Dare you enter my magical realm?
Dare you enter my magical realm?
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i am the magical realm
chaos chaos
People complain about 682 for being the edgy OP 'my OC is more powerfull than yours!!' SCP but I always saw 106 as that. It's just this indestructible old man who is unable to die or be contained and is invincible.
I don't know if he's indestructible. He's at least fearful in the lore.
I think the difference is that 106 doesnt talk. Theres no edgy as dialogue from him.
Didn't they say high voltage electricity would badly hurt him and send him hiding into his pocket dimension .
Yes. High voltage, puzzles and below 20s are his weaknesses
so far they haven't found anyway to destroy him, and he melts through his containment so it has to be replaced constantly, he fucks off back to his pocket dimension when he gets exposed to something he doesn't like sure but he can't really be hurt it seems
Humanity hasn't but SCP 106 killed his father. So his species are certainly mortal. But yeah all the Foundation can do through "normal" means is contain him and poorly at that.
According to this:
106 might have been just an ordinary human at one point
>SCP 106 killed his father
Which story is that it's been a while since I've read up on scp stuff but isn't 106 supposed to be a former WWI soldier?
Ok, brainlet question. If I use virtual audiocable for EXP soundboard, do others also hear stuff like a youtube video I have open or only whatever I have on the soundboard?
Radical larry is just a powerful, anomalous being, like most SCPs. 682 is literally "my oc is more powerful than YOURS!!" in SCP form. Half its page is just 'we tried using SCP X, Y, and Z to kill it but it didn't work!!', and then like 30% of other SCP pages mention 682 to basically say 'this scp may be strong but its not SIX EIGHTY-TWO strong ;)'
682 ain't that strong, he's just unkillable.
Being utterly invincible isn't strong? In what fucking universe?
Besides, my point wasn't the power itself, my point was that it solely exists to be superior to other SCPs. It's obnoxious to read an SCP article that gives you the utter sense of awe and hopelessness, only to have a sentence saying "we tried killing 682 to with it, but 682 just chucked and said 'heh, that tickles' ".
Oh, and it talks, as if it wasn't annoying enough.
And then he dies in SCP-2935
I asked this in another thread the other day but it died before anyone replied. Radical Larry just cracks me up, so what SCP could they add that would actually be frightening?
682 is there to prevent powercreep.
If an SCP can kill 682, then it's too powerfull.
Wouldn't the 001 angel guy be able to kill him.
682 together with 76 act as a barrier that prevents other similarly powerful and edgy SCPs from popping up.
>no servers posted
>literally just an SCP thread
They've beaten his ass plenty of times and keep putting him back in his little cuckshed every time he gets out. They just can't seem put him down permanently.
Compared to some other the truly dangerous SCP's that can threaten all of humanity, 682 is just a minor inconvenience to the Foundation.
As for the whole 682 fanwank, they use him as a measuring stick like what said.
It's not fucking video games if we're not posting servers, it's just an SCP thread. Thread is going to get deleted in minutes.
>talking about video games on Sup Forums
>In order to prevent knowledge of SCP-001 from being leaked, several/no false SCP-001 files have been created alongside the true file/files.
Angel proposal is one of the worst ones anyway.
Someone who barely reads SCP here
What the fuck is this supposed to be?
And what is the picture actually of?
Decayed whale
The photo is of a dead cetacean (whale/dolphin etc) I think.
In lore its just a big lizard
Rotted corpse of a beluga whale
>it's an SCGay thread
Fuck off to /x/ or /lgbt/
SCP 682
From the description it is essentially a dragon without wings, or a large reptilian creature
It is incapable of being destroyed entirely. The database page has a link to an experiment log where they documented every destruction attempt. Here's one that stand's out
>bast 682 with a crazy SCP laser
>experiment goes on for several hours
>682 loses more than 60% of it's total mass
>suddenly generates a hardened carapace that is entirely resistant to the laser
>reflects laser against containment area and breaches containment
76 was always WAY crazier to me than 682
I mean shit man, it fucking says that 76 SWATTED BULLETS back with a piece of rebar. Fucking rebar.
Not to mention he can generate those crazy weapons that are literally voids in space
098 added to the game when? I want to run from a horde of angry crabs.
682 could actually work in the game as a 'respawnable' SCP, couldn't it?
Make it start out as essentially a stronger zombie, something like 600 HP, but everytime it dies it just goes unconscious for a few minutes before waking up with more max HP
And normies still spam new series with shitty fanfic tier SCP with self insert scp 682 killer. And there's more SCP thats more dangerous and unkillable, thats why SCP is for SECURE-CONTAIN-PROTECT. Someone post that scp chair that was peaceful but several attempts at destroying it made it dangerous in certain scenarios
The dev could easily "nerf" it for gameplay purposes like that and put it in the game but the model would look to janky and akward, it's a huge fucking lizard that would barely fit the corridors of the facility, and I can't really see it using elevators or going through access points.
SCP 682 isn't that bad. Here is a cute picture of it enjoying an ice cream at a hot beach.
Scp 76 is just the token "nothing personnel, kid" humanoid superhuman, though. Not interesting at all.
SCP not GOC, amen
Babadook for the first gay SCP?
>scientist locks himself in the closet and starts taunting the other SCPs.
>106 arrives
Are there any more SCP entries where one of the organizations manage to fuck things up even more? I know there was that ghost girl who went from hitching rides to her parent's house to killing anyone who drives by, because some douchebag killed her parents.
191 was created by the GOC
kill yourself sarais
Is that loli Witch?
user, be honest. There was a penis in this picture originally wasn't there?
Show me an SCP this dumb nip girl can't defeat. 682 would lose.
No, 239 is the loli who thinks she's a witch
i said because she looks like the witch from l4d user...
Any that can kill her before she can land a hit.
Nah he has wings now since they threw him into a different reality so they sent their version back
KnK mysteries are basically SCPs but the monsters are cuter
and thus, Sup Forums birthed a new SCP
Did drawfag from last night deliver?
682 and other immortal SCPs died in that death wave universe
Is TMshit in general the blanket counter to any given SCP? Sup Forums makes it sound like the whole setting shits pretty hard on anything that tries to be invincible or immortal.