Being excited for a remastered literally no one asked for

>being excited for a remastered literally no one asked for

If you're not a consolecuck why would you even want to buy this when then original and superior PC version is already available on Steam when this "remaster" is going to be Origin exclusive and feature Shitnuvo?

also backwards compatible on xbox one. This must be only for desperate PS4 owners only

Where's my Dead Space trilogy, EA

>more remasters
Sure am glad I didn't blow money on a console.

It's nonsencical.
The game has been 5$ on steam countless times and even the toastest of toasters could run it maxed 60fps + in 2009, more so now.

it doesn't include big surf island

They never brought the big surf island expansion to pc.

>Not NFS:MW 2006

One fucking job, EA

I'll buy it just to be able to play online again. I have Paradise on Steam and Origin, but no matter what combination of EA accounts/Origin accounts I try to log in with, it tells me it's wrong. I've even contacted EA support 3 or 4 times over the years and they've never been able to help me.


why the fuck

You fuckers better buy this shit if you want another burnout

>PC version

Go away, EA.
>Buy this useless and pointless port despite the previous game holding up because it's easier to put a coat of paint on something and take $60 from you than it is to put effort into something new
C'est la Sup Forums, Retarded Gamer general.

If you like half the game missing, sure.

>buying a EA game

kys consolecuck

>one shitty dlc
>half the game

stay mad consolecuck

aside from the library origin is better than steam by a mile desu

Enjoy your game with missing content

>one shitty dlc
>missing content

I'll sure enjoy it playing at 8K 120 fps fag

>one shitty dlc
>said dlc gives not only another area to explore but also gives you more cars to unlock
Ok user

He's just mad his overpriced pre-built got fucked over in the past and continues to get fucked over by EA to this very day.


I played the full game on console, friend. Nothing to be salty about at all.

Try playing the PC version of the game.

Included in """"Ultimate Box"""":
>Party mode (debatable)
>Legendary Cars
>Time Savers (debatable)
>Toy Cars
>Boost Specials
>Cops & Robbers
>Big Surf Island

I prefer Paradise but I think 3 should have had a remaster since it isn't even available on PC.

Legendary cars, bikes and toys are available on PC. You just need to use the DLC Unlocker.

Why the fuck are they remastering this instead of 3?

because the paradise store is broken on PC and can't go to Paradise Island or whatever it was called... unless you cheated

I own the game on console and PC, but I'll probably pick this up in the hope that it'll revive the online for the game. Haven't actually played it in a while, but I dumped hundreds of hours into this shit back when it first came out. I do wish they'd remaster/port the older Burnout titles to PC and current gen consoles though.

I was just trying to play Red Faction Guerrilla the other day on steam, found one game and after that I couldn't find shit. Another game I played to death and now it's kinda dead online. Sucks. Remaster that game. And give us RFG 2 while you're at it. im rambling

RFG is overrated casual shit, give us another one like the first game.


> No one asked for

There's a thread at least 2-3 times a week asking for it.

Eat shit. It was fun as fuck. The destruction in that game was endless entertainment. Make another one like the first, fine, but make one like G. Or any game with destruction that detailed and fun. Used to go into MP maps alone and just topple buildings and shit.

Imaginary threads does not count

The PC port is atrocious and is missing Big Surf Island. I'm just hoping the Remaster PC version is done better. It will be nice to play this with an active community again.

>no switch version

fuck ea

They do in my mind.


>no Burnout Paradise: Soyboy Edition
wtf I love EA now?

fuck you. portability would be perfect for this game. there is zero reason it shouldn't be on the switch.

i can't believe they would abandon us like that, they said they were supporting it, they were on that image and everything!

literally why? Remaster Burnout 3 or NFSU, NFSU2, NFSMW instead

Why are you mad?

They need to remaster an actual burnout game not this openworld bullshit
all the routes sucked

>The PC port is atrocious
How so? Works fine here.

>Not porting Burnout 3 to everything instead

This. Paradise wasn't bad but come on 3 was hands down the best Burnout.

Paradise is actually one of the best though. Although I would have preferred MW