Is this boss fight a fucking joke?

Is this boss fight a fucking joke?

What were they thinking with this garbage?

Other urls found in this thread:

Run around in circles, if you stop moving he cancels his attack into his one-shot beam without charging

get used to one hit kills because that's the design they chose for bosses

This is true if you don't upgrade your armor constantly.

But if you're wearing adequately leveled gear, you won't get one-shot by much, this guy's beam aside.

>people would rather complain about umi bozu rather than onryoki or hino "you're in luck you get the succ" enma


>one-shot beam
That slow ass fuck hugely telegraphed attack? I thought it was there for free damage on the boss.

Those two are a joke though.

in an interview the developer said the boss "mojo mojo"

>Use throwing knives
>Bend bat bitch over the table and fuck her raw

its that ez

if hes using the tentacle attacks and you stay in place he fires his beam without charging

I'm about to give up. This boss is so tedious and has so much health.

*kills umibozu within 10 seconds*

he's weak to either fire or lightning I forget. Those elements tear through this health. You can get enchantments through the magic skill tree or just use the usable items.

I don't have any more. I used them all and kept dying.

you do know you can use those 3 fire beacons to enchant your weapon right?

what are you? just a common drunk? even more pathetic

Are you kidding me? Literally will bare-fist him one on one. They throw him so often at you near the end, it's more of a chore to fight him than a challenge at that point.

Of course he doesn't. Sup Forums isn't nearly that competent or attentive to videogame cues.


or just keep them up to prevent adds from spawning

there is a damage multiplier as far as i know, hitting him in that eye, while or shortly after that big strike. I usually finished him after a beam.

Umibozu was really cool. Im glad the bossfights were typically the more prolific yokai rather than just recolored or larger enemies.

>That slow ass fuck hugely telegraphed attack?
There's a second version that isn't telegraphed. And it's fucking hitting me every fucking time. This boss is dogshit.

Light all of the torches in the level so all three bonfires are lit in the boss arena. You can light your weapon in each of them to deal extra damage to Umi Bozu. It's not like it takes him down straight away, but he is weak to fire and it decreases his health at a more reasonable rate.

This boss fight was garbage. Does anyone ever die during it? Shame because the opening trailer showed this guy looking badass.

You mean that one bigger demon that pretends to be the first boss then appears about 20 times during all the side missions?

>hino enma
>having issues after the first time you beat her

>Is this boss fight a fucking joke?
No, the whole game is.

>when i get spawned to umibozu fights every second summon
>trying my best and always see them either get beamed or fall into the water
Those fights are pure comedy at this point. Whenever i saw a Red Demon Set, i watched them without interfering. It's pretty funny against Bat Bitch, because if you do the dying emote and keep laying down, she will almost not be able to hit you, and you can watch the host get sucked dry by your succubi queen.

thats not her line at all

Jesus Christ that wakeup super.

funny enough the best move in the high kat stance is heavy attack not the three hit combo

the strong has insane tracking and a good forward range

>hitting the boss with sword attack
>falls down hole some how during a combo

s-shut up

If you know the time it's supposed to happen, why do you get hit?

I'm not drunk, I'm irish!

poor black guy

he just cant get a break

>If you know the time it's supposed to happen

don't even bother OP the game gets even worse after this

nude mod yet? For masturbation purpose

Yeah, after he slams his tentacles. If you can expect it, why do you get hit. It's like the Heide Knights in DaS2 when you're behind them. If you can expect them to do a near instant backslash after finishing their front attack, why do you get hit?

Hino enma (as many other bosses in the game) can cheat a bit

Yeah but that was done during the demo, second one I think, and the three hit had the best damage output to ki ratio on the base wooden sword

His set was one of the best looking desu, i used it a lot for combination

>when you found out you can light your weapon on fire with the bonfires

I havent played this game since release on PS4

I remember the last boss I fought was the giant skeleton

How much of the game have I completed? How long does each of the DLCs take?

you only have a few main missions left

Go grind if you need to put one more point into Magic, to get Fire Talismans. This alongside the three bonfires will give you five fire weapon buffs which should be plenty for the whole fight

>How much of the game have I completed?
>How long does each of the DLCs take?
Each DLC is 1 region each with 2-3 main missions each. I'd say they represent about 1/2 of the game in term of overall size all together. However, they're way harder than the base game if you don't use cheese strats, so it can take you longer (unless you grind for gear in NG+ or the Abyss)

I remember people saying you need to beat NG+ before you can do the DLC, is that really true?

DLC is one big level each and side stuff. There also is one or two completely new side areas and some new enemies. The variety doesn't get too deep though, but the difficulty goes up insanely, especially with the Way of Demon and Wise

does sloth talisman count as a cheese strat?


This boss made me ragequit the abyss several times.

Fuck this guy.

OHKOs in a game like this are just cheap retarded game design

The DLC unlocks after beating the game on NG, but beating the last main DLC mission unlocks the final mission of NG+ to go to NG+2

what is way of the demon and wise? are those new difficulties for NG+ or something?

Is this another "pc players are bad at games that aren't fps" thread?

>Soulsbaby spouting "muh game design" when shown how bad they are at videogames because their favorite games tricked them into thinking they were good at videogames with their infinite iframes

NG: Way of the Samurai
NG+: Way of the Strong
NG+2: Way of the Demon
NG+3: Way of the Wise
NG+4: Way of the Nioh


The game is full of items that can easily cheese bosses, and tosses them at the player like confetti.

The bosses really suck in this game. They have way too much hp. The fights usually just get super tedious and boring imo

why do people complain about this boss so much? how do you let any of those beams hit you? they're telegraphed so easily. you're supposed to light the lanturns and light your weapon with fire in the fight for easiest fight ever. stand close to him when he tentacles and learn to dodge nibba.

They are useless in Way of the Nioh.

Haha yes fellow redditor!
This boss is bullshit

If you've gotten to that point you shouldn't need items.

>Way of the Nioh
They fucking added another one? Glad i fucking stopped this endless grindfest while it was still somewhat fun.

>They have way too much hp.
What? If anything, they have way too little hp.

Why is she so perfect

>level 110
>waah why thing die so quickly??

You have to earn access to the next difficulty before getting to the dlc areas.

>Not doing the 999 abyss levels

so where's the porn?

What level do you think everyone ends the game at?

so can I go right to the DLC or do I have to beat the whole game again?

There's feet porn

If you have access to NG+, you can already do the DLCs on NG.


I'm down with it, more?

I'm just sad they kept nerfing all the fun stuff and even """"""""""adjust"""""""""" your level for sake abuse during Nobunaga Level.

Really rustled some jimmies

Light your sword on the fucking braziers scrub

Also this
It is extremely obvious the director is a footfag, those are some quality feet.

I can never land them on anything. I always try to do it right before the hit like in souls games and I can't un-learn that shit.
How much times does it take to actually get into the parry time and then out of it? I can't figure it out.

Dont bother with low attacks. You'll never get it without pure luck especially against dual blades.

Just wait for him to switch to high stance.

How do I git gud. I've beaten every soulsborne game, Ive beaten salt and sanctuary. But I'm stuck in the stupid fucking mine full of mine dudes on like level 3 and I'm getting my fucking pussy pounded. I'm using a pickaxe and a katana.

hino is the first real test of the game, once you figure her out it's ex street all the way for the most part.

1. You can't parry every monster, maybe just the skeletons and some not obvious ones, so try only parrying humans

2. If you're using the katana, depending on the attack, you might want to use Backwave + Tempest (blocking a few frames before the enemy hits you then block again) instead of Haze (parry by attacking while blocking). That's how you beat all those fucking NPCs in the second and third DLCs.

Souls teaches you some bad habits when it comes to specifically Nioh. Be aggressive as fuck, use dodged as positioning tools instead of for i-frames.

>on like level 3
>I'm using a pickaxe and a katana
I have no clue what you're doing and something tells me that's exactly the problem.

>Nine-tails and Hideyoshi at the same time

This sounds exactly like the solution to the problem I've been having. Thank you

this is 100% correct, the first hours will just be you getting having to adapt and changing the way you play if you have played a lot of souls stuff before

>TFW I beat him on like my 5th try

I'm not even good, maybe I just got lucky.

Sorry I mean the second "mission" but the third level.
>Intro sequence prison
>Japanese island to yokai ball and chain boss
>Mountainside mine level
I know it's not "LEVEL 3" but it's still very early in the game

>picked the tonfa because it seems silly
>it fucking breaks the game against human enemies

Don't you people fucking bitch and complain to me about anything in this game, aside from this duo of cancer. Only took me like 46 tries to finally kill these ultimate massive faggots.

He's easy during normal game mode

During Way of the Nioh he's the worst boss of all.

During the abyss he's just impossible.

I can deal with any other boss, but that guy...fuck that guy

Nioh is not a dark souls game. Get out of that mindset or you will never git gud.

Once you do git gud the game is great.

>TFW still remember when every tom, dick and faggot were wearing this armor.
>I actually thought it was badass looking
>Got discouraged when I later realized it became meme armor.

Eh. There were way more aesthetic looking sets in the game anyway.

>when you've been playing for ten hours but barely used anything but mid-stance
High-stance feels too unsafe for me and I hate losing the dash, whilst low-stance attacks just feel weak. Am I using them wrong?

That's cute.

Oh boy, I hope you're read for this

Protip: William will never ever attack himself off a ledge as long as you don't press a direction. He can attack all day long on the very edge of that dock without falling in as long as you're not holding forward.

I cheesed it after starting to getting angry. Get one down, the rest is usual business. Thank you Suzaku, you're the best (was).