>SCP got one kill this round

Reminder to have fun playing this janky ass mess.

Don't trust Chaos or Scientists.
Radical Larry has been contained.

Other urls found in this thread:



Post servers, breh.

Post them IP's


>be D-boy
>get separated from group but be around one other D-boy
>we find a scientist
>other D-boy chases him calling him a nerd and they argue
>we end up in 914
>blue boys working with scientists to get better cards
>more arguing
>a wild peanut appears
>flee while the door is open with two other D Boys
>run into more blue boys
>get held up until I tell them where the others are
>somehow they killed Peanut in that tiny room of death
>work on making cards
>All SCPs are dead at this point
>someone fires the nuke
>entire group cannot find the nuke room and we all perish
>1 killed by SCP

god FF servers are such cancer GET EM WHILE ITS FRESH

How about someone post THE server with more than a measly 12 players.

>spawned as a SCP after being betrayed by chaosfags
>proceed to ram their asses left and right

I don't even know what am I doing, but damn, this is fun.


Just finished reading 1730 after hearing people talk about it often, that was pretty fucking cool. I really enjoyed the battle of the gods it built up to. The fact that Pesterbot showed up really made my day. I kinda wish we got more exposition on that Malidramagiuan thing though, maybe in a separate article or something.

To make this post on topic, how do you think they're rework 079 when they implement him again?

Reminder: SCP Status is a fucking joke, and it literally gets handed out to ANYTHING, that seems out of the ordinary. They'd probably given SCP status to a fucking creaking floorboard, or a squeaky chair before.


They are literally willing to give a D-Boi SCP status because he ran away from some SCP's that they couldn't contain. The entire foundation and program is a fucking joke.

I really hate that 99% of the Sup Forums servers have it, what's the deal? So people can fucking grief? Fucking boggles my mind.
d boys

>when you get a black card

are you really this casual?

The ability to save and load is what made him an SCP.


>They gave an SCP status to a guy who literally lived through some of the most dangerous motherfuckers in existence
>The player presumably has no knowledge of any of the SCP's he has encountered
>has no knowledge of how the facility works
>is just a d-class that managed to escape through light, heavy, and entrance containment
>Not giving him an SCP status for being able to perceive threats in advanced so much so that he's able to live through impossible odds.

Why the fuck am I spawning exclusively as MtF? I had about 15 games of nothing, but MTF, and 2 as SCP. I've never fucking been a d boi or a nerd.

It's not because he ran away, it's because he has the ability to reload the game after his death. Most players don't beat the game on their first try and it's a reference to the fact that after playing over and over you eventually beat it.

It's not funny to scream into your microphone


For the millionth time it's necessary to make SCP's an actual threat, turn off FF and every SCP but larry dies to 5 seconds of gunfire.

tfw I want to be snap guy but I never become him

>die within 5 minutes of spawning
>spectate for 20mins

this is getting dull guys

ashton kootcher = hug on sight

>be d-boys
>all d-boys collaberate in a group
>all get into 914
>get a keycard within minutes
>all go into the elevator
>we all flee into computer room, close the door
>one of the d-boys gives a speech about freedom and getting free
>c-boys find us
>we celebrate and all get going to entrance zone
>fag plague doctor kills everyone while camping in corner

>Be Scientist
>Hear other scientists in 914
>Walk around slowly and press the button over and over
>They think it's the doctor
>Keep them in there for 10 minutes before a d-class opens the door, shows he has a gun and kills us all


Whats the dbois entry number?

>autism period at the end of your greentext
embarrassing, sad desu

If you want to go that route, every time he died he would go back in time to just before the breech or jump worldlines or something.

D-boy who escapes is actually a reality bender with precognitive abilities and meta-recognition (save/load and game knowledge).

Awe thanks bb

Request from last thread
And I'm out for tonight

kek thanks for the 5 o5 cards nerds


>Trapped Peanut in the intercom room

Based doctor.

Buff the SCP health then, the server admin can do it. Fuck off with your excuses so you can throw nades in the elevators or shoot teammates under the guise of "oh whoops I thought you were an enemy haha"

>All servers full

Come on, it shouldn't be that hard to find an open spot

>larry gets me
>get to the exit of the shadow realm first try, even putting down some items

Suck it old man.

I should have known better
Fuck me

How can you trap people in rooms?

With better keycards?

How about this idea

Let unarmed players punch.

So if arguments break out early in game D-Boys and Nerds could fight it out

>servers posted are full

every fucking time

don't know what server you been on, played over 50 rounds and have never been purposely griefed, it's always been an accident.

how do larrys two abilities work exactly?

>Open door that needs a card
>Someone without a card goes in
>Close door

How do I change my name? Or how do I check it, for that matter?

SCPs cant open level 3 or higher rooms, so if you close the door behind them they're trapped.
106 ignores that obviously.

>Be Scientist
>Mad dash into 173's room
>Go to the room right before stairs
>Wait for him
>He comes in
>Close the door on him
>"We're alone now"
>Close the door so he can't escape my love


one marks a spot, one teleports to marked spot

i think we're now spawning with super lightning guns.

Can you just reset Plague Doctor camping outside 914 with a trapped D-boy inside, there is nothing else happening in the game. It's fucking boring.

>apu kills ashton
Nigga fuck you

Need to have a game mode with 3 SCPs and everyone else spawns as D-Boys

People need to start resetting rounds when theres one or two guys left. Gets really old really fast.

When does the thigh destroyer SCP play exactly? I hear it a lot but what causes it to play?

>he doesn't know the secret lore about his history as a researcher and the spiral gestalt
>he doesn't realize that the character is experiencing every failed save and reload
>he doesn't realize that in reality the only bits that are seen are the successful reloads where he knows where everything is and how everything works
>he is a mind-wiped D-Class and managed to survive a complete breakdown of containment
chaos, everyone. look and laugh.

There really needs to be a suicide button

Post new servers right now!

It's a goddamn bloodbath down there, easily 2 dozen people dead in that hallway there

Anyone else's computer doesn't detect the mic of your headset?

When someone opens Larry's containment, puts someone in the Femur Breaker, and presses the button
Causes the machine to fuck up the person in the box with pain and removing their ability to escape and Larry is drawn to that shit because he's a sadistic cunt

In 106s Spawn room is a small room a player can go in and instantly die

If another player pushes the big red button the screams start

106 will then die instantly after the screaming stops

Just have the server reset or have a "vote to kick" option or something.

what server has the memes soldiers


No mic for like two hours

>Peanut teamed up with a Dboy
>Showed him the right elevator
>Dboy makes sure not to look at Peanut so he can go about his business

I wasn't expecting something so wholesome

There needs to be a time limit too


Yeah, I'm really thinking like ten-fifteen minutes maximum. No round should take longer than a quarter of an hour.


new server good ping everyone join




>Play as as "good" SCP
>Help D-Class "escape"
>D-Class gets gun downed by NtF
There are much worse monsters than monsters

>15 minutes
That's like no time at all, the limit should be 30 minutes

500 radical larrys



get in here boys. unlimited player cap, first 20 players have voice.

It's just your steam username

Nah, sorry, I'm not interested in sitting around for thirty minutes after dying. Nobody else is either.

when they finish his rework

>dying at the very beginning
Git fucking gud
Also most games do end up lasting less time than that but there should be a hard limit up top

D Class are literal death row inmates who are usually murderers and rapists. There’s a few demoted people and wrongfully accused but you’re talking the types of people you usually wouldn’t want running around freely. It’s fucked up to use them for experiments but just as much so to release them like rabid dogs back into society.

>20 out of 50 players can actually communicate

That sounds terrible, I understand it's the game's fault and not the server, but still

shoulda capped at 20

there's only 6 people in there anyway

Could 035 work in this?

Why did they go with Unity instead of sticking with Source?



Fake, any pictures that existed of 096 are long gone, all that exists are drawings and artist renditions.

it's too fucking unstable, mic feed cutting out and players teleporting happens way too often