It's another Sup Forums census thread
Favorite Vidya:
Least favorite Vidya: (that you played)
It's another Sup Forums census thread
Favorite Vidya:
Least favorite Vidya: (that you played)
Other urls found in this thread:
Physics Teacher
Freespace 2
Terminator 2 judgement day on gameboy is the least fun I've had playing a game
I'm packing in teaching and going back into education to get a phd
NEET (technically homecare provider)
Probably MGS3
Knights of Xentar
I'll finish that novel someday, god willing
>technically homecare provider
Mechanical Engineer (unempoyed)
Zeno Clash
Get an android waifu, some day
Warehouse operative
Demon's Souls, Yoshi's Island, Metroid Prime, Resident Evil Remake
Don't have one, Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor was a turd and I played it recently, so that
I'm living a comfy life in an apartment with my bro right now, my goal is to keep it this way.
Not much to say. Mom is old and in poor health and I'm technically employed by medicaid to assist her. The lions share of my check goes to my parents, but I don't really mind because that's what they get in lieu of rent and dad does most of the heavy lifting anyway, as it were.
>roastie ruins the picture by attempting to be the center of attention
every time
You're a good kid
I quite liked Terminator 2 on Game Boy. Finished it the other day in fact. A good way to blaze through 20 minutes.
IT at a bank
>Favorite Vidya:
>Least favorite Vidya: (that you played)
probably any of the ASSFAGGOTS I tried, especially League
get a house, a cool 80's project car, a gf, and survive my deployment to Afghanistan this year
y-you too
You'll be fine
My buddy was deployed to Afghanistan and he called it glorified babysitting. Although he did earn a hatred for animal cruelty. The village elders motivate camels by beating the fuck out of them. When he came back he would pound a handle of whiskey every night for a few months and his knee is fucked from a botched IED diffusal
Age: 25
Occupation: Student (None)
Favorite Vidya: Pokemon Gold/Silver, Doom
Least favorite Vidya: Destiny 1
Goal: Finish college so my mom would stop nagging me about it.
Age: 24
Occupation: NEET
Favorite Vidya: Rune Factory 4
Least favorite Vidya: The very first Neptunia
Goal: Get out of this NEET life
Got a NZ mate who was deployed in Afghanistan, fucking hated it for how boring it was, said he was stuck on base 90% of the time
Forklift driver
Mount & blade warband
Buying an apartment complex and start my own business. It's not that far off, I soon got my deposit for my first 1 million and then I'm diving head first into my new life. I'll see you guys on the other side
Age: 27
Occupation: kindergarden school teacher (its shit)
Favorite Vidya: Guild wars for online, Final fantasy X otherwise
Least favorite Vidya: PUBG, i love the concept but im just not good at shooters and scavenging for 10 min just to get killed from afar is infuriating
Goal: idk, start saving money i guess
CG animator (vydia)
Metal Gear Rising/Darksiders
some Indie Bundle Game leftover
be a fucking functional adult
What did you not like about FTL?
that's relieving, I feel like I have pretty thick skin, and I'm pretty open minded to how fucked up war can be, but I say that now, who knows what I'll be saying after.
end blog
Get ready to vote Republican
Military life makes you realize certain things:
Women in the military is a meme and they will whore themselves out quickly
Americans are actually better than most people
And being in the military is boring as fuck but will earn you points at home
Software developer
Gothic II
Shit, I don't know, I guess Dota.
Buy a house and a car.
>cg animator
I actually have a very comfy job with no overtime or crunch that's been going on for several years
they pay in peanuts though, unless you are a good bargainer, which i'm not
Manager of local bakery
Fallout 2
Dark Souls
Open my own bakery, or have the owner of this one declare me as his successor. I have a pretty genuine passion for the culinary arts, as I've been at it since I learned to walk.
Age: Late 20s
Occupation: Military Officer
Favorite Vidya: (I don’t really have an all time fav) Currently, Zelda: BotW
Least favorite Vidya: I don’t know, I just play what I like and avoid what I don’t like.
Goal: To do all quests in Monster Hunter World
Java developer
I dont really have any i hate I guess something i bought on steam tried and forgot about
to make a video game
NEET (formerly Goldsmith/Silversmith)
Valkyria Chronicles
Hearthstone I guess
Wanna get cash and move to a cabin somewhere and get away from everyone I know.
What got you into such a field?
Police Officer
Probably FF7. Maybe Def Jam Fight For New York
Final Fantasy XIII
I wanna win a tournament or competition in a combat sport.
dunno, was young and stupid, it was interesting and fun to create your own jewelry, don't wanna work it anymore and just keep it as a hobby, maybe wanna try on blacksmithing.
It's a shit work, can't recommend it.
22, cinema usher, prolly bayonetta 2 or undertale, trine 3
Have you considered getting further into metallurgy? I'm sure that's a fairly lucrative field to get into.
MMA coach for adults and kids
Supreme.commander forged alliance
Red faction armageddon
Make a Godhand soul sequel
Shoot any Basketball Americans lately?
I a B-Ball American myself so if I did, you wouldn't hear about it.
>Gunstar heroes
>Legend of Dragoon
I want to enter the french foreign legion to pay myself a master degree on Nuclear cook
Age: 20
Occupation: retail
Favorite Vidya: MGS2
Least favorite Vidya: Risen 2, what a steaming pile of shit. Don't play a lot of really bad games though
Goal: finally start college, learn to drive, buy a car, finish my trashy fantasy novel, improve my drawing skills. all in no particular order
Megaman Zero
DK 64
Start a family
>early thirties
>fallout 1
>tie between FF8 and FF10. so fucking stupid i couldn't bring myself to finish them even when they are new releases
Just got fired from a bank
League of Legends
Learn a trade and move out of Nevada
Age: 29
Occupation: Town planner
Favorite Vidya: At the moment, Planetside 2, but it switches between whichever multiplayer shooter I'm into that month
Least favorite Vidya: (that you played) difficult to say, I've played many shit games
Goal: Start my own planning consultancy/make money/fuck bitches/ possibly settle down when I find a non-crazy girl.
Finance specialist
Really like MH:W at the moment
I dunno.
Get out of depression, start to exercise, make relationships, just get my shit together in general
At Uni, studying computer science
M&B Warband
Ass Creed Unity
Have a nice big family
X-wing vs tie fighter.
MMOs in general. every single one of them are a piece of shit.
get a nice job, a house and a car. need to get out of my third world shithole to do that
Where are you from fellow thirdshitter?
This question is only ever asked so people can attack that particular shit-hole.
Web """developer"""
>Favorite Vidya:
Medieval 2 Total War
>Least favorite Vidya: (that you played)
Post Beta 1.7.3 Minecraft
a 8/10 humble nondegenerate (conservative) gf, getting rid of my crippling depression, finishing my ActSci Degree or maybe starting Physics and going to work on a big ass bank, visiting st peters basilica and asking forgiveness for my sins.
>Age: 19
>Occupation: AF Mechanic
>Favorite Vidya: Star Wars Battlefront 2 (old one)
>Least favorite Vidya: KH: DDD, it just felt really clunky and not fun to play, the forced character switch was also a turn off
>Goal: Do twenty, get my teaching certificate, teach history at a highschool. Seems like a really relaxed and easy living.
I'm from Mexico
Best of lucks my man
why'd you get fired user?
Age: 25
Occupation: British civil servant
Favorite Vidya: Various, but HL2 has a special place in my heart
Least favorite Vidya: The Tomb Raider remake. Fuck that game.
Goal: Feel more satisfied in life.
Age: 22
Occupation: Culinary Specialist in the USCG
Favorite Vidya: Runescape
Least favorite Vidya: (that you played) Probably FIFA or another sport game, I'm good with choosing games I like to play.
Goal: Save money? Honestly don't even know what to do with my life.
Age: 25
Occupation: catastrophe adjuster
Favorite Vidya: Resident Evil 4
Least favorite Vidya: Any music rhythm game
Goal: Be rich and start a family
No job
Witcher 3
>80s cars are now "project" cars
jesus christ just fucking kys
>Vidya dev
>Castlevania : Symphony of the Night
>The Fellowship of the Ring(GBA vers)
>Finish my game by October
any car can be a project car champ
Geography Teacher
Difficult one, probably either Monster Hunter 4U or Pathologic
Probably Guitar Hero Live, played that shit for a little bit and hated it to my core
Noways, im hoping to finally start writing a novel, getting the everloving fuck out of he shithole that i call a country and finally marrying my long time girlfriend, im going to propose to her in a few weeks actually
scientific cave diver
Armored Core: Last Raven
Destiny 2 was probably my worst purchase. I knew it wasn't worth the money, but i didn't expect to be that bad. shocking levels of incompetence by the developers.
I hope to eventually map the underwater cave systems of east Africa.
Had a large cash overage, which they treat the same as being short. They kept me working for 2 months before firing me. Never made any other notable mistakes in the year and a half that I worked there. Had no idea where the cash came from, and nobody ever claimed the cash. Investigations looked at the cameras and researched it during those 2 months and couldn't find anything, we went through all of my work and nothing turned up. I suspect some shady shit was going on, I had been under investigation multiple times before this for ridiculous reasons (one not involving me at all, but my mom, who they suspected was committing fraud, which was false) but I'm glad to be out of there. Banks fucking suck.
For Honor; I still feel burned
Saving up money to become a welder
*galo sengen plays in the background*
Age: 23
Occupation: 68X
Favorite Vidya: Tomba 2
Least favorite: PUBG
Goal: Get promoted before I kill myself
>Environmental Science Officer
>Recently? DoS2. All time? Not 100% sure really.
>I'll go with most disappointing: Brink, by far.
>Finish my committed service time, get the fuck out of the Army and transition to civilian equals to my current work.
English Teacher
Caves of Qud
Bioshock Infinite
Work hard enough to respect myself
College student/courtesy clerk
>Favorite Vidya
Tales of Symphonia maybe, it's a game i have the most fondness for at least
>Least Favorite
Brink was an unbelievable piece of shit
Voice Over Actor/D-list Actor
The main problem is that i have to acquire independence from parents so i can move back to Cali
Hard to to do as a college student working part time tho
hotline miami
Age: 20
Occupation: Working for local port
Favorite Vidya: Vanilla WoW
Least favorite Vidya: Dark Souls 2
Goal: Get my IT degree after either transferring or doing a study abroad at a Japanese college and move to new england with my gf
Age: 21
Occupation: College student / retail
Favorite Vidya: Darkest Dungeon
Least favorite: CSGO
Goal: find the motivation to do well at college
Age: 22
Occupation: Cashier
Favorite Vidya: Killer7
Least favorite Vidya: I can't think of anything that left such a sour taste in my mouth that I'd declare it as least favorite. Fable 3 was probably one of the most disappointing games I got suckered into, but even then it's still average.
Goal: Be the best person I can possibly be, and improve on my faults and talents alike. I'd like to visit Hong Kong again too, and pick back up martial arts. Achieve a stronger sense of stability for my family.
4th year law student
Fallout: New Vegas
Don't really have one, I just drop shit that I don't enjoy
Improve my writing and speaking skills, they're gonna be pretty essential for my future career, other than that I guess I hope I can make it a career and not just be like Saul was at the 1st season of his show
trash taste
thanks for caring
Age: 26
Occupation: neet or neet-like
Favorite Vidya: talos principle
Least favorite Vidya: (that you played) right now I am angery about Nolf2 being disappointing
Goal: to learn a lot of spells.
25, 26 soon
IT support for a public school district, I have one elementary and junior high
Hard to say... Killing Floor, STALKER, Warsow/Quake/Unreal, Planeteside. I guess I like a lot of FPS's but I play almost every genre
Any game with a high reliance of luck
I dunno, I guess keep my job and rack up the retirement bonuses and raises. Maybe buy another house and rent it out to people.
>to learn a lot of spells.
Magic isn't real user.
dark chronicle/dark cloud 2
League/DOTA it bores me and more importantly turns shitters into annoying shitters youre stuck with.
Finish my backlog, or die in battle, whichever happens first.
Part-time bookmaker, part-time "living-theater" actor
Probably Baldur's Gate 2 + ToB
Idk, not a fan of ASSFAGGOTS/Dota-likes though
To have fun while waiting for death. Fuck careers and money-chasers, I just want to have as much free time as possible in which I can pursue things I enjoy.
Age: 21
Occupation: UCLA Senior
Favorite Vidya: Persona 5
Least favorite Vidya: Uncharted 4
Goal: Become a paralegal
I dig the actor stuff, but what kind of books? and what do you exactly mean bookmaker? paperback? Idk why but im interested now.
Not that user but
I take bets at horse and dog races. It's not proper bookmaking though since I work for the race courses themselves.
It's basically being a glorified cashier. A glorified cashier handling tens of thousands of dollars in cash every day, making all calculations manually except for the actual odds/payout.
Pays very well because of the inherent risks, and the fact that they need people that are double-triple-quadruple-checked for security liabilities so they prefer to hire known and vetted workers.
retail wage cuck
Resident Evil 1
tie between condemned and manhunt
git gud at art and make a living doing it
Wow I feel fucking retarded. Ive always called them bookies. Didnt think they would be called bookmakers. I have always been more into cards and dice than races.
If you wanna make any money off art I'd advise into networking or become some kinda savant
Tesla Technician
Monster Hunter 3U
Get a cute wife.
Deus Ex
Anything involving heavy amounts of RNG
I want to become rich somehow to never work again
Navy Nuclear Electronics Technician
Final Fantasy XII probably.
The Eragon video game that was released with the movie
Avoiding wizardry
Physical Therapist / Freelance Writer
GTA San Andreas
Dig Dug
Go back to swimming classes, like when I was younger. Get fit like I used to be.
Age: 20
Occupation: Torpedoman on a sub
Favorite Vidya: Nier Automata
Least favorite Vidya: DaS 2
Goal: Make it through my remaining contract so I can finally go to college
Are you browsing this vietnamese cartoon website on a nuclear submarine deep in foreign waters user?
>census thread
Fuck off Hiro
Factory Worker (soon to be neet-full time drawfag artist)
Deus Ex
I've no idea.
To become a drawfag and work with what I love doing instead of doing pissy fucking factoryshit.
I wish I could. Currently in port. There's no internet underwater