Age of Empires II

How does this game consistently have over 10k players online at any given moment?
Yet nobody plays the first AoE or AoE3?

>How does this game consistently have over 10k players online at any given moment?
Because it's a good game.

>Yet nobody plays the first AoE or AoE3?
Because they shit lol.

>Because they shit lol.


AoE2 is the peak of base-building RTS. AoE1 is worse in every way and 3 tried to change things too much.
There will never be an rts as good as this again - but that's okay. The gameplay is tight and the graphics are immune to ageing.

How is AoE ultimate?

Looks really nice but it's not AOE2

AoE 2 is just AoE I: medieval and better edition
AoE 3 had a dumb campaign, and did a bunch of unneeded changes plus adding dubious new features like shipments

Peak concurrent players yesterday on Steam: 15,975 (from SteamSpy)

Voobly's AoE2 lobbies: 2176 Players (from Voobly website)

How's AoE2 HD? I remember people complained that it was shit for some reason but after some time they rolled out patches that fixed several things.

p.good now.

Voobly is the better experience though

AoE 1 is pretty terrible.
AoE 2 is peak 2D and set in medieval time period which everyone loves.
AoE 3 is where they decided to go 3D which didn't work out very well and they moved on to the next age in keeping with their formula which people aren't as interested in.

People on voobly are elitist assholes, though. Unless you have friends with whom you can set up private matches, I would recommend getting HD on steam.

>Yet nobody plays the first AoE or AoE3?
AoE is either effectively obsolete or W10 exclusive, and thus not worth it either way.
AoE3 is a fun diversion but is practically a different game entirely and in a way that alienates most people who enjoyed AoE2, which as it turns out is a large number of people.

i personally like aoe1 more

I remember, roughly 4 or so years ago, I followed this Vietnamese streamer who would stream AoE1 frequently and nearly 3k other Vietnamese would watch him daily.

I personally prefer 3 over 2 because I played it first

oh, and it was on Twitch.

>most of Sup Forums hates AoE1

This game is broken. If you fuck up the first 10 seconds setting up your economy, you're fucked. If you don't find the starting sheep you're fucked

>If you fuck up you're fucked
Sounds like it works fine to me

Some people like getting fucked.

They are usually near your town center. The strategy for the first few minutes is almost the same for everyone.
In the rare event that your gold/stone/sheep/boar are glitched and locked behind trees, you should inform everyone on the chat so that the match can be restarted.

>If you fuck up the first 10 seconds setting up your economy, you're fucked.

t. starcraft player

Shut up, Quiet[C].

I'm a Masters level SC2 player who never played AOE2 or Company of Heroes.

I only like Zerg because of their speed and aggression and enjoy long macro games over cheese. Protoss is shit and Terran is OK with multi-prong drops but is too boring to play mechanically.

Am I missing out?

go post on your blog, we don't care.

t. bronze level shitter jelly of someone actually good at the hardest genre of games

lmao @ your life faggot

>i can't think of a reply

>hardest genre of games
That's like saying Smashbros is a fighting game

maximum damage control.jpg

Yes you are. AoE2 has a pretty good competitive scene, although it's not all about APM like Starcraft.