100 years, and in Botw they're just said to be very rare, which still lines up with the 100 years thing. Ganondorf has always been the same person except in Four Swords it's supposedly a new Gerudo named Ganondorf, and they are the only male Gerudo we've seen or heard of. That's a good point about Ruto though, never saw that brought up.

Wow, this game looks like shit.
3d Zeldas are my favorite games and I'm fucking glad I never bought an NX for this pile.


Wait, the zoras change sexes when they get older?


>tfw the /aco/ LoZ thread died so the Riju smut writer never finished


link's 117
It hurts bros.

still can't get a drink

>not posting the other one
For shame!

Is it wrong that she always gave me a raging hard-on ?

same here

That is the most natural reaction you can have around her.

It's been nearly a year and it still hasn't been answered. Is this an edit and if not what the fuck is the context? I never saw this happen.

She's also a Gerudo, And that race is tall as fuck.

there are many real-life fish species that do this, but I think she was meaning them, not zora.

Her VA is way to old to be playing her so I can't blame you.

I always assumed they were just asexual beings that take the form and habits of men.

Like that one show you can never mention unless you want to shitpost.

But how do they make more gorons?

I want to eat her ass

damn son, any videos or pics of her giving an abjob?

why is link always a manlet soyboy

Grow out of rocks and/or a weird form of mitosis that doesn't create an exact copy of the individual.

fujobait so the ladies buy the game