What are some optimized, fun, or otherwise just really good lategame/endgame builds for this game...

What are some optimized, fun, or otherwise just really good lategame/endgame builds for this game? The amount of potential variety is kind of overwhelming. I'd rather just know what's working for you guys.

At least talk about best/worst party members/blades.

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Godfrey is Godawful.

This one.

Crit-heal builds rule the end game. Pop Avant-Garde Medals on everyone.

Tora and Poppi Alpha/QTpi are almost inarguably the best party members but it takes obscene amounts of Tiger Tiger grinding, so FUCK.

Mythra is a strong candidate for best blade because her passive means you can spam arts forever and heal yourself the entire time, building up specials in no time flat.

Past that, I think the best blades are the ones that get ridiculous modifiers over time, like Brighid, Vale, and Sheba. That stacks with a World Tree Drop and they do absurd damage.

Special mention to KOS-MOS for having godly specials.

Are there more stupid builds like this that actually work?

What does World Tree Drop do?

it increases damage every time you switch blades

That sounds incredibly stupid
Where can I find those

I'm grinding to unlock Vess's forestry upgrade. I need it to do the stupid lesson on argentum for the poppi qtpie upgrade.
Its a nightmare, but I refuse to continue the story without doing it.

Vess isn't the only one with forestry skills. Just give your party a ton of common core crystals and then put blades with forestry in your party.

The legendary ones drop off the Lv 130 unique monster in Temperentia.

Forestry is incredibly rare. I bonded with 50 common and 10 rare core crystals. Not a single forestry skill on any blade

Efficient combat is about getting to a chain attack as quickly as possible.
There's a set up with Poppi QT, Adenine, Dagas, that abuses the fact that any active projectiles from your team get the chain attack bonus (important to use Burst Symbol accessories) to burst things down with QT's scattershot art.
Of course this involves doing a ton of Tiger Tiger to turn QT into a powerhouse, so I can understand if you don't want to do that.

Another thing you can do is check your common blades to see if they can get lvl 5 Orb Master passive.
You probably have a couple of them lying around.
The passive makes each step of a Blade combo after the common add an orb, so you can add 3 orbs with one combo assuming the common goes first
If you have 2 commons with Orb Master in certain elemental combinations (see ugly attached image I whipped up real quick) you can add 6 orbs with 2 complete Blade combos.
A 6 orb chain attack is really fucking strong. Mattering on what trust level your damage blades are at, it might be strong enough to take down absolutely everything, and it's fast to set up.
You just set up your pouch to build special and build party gauge as fast as possible.

Try Electra spike damage or Shebas money gathering boosts

I think you're just insanely unlucky.

With Sheba, do you just do Smash driver combos to power up?

You can, but one of her specials makes enemies drop money like they got smashed.

Tora Rex Zeke running
QTpi lead
Rex: Mythra Roc Pandoria
Zeke: Wulfric kasandra Dagas

This comp can driver combo lick anything that isnt immune, and has easy 8 orb smash potential.There is nothing that has given me trouble since i started using this team comp. Even Orion just dies.

Bonus: Have the blade switch VI aux on Roc, so that tora can break, mythra can topple, tora can launch, then roc is ready to smash at the very start of battle.

Try Vale snowball damage with special or just go full driver combos with Wulfric. If you like positional damage and want to rely on healing potions to heal just use Kora because the momentbyou start walking around the field you're immortal with her

Well I can't even hope to kill Relentless Arduran, how the hell am I supposed to kill that one

Did they fix handheld mode yet?

>Rex with Pandoria
You disgust me
You disgust me even more because you don't even use her to Launch

Shit... I killed the baby ardun by accident, does he respawn?

He does launch with her though user. Dont blame me, zeke is a cuck and lets rex fuck his 10/10 blade.


You dun fucked up now.

Shit.... he did say he'd never forgive me and let me help out with his ardun ever again.
I dun goofed

I think you can get common variants from some enemy in the world tree.

But that's why you put Pandoria on Rex. His axe launch is ass.