The developers are so based only a faggot would hate them.
ROR2 will be a masterpiece

Other urls found in this thread:


That's what I get for playing with boners

What did he do now?

>Implying it will ever compete


>100% mad


It's garbage, pretty much immediately.

>I have no taste

I have faith in hopoo

hoss when

it's gonna be garbage. i'm pretty damn sure it's gonna be garbage.

Go back to /agdg/ hopoo, no one likes stealth shill threads.

Based Hopoo. Hopefully we'll see even newer stuff because that's what a part two should present, right? New items and characters please. Just don't show them. Should be a surprise.

Isn't Hopoo like one guy, or did that change?


Just for you user

>so reminders are nice :)
> :)

Project is doomed.

>most enemies have projectiles
confirmed shit

I know who you are, you bald motherfucker. I'm coming for you.

is someone gonna host a game or what?

yeah you

wish i could but i could never get my port forwarding to work...

can't play without lag

Should I host?


Well, i cant say no to that

Get in fellas, this works

get in here!

Still open, might close soon

and we're ingame




anyone left that wants to play?

Did you launched already?

we're still looping my friend

>Projectiles can't be dodged by circle strafing
>You have to play a bulky slow tank and get lucky with items to get anywhere
This sounds horrible




Speaking of is anybody else picking up their new game?


open when

Thats all I have in me for today, closing this server for now

RoR2? Of course


Deadbolt was 2 years ago user, I beat that a long time ago

Oh yeah. It releases today on the PS4 and Vita though.
How is it?

its up laddies come wipe

Thank you for hosting.
Good fun in short bursts, although I'm not sure how effective a controller will be for aiming the guns.

Sounds like it'd be fine to pick up then. The aiming may not be the worst thing, but I feel like picking it up on the Vita instead of PC.


Dont worry Sup Forums, I brought your dose

we up

merci chef

Thanks doc.

thank doc

Change one(1) thing about him to make him high tier
Pro-tip: you cant

is it that bad
I always enjoyed playing it but never managed to complete a game

I guess it depends on what artifacts you're using, but I definitely feel he's the worst on glass.


we up again

Is this game good or is it just another pos underages like to shill?

ded host

Too good for u

Reminder that if you play with command, you are a filthy casual.

Reminder that ur gay lol

I wonder how long RoR2 will last before the multiplayer turns into sperging faggots that can't accept anyone not playing their shitty meme item meta.

it's alright

I hope they ditched their last shitty publisher.

Fucking Chucklefish.

Change his block to a limited duration but make it 100% immune to damage and completely stationary. The whole problem with him is that some damage slips through and on glass thats not a chance you can take.

>sperging faggots that can't accept anyone not playing their shitty meme item meta.
I mean, someone complained about that a few days ago and someone else decided to host a few games without the usual Sup Forums settings, and I'm pretty sure the user that complained never showed up anyway

chucklefish isnt involved for ror2, they werent even the publishers for deadbolt

Great. Maybe we can get some decent multiplayer support. Maybe even servers.

>completely stationary
Sure, let's give him back what made him unplayable on vanilla before the update he was fixed, that'll sure make him high tier.
>but he's 100% immune
Doesn't matter, the moment that immunity ends you have to escape with zero momentum whatever enemy may be on the middle of his attack.

My man, port forwarding isn't hard. Incoming communication on RoR's port needs to be pointed to your computer's local IP and all of that can usually be done on one window in your router/modem.


just email your isp lol

don't listen to them, hosting is for chumps

you're a chump

Chumps make the world go round
and no desync is great

I, for one, enjoy getting aggro'd by every single vagrant



Still open


>What is jumping
>What is baiting
>What is forward and backward movement

>Outrunning overloading vagrant at level 1 with no hooves


s-still open


>Overloading anything on lvl1
You are playing the game wrong, you deserve to die.

Sometimes the tele spawns close to someone. It happens.

>activating the tele when someone is close to it
Still playing the game wrong

Casual RoR player here.

What's the point of making a tier list for the items? It seems like aside from the spawns that give you the option of 3 different items, and the use items, you should be picking up all items you can anyways (excluding shitty use items)?

I've only done single player and local co-op though so I'm probably retarded.

Command artifact lets you choose items.

>I've only done single player and local co-op though so I'm probably retarded.


>this retard thinks hoppo will be able to reproduce the effects of super funballs in 3d when in reality everybody playing the game will be on toasters

>probably won't be able to even execute the exe


Yep, figured as much