

Other urls found in this thread:



>Friend sent me a new game for us to co-op
aw yiss

>furry added you

>someone responded to one of my awkward posts i made while being drunk and just made me look it up and remember

>some blatantly obvious scam shit




>Coupon for a literally what game

>tehehe i'm a gurl gamer whats you're snapchat and social security number?


>furry added you
>he has shit taste

>wake up
>get this
>it's a gift of FF 12 the zodiac age

>10% off Bad Rats voucher

>get my first non-bot friend request in over a year
>it's a scammer trying to scam a fucking 2 key tf2 item I have

>Cortex Command Booster Pack

"+1 rep good player/trader"

>furry added you
>he has good taste

>it's someone replying to a year-old discussion you never bothered to unsubscribe from
>it's a friend invite from some 0-level foreigner and an obvious scammer
>it's a message from that friend that you've had tons of lengthy conversations with, but he's offline, and never responds to your response

underages out

>-10% coupon for indie shovelware

Bitch I've been here since before Thetans were a thing.

>furry added you
>its steamcommunity.com/id/Furmasterr/

>friend collectors

>13 new comments

>not having a sub 15 people friends list

That's discord? I thought it was some special ban message in steam

Shit you too?

>tfw 12 friends
>haven't spoken to the ones I've not met in years
>spoke to them nearly every day six years ago

>unpacked it
>all 3 cards together cost half as much as the whole pack

This is me
I always have the hope that, somehow, I'll get a foil card

>75% off this really shitty game no one likes

Every time I get a booster pack

He's got a cute furry avatar at least

Hooray. A new digital trading card.

>1 new comment on profile
>-rep if you se him in your team is gg

>think someone might have messaged me
>even a shitty friend invite from someone wanting my CSGO skins or something
>get excited that someone recognised my existence
>it's a coupon of "75% off H1Z1"

I didn't ask for this

>see op pic
>"1 unread chat message"

Anything but a booster pack, fuck this

Me to.

>tfw it's just group invites

>You have been dropped from 1 group
I didn't even know this was fucking possible

Judging by these group invites you must be a mentally ill anime avatar user.

that's what happens when you get kicked. admin of the group blocked and kicked me off the group after i wasn't accepting his add request because he wanted to do gay shit with me

judging by this post you must be some super cool and bitter faglord who's better than everyone else

>tfw got a notification that i was removed from a group

>1 member
>You have no friends in this group

I was kicked from a group for what I'm assuming was inactivity.

I’m better than you, anime avatar having faggot.

group used to have around 300+ members. the group invite is pending since then which was months ago. owner just kicked everyone out of it for whatever reason

Join and say hello

>fuck, who's trying to bug me with some bullshit now

of course you are

>a new useless card I sell for a few cent

>it’s a gay comment from some creepy weeb I met on a tf2 server
TF2 has the strangest people

>Hey I have a great offer for your [$20 skin] will you take a look?
>he offers 20 0.01$ skins

thanks for reminding I have these shitty skins so I can sell them and buy games

what? How do you get spam shit like this?

It's not spam, steam sends those from time to time

Lol so you do use an anime avatar. He got you spot on. You must be fuming.

>you have been invited to a group called "Fuck"
>go there
>leader left
>Only person in the group is me
>name of the group "Fuck" - You

>add someone on steam
>too much of an introvert to send a message


I've made about 50€ now from selling cards dand few items I don't use myself

a okay I thought you get random discount adds as notifications or some shit


no wait I read it as steam friends send them. Steam doesn't send me shit like this? Where is my discounts?!?

>croppedhentai added you
>"i'm shy"
>has 3k hours in either dota, tf2 or gmod
>maybe all three
>can only speak via memes

How do I get more friends?

shit that hit too close to home

Holy shit

>20% off Bad Rats Show

the same Chinese retard asking if you trade your anime games

>three cards would make me more than a booster
>but Valve tax steals enough that I'm losing money

Fucking commies, taxation is theft. And the money will be spent on Steam games, so it's not even like you are taking it out of the bank

tfw no furry ever adds me :(

i wish gay people liked me

>mfw never added friends, groups, or changed pic or name since 2009

I think you're cool user.

>if the same people make fun of me that means they’re the same person
Mental illness.

>tfw I probably lost more money from the electricity it took to idle than from actually idling

>tfw the only people who bother adding me are gay furries

>Have about 30 bucks worth in 2 unusuals, absolute nothing in the grand scheme of TF2
>Still get added about 3-4 times daily for the same idiotic "imposter" OP skins scam

>tfw running idlemaster

>tfw no one adds me let alone gay furries

>chat window with one of my friends opens as if he sent me a message
>there is nothing in the window

Hey, this happens to me too

no u, anime obsessed fuck

I've only ever been actively seeked out by gay men.

>mfw a gay furry adds me
>mfw we have similar tastes in porn

Is there a version without the flashing bullshit?

thanks man :3
lol cutie

>submissive shy gay man adds you
>keeps spamming healslut memes and ironic weeb 'notice me sempai' shit
>he is in your area
>think of getting my dick wet in a nice twink
>sends me a pic
>he is a fat neckbeard, balding, wearing a graphic tee and trying to make a "cute" face

And that's when I learned never go to steam friend threads

>receive Steam invite
>have nice conversation
>never talk to them again for the following reasons;

>furry added you
>he has shit taste
You are being unnecessarily redundant.

>9 notifications
>9 unread messages
>clicking opens chat window, no other user, no messages received
>9 notifications still haven't fucking gone away

>he said while posting anime

Shit meant to reply to

anime site

Oh the days of TF2 trading.
>get added
>"Hey nice inventory, got any tips for a new trader?"
>give them some pointers
>"Sweet thanks, anything you think you can give me?"

I have like 3 of those, but only one has any remote value

Nigga you can just ignore that fucker. In my case it's out in the real world, but I gotta say they all have been pretty respectful about it.