I don't get it. Is dying supposed to be fun?
I don't get it. Is dying supposed to be fun?
name another MP game that's out that's worth playing
all you got these days is
>moba shit
>esports shit
>card games
>flavor of the month stuff that dies out
>and then meme BR shit
everything else has next to no one playing
>name another MP game that's out that's worth playing
There isn't a single multiplayer game in existence worth playing.
I've been playing EVE, Stacraft 1 and 2 and a bunch of singleplayer games.
Not much else going on today in general.
scp secret laboratory
>>card games
There's Hearthstone.... and... uh...
Metal Gear Survive
Monster Hunter
Dragon Ball Fighterz
This unironically
No, killing people and not being absolutely shit at it is fun.
hardly even a game. and something like that, you will never get anywhere in unless it becomes all that you do.
>RTS schlock
eh, if that's what you like. I consider that esports garbage
yea that's the funnest game I've played recently. sad
there's like a few, HS is the most popular. they are all pay2win trash of just doing what's meta or lose right away.
>Metal Gear Survive
pure garbage. why even mention that abomination
>Monster Hunter
not my kind of game. OG MH was tedious shit. new one looks like a cross between DS and old HS. so tedious boring shit with tedious boring shit all mixed together.
>Dragon Ball Fighterz
>fighting games
lol. next you'll mention sports games
get good taste
>ywn be this much of a jaded faggot
why even live bros?
to wait for a good game to come out
>I don't get it. Is dying supposed to be fun?
it is when you're 12 and you're high on the idea that you can prove something to somebody by eventually winning, yet nobody gives a shit because everyone else loses anyway
Stop posting, pumpkin
you first, kiddo
>mobas are fine
>moba shooters are fine too
>mmos are fine
>broken beta survival games are fine
>card games are fine
>trash harvest moon clones with bad art are fine
>game where you spawn, get some guns, shoot people, die, spawn again
>Sup Forums
No matter which one you pick, you'll get someone on Sup Forums telling you you have shit taste.
In other news, consolefags have shit taste.
No thanks, sweetie