Yeah guys...GOTY
Makes you sad to think how far AAA games have fallen that KCD will be GOTY.
i'm past caring about the bugs and fps dips the game is almost everything i've wanted in an open world game. it'll set the bar for every other open world game i play from now on.
It's great, i'm just flying around and can't get down. I'm afraid I may just fall.
I think I could fast travel. It's an annoying bug when in combat.
I think this looks pretty good but then again I haven't really played any new games in the last 3 years
So much for saving and reloading. REEEEE
Your bar was really that low?
I really like this game. Stupid bugs and all. I just murdered a shop guard on accident.
Name a good open world game, not that guy btw.
>almost everything i've wanted in an open world game
me too
id only wish it was more arcade and fast paced but this one is equally as good just different
>Sup Forums invents a new fusion technique
umm...Skyrim...Fallout 4
There's plenty of better options out there
>Accept quests from this nutjob
>Stuck in a dialogue loop and can't exit the dialogue menu
10/10, GOTY
I expect as much. Sorry, those games are simply too boring for me. Tried to mod them for hundreds of hours, tried to play them in VR, nothing works because they are simply...
>saving while you're in the air
What did you think would come of this
>Bethesda fallout was good
Thanks for your opinion, pleb.
Yeah, apparently you can't talk to him while sitting or some other stuff. Very finicky motherfucker.
>tfw can't stop bullying pic related
When you have enough armor to tank everything and you deal 100+ damage with each swing this game becomes hilariously easy
I just killed everyone in Rattay because I could
Well I didn't know. I couldn't fast travel and I was higher than the mountains. I figured it would just load me on the ground.
Stats and gear come into play way too much honestly.
>Left the whiiir up
I know, they should make it like dark souls where if you memorize every attack of the ai you can beat the game naked at 1 health like an autistic faggot.
It's an rpg
Have not had the flying bug. But other then THAT its pretty fun.
go homo TODD
well spoken.
That looks comfy as fuck
I might have to buy this meme gan now but I don't think my laptop can handle it
It is comfy. But it's not a meme game
Not so much to that extent but damage values should rely more on where you hit your opponent (armored area vs. unarmored area) and using the moves you can unlock rather than a number attached to the sword. A sharp sword's a sharp sword and all but I think player's skill at hitting vital points on the enemies' body should be what allows us to 1-hit-kill them. Same goes for armor but I can imagine the armor values and mechanics being a lot harder to balance. That said, having armor that can tank everything regardless of condition is pretty OP too.
I know, I'm just saying that they could have done more to balance things out. As it stands, you can easily reach a point where the combat system, while fun as fuck, gets trivialised and that's a shame because you'll have to limit yourself to specific gear.
then mod it to your personal preference
Now, I don't mind Sup Forums shitting on a buggy game. That makes sense. I also shat on skyrim for it's buggy shit back then.
However, seeing reviewers and normalfags complain about bugs, when those same fucking people were praising the "hilarious" skyrim bugs, now that annoys me to no end.
>Because history is racist and we shouldn't be celebrating that. Did you even read the post?
I honestly don't understand what that means? History is racist? How is accuracy racist? Why is Black Panther okay having an accurately African black cast but when Heimdall is cast as a black guy and people freak out, they are called racist?
Yeah, I'm looking forward to the modding scene. KCD vanilla has some really good mechanics and map to serve as a canvas for mods.
>mfw I have nothing to apologize for because I always believed in based Varva
>slaughter a bandit camp
>rescue the princess
>escort her back to her bf like a cuck
>he says bro you gotta save my gf if you want my help
I find it hilarious. I only got pissed at one bug so far. Witcher 3 wasn't perfect on release either. Shit no Witcher was good on release. 2 took over a year to become playable.
something something punch down
however that's bullshit hypocrisy because they don't fucking accept light-skinned people from an minority culture to count as "minorities" so japs, slavs, chinks, don't count for diversity, only brown people
i havent played this. what exactly am i looking at here, just a mountaintop view?
OP is flying through the air.
this game has so many bugs. this guy asked me to steal some guild insignia off some merchant a town over. so I went and stole it. I came back and his been locked up on a Pillory. When I talk to him I can't finish the quest. Also all the traders want me to pay 300 coins or they won't talk to me. What the fuck did I do?
It glitched and I was flying around.
Just like that morrowind spell!
Probably wearing cuman gear so they think youre a fucking savage
Water you gonna do to that poor unsuspecting Pebbles, user?
You know those Wayfarer Knights you sometimes encounter when dueling? I did steal one of their whole armor set. Is this why they hate me? Must be enemy armor. I got no fucking idea, this game has so many little underlying things in the AI you can sneeze and get in trouble.
>pay 300 coins or they won't talk to me.
I think that's your reputation.
Stealing gear and wearing it in the immediate area straight away will make people aware of your crime when the owner reports it. Only way to circumvent this is to kill the owner and any witnesses.
>release "patch"
>it breaks the main quest, making it impossible to finish the game
bravo vavra
I want to get it, but how would a 970 run it? Should I wait until I get a new card
>cant render objects 30m away
what a shit game, i need a game that can render shit atleast 5km
I heard a lot of people talking shit about the archery in this game. It could be a bit wonky but for someone who's practiced traditional archery it's acually the closest to reality i've seen it done in a game.The game doesn't seem to explain it well, but once you find your anchor point you're supposed to release not hold it back. It's more like traditional instinct shooting not modern shooting with sights and stuff
I'm like 15 hours in and I have yet to come.across a single bug other than a line of dialogue repeating itself twice. What am I doing wrong?
I have a 970. It ran okay on high(30-45fps), but I put it on medium and get pretty much 60fps with some minor dips. Still looks good.
maybe its just not your genre
also if you hate open world why did you mod them for hundreds of hours?
Its jank so it doesn't count
you gotta believe harder
This is only my second bug. This is the second time I floated, the first time I was able to get on a hill and it attached me to the ground. This time I just kept getting higher. The other bug was trying to turn in the birds but he game kind of just stops and I end up sitting there staring at Henry.
What wrong with Europoor? seem like the only sort of "polished" game they can make is farming simulation.
Themepark linear handholders are not real open world sandbox games. A real open world attempts to simulate real outcomes and real reactions. Skyrim and FO4 do not do this. They make a very weak attempt at it it, and more is focused on "le epic infinite quests and story" meme.
Too cultured to bother with terrible things like video games
it ran really shit on my gtx 970. 30-45 fps with massive dips. You should just wait for discount and wait for optimization patches
Not one young African buck in sight.
Racist game.
Played a little while but haven't seen any bugs, my bigger concern is performance.
I get some crazy stutter even on low settings. My gpu is fine but my cpu is pretty shit. Anything i can tinker with to improve it?
KCD is the best game mankind has to offer and if you disagree then your tastes are shit.
Shadows and physics are usually heaviest on CPU.
I had one challenge me to a duel, I rejected then choked him out and stole his gear. Left him in the rain unconscious and he'd gone when I came back . Was right by the glade Inn.
People are literally going about with their character dressed as a Cuman wondering why everyone is treating them like shit.
Even with almost everything on low i still get bad freezing. Maybe it's about time i upgrade from a shitty i5. But if i do that i may as well upgrade half of my other shit too.
i think it's just the helmet. I've been rocking cuman gear for a while. Only difference is the kettle helmet i'm using. Even saw some city guards in cuman gear before.
oh okay, I dunno about that, i5 might be too shit for this game. I have a pretty weak CPU in terms of clock speed, but I have many cores and the game runs smoothly albeit sometimes with low frame rate when there's a lot going on.
The two bandit's ginger wanted me to kill kicked my ass for like half an hour. Should i be playing with a gamepad? I felt like an unbelievable retard during that ordeal.
These guys are much stronger than average, so unless you've been practicing fighting a lot it's not likely you can take them out easy.
I had a hard time also, one has high skill and I was too low a level . Seperate them by riding with your horse and then shoot him with arrows.
The scenes with the priest are epic.
>Much stronger than average
> this game is so deep and rewarding omg literally based dev making games for us core gamers and not those filthy casuals
> After you level enough you can win all battles by spamming lmb or letting your AI buddies kill everyone
It's literally easier than Skyrim, except during the first few hours when you get used to the shitty combat only to have it become useless once you get the hang of it
>became aware of this game few months ago
>dont do a whole lot of research because dont have much time for gaming anymore
>still think it looks neat
>game releases
>find out you can't create your own character
>no longer interested
I fully realize this is a completely autistic reason to dismiss this game, but something about a massive open world RPG where I'm forced into playing a premade/pre-established character just bothers me to no end.
they are if you don't glitch them and actually try to fight them.
Henry's really well written. Give the lad a go!
> Sneak up on somebody
> Kill them
> Guard watches
> Doesn't see anything
The lengths /polv/ goes to defend this shitty buggy game
The player in that webm did absolutely nothing game breaking yet the game glitched hard
I'm waiting for the inevitable shitstorm of 'wheres the option to be female or transgender REEEEEEE'
The same way Verdun is the best you can get with a WWI FPS, this is the best you can get with a historical RPG. Can't wait for a truly great one. Would love one set in England where you could actually make your own character, but I respect the fact that the devs wanted to tell the story of Henry, not whatever guy I could make up.
It will never displace Mount & Blade: Warband as my favourite game, but it's a respectable effort.
there's gonna be a female character dlc
you can go back to bernard and ask him to help you then you guys can 2v2 them
>It's literally easier than Skyrim
It literally isn't, Todd.
Can't wait for Far Cry 5 to come out, so the Kingdom Shit: Deliverance fans can stop saying that their shitty game is remotely close to being GOTY.
>there's going to be Theresa sidequest DLC
>Far Cry 5
It's going to suck
If they made a game like Kingdom Come mixed with pic related, it would be the one singular thing I would ever need for the rest of my life.
New Vegas, Gothic 2
I hope you can slut it out while playing as her