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Video Games #4080
Video Games
Haven't seen an SCP thread in a bit
Mfw someone tells me he doesnt miss d&d games
And you play as the opposite gender other than your own in games why exactly...
Post the weirdest and most obscure games you know of
After the success of FighterZ, what other anime do you think would make for a good competitive fighting game?
What are some video games for people with above average IQ?
Why did Microsoft even bother remastering this game when it's fucking trash and isn't as good at AOE2? Hell...
Scooby doo games
What's the best Sims game in your opinion?
Trigger Sup Forums with one image
What do you think about gamer girls?
Xenogears was 50% cut scenes due to poor budget allocation from Square
What do you guys think of Greedfall?
This fucking game is 8 years old
Does the attractiveness of characters ever influence you in your decision to buy a game?
Tachanka face reveal when?
Did you enjoy this year's ESA or AGDQ?
Whats your favorite porn game?
This is your new upcoming Overwatch hero, say something nice to her
DSP's channel has finally been taken down
Remember Ulillillia? This is him now:
Why do I feel that today the average leftist is smarter than the average right winger?
Shh hoh
Why aren't you laptop gaming, Sup Forums?
"There's nothing Gordon can't handle... with the possible exceptation of you."
The best game currently on the Switch is Monster Hunter XX
Who else completly stopped buying games on steam?
Friendly reminder that Cloud Strife is in Smash Bros
What game have you hated today?
Donkey Kong
Hey Sup Forums how are we going to stop the danger of violent video games?
What are they? Protesters?
What base building game are you playing at the moment?
Am I being memed here? Why the fuck is this $200? It's not even good. Hell, it's not even remotely decent...
Whats the longest you have wasted on a game that isn't even that good?
This is the best game exclusive to the Wii U. Say something nice about it!
Take a good look, Switch fans. This is your only game for the entire year
What are some games with good and humorous American voice actors?
Strength or vitality?
Langrisser Rebirth
Find a redeeming factor
What are your thoughts on this character from Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus
Final Fantasy VII
Kirby Star Allies cautious optimism thread
*blocks your bath*
Zelda is currently 71 awards behind The Witcher 3. Better luck next time, guys
ITT: Times Sup Forums were completely fooled
In what games can I do this?
HI there. I'm a shitty attempt at being Keichi Maebara 2, but without the smarts and the funny personality...
I want to buy a console for my boyfriend's birthday, but I can't choose between a Nintendo or a PlayStation...
Tales of
As you may have read on reddit she's coming soon. I hope you saved enough stones for her
Journos Literally Want Cu-ck Shit in Kingdom Come Deliverance
Buyers remorse thread
Has the curse be broken? Is this the first good vidya movie?
What is the wagyu beef of video games?
Just finished the Jak and Daxter trilogy. It was pretty great. The third one is definitely my favorite. Great locales...
It's unironically a good game despite being buggy and rough around the edges
Vermintide 2
*she ate millions*
What does Sup Forums think about the cost of changing specs in classic wow...
Website Refuses To Cover Kingdom Come Deliverance
Is this the worst trilogy in gaming?
Tfw my friend has never invited me over for video games
Do you like fang?
Best combo
Games where the villain just wants to go back to the old times?
Are you ready to wreck it one more time Sup Forums?
Hey out there! This is Tokyo-to's very own, number one pirate powerstation, JET SET RADIOOOOOOO!
And this is our son's room, he's quite into this bitcorn videogame
Mononobe no Futo is a nice girl. She gathered all occult orbs just to wish for a plate
Sup Forums is too stubborn to realize this is the best horror franchise in the past decade
It's been a long time since I enjoyed video games. I have enough spare change to get any vidya I want...
Will the new God of War feature a scene like pic related?
Metal Gear Survive on Steam
Why do women in video games rarely have long hair or wear skirts...
Post a completely honest opinion about a game
Matthew what the fuck is this?
Half life 2, released in 2004
4 full years of development
This game would unironically be good if ultimates did not exist
Are they really not gonna have one? Literally no games
Scam Citizen
Teammate opens mic
Post your steam profile, rate and laugh at others
Game has a gay couple
Hokuto no Yakuza
Comes out in less than a month, you hype?
2B still hasn't been surpassed in terms of perfection by any vidya girl
Poorly draw a vidya box art for other anons to guess
Nintendo has only had 4 major Innovations to their consoles. NES, N64, Wii and Switch. Sure...
I need the best Darkest Dungeon memes that you can provide
He is at it again
He ate millions
"Hey, it's one of the best rpg off all time. Try it !"
You know you havw to pick it up, right?
Website Refuses To Cover Kingdom Come Deliverance
ITT: Post a game and insult the one above yours
ITT: Spooky shit in non-spooky vidya
"Relax pal! We 're just gunna 'pirate' your child. We'll give her back when we're done, heh heh!"
Which one do you rate higher?
So what's the verdict? I'm still going through Hollow Realization but should I look forward to Fatal Bullet...
Oh boy
This game good now ?
Why don't vaults in the later games have decontamination rooms...
Character Creator
Try playing game
What is your opinion on this man?
So, why did Nintendo close Miiverse?
*insults nobles*
This is a ____ game
Why is this character so popular among adult men?
*blocks your gameplay*
Dragon Ball FighterZ
What's the verdict?
Describe your social life with a video game screenshot
Final Fantasy XV 4 more DLC episodes in 2018-2019
Ehh I should really start playing my bideo game
Halo Cortana
Beta orbiters are not enough
How does Japan get away with it?
Holy fucking shit
Mexican level
What game will make me feel like John Wick?
Why did kojima add the monkey? (please no racist responses)
Will this trash be able to fund UT4?
Faces of Sup Forums thread?
Reminder that the savior of ARPGs is releasing a new league in a few days you think KH3 will live up the hype?
*ruins your run*
Fortnite be like
*blocks your path*
So you think you know better than the FBI what to do with this month's school shooting tip off?
Comfiest way to play this game?
ITT: We pretend it's 2007
Are they related?
No Man's Sky
Your workshop has stopped producing goods
This is the best Mass Effect girl
Risk of Rain: NEVER STOP
Could you lower the price a little, please?
Why do Americans think it's politically incorrect to have attractive female characters in video games?
Weird/Out of place stuff in games
Currently at a stalemate, play Overwatch a lot, love multiplayer games. I only play Overwatch...
Pods rebel. Chorus kicks in
Did anyone else instantly switch the VAs to monster hunter language so it felt more like the old games
Can we talk about the video game Sonic Dreams Collection...
Opinions about new expack?
Why aren't you guys talking about this game?
Birds are smart so where does the insult "bird brain" come from?
ITT: Autistic things you do while playing games
Why is Nintendo so greedy?
Is this rom really worth $10 ? How different is it from vanilla SMB? Its been in the eshop top 10 for awhile
A skilled swordsman can outfight somebody armed with modern firearms
When you first meet Ryuji, you think he's unfairly picked on and ostracised by everyone
This dude is actually one of the biggest fucking faggots I've ever encountered in any video game
You thought you outclevered the game
What's the Sup Forumserdict?
It was alright, fun physic gameplay. a lot of tactics to experiment with but the exploration is really lacking
Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire
Going to pick this up after work
Why the fuck can't I enjoy this game Sup Forums?
Open world with educational materials are a great idea aren’t they? Every open world IP should follow the footstep
"When in doubt, take a bite!"
In the future the most weapon is a sword
So they admitted their "games" are just CGI movies
What did Konami employees mean by this?
Wtf bros why did some of you tell me this game was shit?
NieR: Automata
What does Sup Forums think about Danganronpa?
GTA online is a pay to win and has been for years
Vinny is a peterson cultist
Tap door twice
Even the mods are probably newfags
Fire Emblem has been going strong since Awakening, with a thriving community, tons of games...
It's up. And it's not what you were expecting
Weight limit
Then how about this?
How will they fuck up the Classic servers?
La creatura
Just downloaded ePSXe to play SOTN. What other PS1 games are worth playing?
Why all the hate for this game?
What's the Sup Forumserdict on Hunt Down The Freeman?
How the fuck do you go from this
Nuclear bombs fell 200 years ago
Post your autistic gaming habits
Prove to me that "fun" is not a buzzword akin to "gamefeel" and "control"
Borderlands 3
When the game has awful morals and metaphors
Why do videogames today need 10000's TB of HDD space? wasn't a problem back then
What are you playing right now?
Define this
Why did they lie to us Sup Forums?
Is Yu a Chad?
What the hell is wrong with brazil?
Best selling games in France in 2017
Happy Anniversary!!
What the heck is going on with Rockstar?
Far Cry 5
Literally who
How do you even respond without sounding mad?
Find a redeeming factor
Is PC-Gaming still viable?
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Is the best shotgun in the game it appears in
Deliver us from Black Panther
Say something nice about her
Is this a GOTY contender?
Best gameplay in the series
How come Sony's film division is eating shit even though their games and electronics division is at an all time high...
When asked about what sort of game V will be, Yamai says that they have paid attention to comments from fans...
What are games with good beast races...
Are you still on the fence thinking about getting into VR?
Master race
Atelier Series
His gamer tag is his first name
Subnautica bases
Why is vtmb still the best rpg ever made?
It's nice to finally be playing a decent Ass Creed again...
Itt: devilish things you've done in the vidyas?
What kept the Saint's Row series from getting traction as much as the GTA franchise...
He sexually harassed millions
Normal is too easy
Was he right?
Xenoblade 2 OST
Kingdom Hearts thread II:
What went wrong Sup Forums?
Ann ruined Persona 5
Tera thread
FPS is dead
Sup Forums headphone thread: poorfag edition
What are some good games that came out after this year?
Girthmann Refuses To Cover Kingdom Come Deliverance
Play TF2 because I heard alot of good things about the pyro update
Tohsaka a Cute
Dat one guy/kid that had Halo portable and Minecraft on his flash drives and played them on the school/library computers
Is this the most shilled game of the year so far?
Reminder that sonic had a monthly comic from the 90's that lasted for decades
Indie games
Who is your favorite Pathologic character? For me it is the Haruspex. I haven't played Clara yet though...
*notices no Bethesda titles in your library*
I've only seen N. Americans express extreme dissatisfaction with this game. How come?
I'll just leave this here
Uncap framerate yes/no?
Great characters stuck in shitty games
Sadayo Kawakami
I've spent approximately 100 hours in this and can confirm that its the best RPG I've ever played
Hey big bro, mind if I watch you playing dark souls?
So what's the general consensus between these two?
What the fuck I'm a brainlet
Pillars of Eternity 2 is comming out in a little over a month, let's talk about that
What were they thiiiinking?
Do you finish games you don't like?
Earthbound or Mother 3
What games have playable succubuses? Disgaea comes to mind but what are some others
*delays your guaranteed delivery date and keeps you waiting longer for your game packages to finally be delivered to...
Is this game worth playing or just a Sup Forums meme?
Is Dreamcast 5th or 6th gen?
Nyo will not be satisfied unless you have this size
Reminder that HOTS is the best moba
*blocks your path*
So how come microtransactions are hated? They're just the tips of the game industry, support your devs
Ultimate pleb filter
So has it now Become impossible to critize Konami without being accused of being a Kojimadrone?
Monster Hunter World
Holy shit this is fun as fuck! Why don’t games like this exist anymore? Feels like it belongs in the PS2 era...
Playing Zelda on 3DS while watching 90s anime, drinking vodka and eating some pizza
Is this game any fun?
Post your 3 by 3s
Let's settle it
Tfw you bought a 1070 before the price spike
What are some Sup Forums approved youtubers?
Girthmann Refuses To Cover Kingdom Come Deliverance
Join me Dovahkiin, and I will make your face the greatest in Tamriel!
Well, Sup Forums?
Build 2000 dollar gaming PC
Carts mean more memory space
Horror Games
Is this game even worth getting back into or is it completely dead as fuck?
Wtf I hate Classic WoW now
Uh oh
Does gaming obligatory make you a manchild?
High INT thread
Hi Sup Forums why have I never had a gf before?
Here is a fun thread idea. Think of a game title. Got it...
Stardew Valley
Is Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 unironically vidya kino?
What are some other really stylish games
I just finished Bioshock 2, and I thought it was an amazing story. Discuss what you think about the game
Is Goku some kind of good person with evil tendencies or it's just autism?
Monster Hunter World is game of the yea-
Wiki becomes unreliable because another company bought the series or someone else took over and faggots keep editing in...
Why is it so addictive?
Can anyone stop this man?
Can you believe that the devs actually expected players to fall for this?
Is it any good?
Peaceful Games
How does Sup Forums feel about Twin Peaks the Video Game?
How will Konami ever recover
Im planning on replaying all mmbn games on 3ds, i have never played the first one, is it worth a playthrough?
Resident Evil
Brb smoke
Sup Forums likes thing
Tfw people can't tell which one is from the game and anime
Konami fucked up
Game has rap/hip hop OST
Hey you yeah (you) would you play a visual novel about milfs and would it need to include sex scenes for you to be...
At what point during the game did you switch to the japanese dub?
With CG general election coming soon can we expect Uzuki to be the first idol to win two elections?
Blizzard and Horde Bias
What are some games where the remake is better than the original?
Get rare healing item
Saw a thread here a few days ago I think. I remember having this and being absolutely obsessed with it...
Death stranding theories
What are your thoughts on Chun-Li?
ITT: dumb things in GTA 5
My Switch has a dead pixel, pic related but not mine, and I was wondering if it's even worth returning...
Sup nerds, havent played WoW since Cata...
Left or Right?
Why did the Switch sell so well?
Can their franchises be saved? What if they merge with someone?
This is Ringo!
Spider-man PS4
PC for the best graphics, controls, access to huge library, multiplats, and selection of both great new and old titles
Bomberman N64
Name him?
Character creation thread?
This is $5. What's your excuse for not getting it?
Game has gorgeous graphics and artstyle
How is this since the 2.0 update? I've seen mixed reviews, and I have 12 hours left to buy it on sale
Buying a Switch lads, what games does Sup Forums recommend?
Name 1 game
Whats your favorite porn game?
What RPG actually has the most role playing?
*blocks your path*
How do I make my indie game stand out when I release it...
2chan is a fucking goldmine
Videogame OST thread
Kirby Star Allies comes out soon
This doesn't actually work, does it?
Hi, we are the best Pokemon games
Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Under Night Thread
Name a single game where
Is a story mode that features more than 60 playable characters a feasible thing to ask for?
Just got a Playstation 4, and have never owned a Sony console before...
What the FUCK did I just watch?
So is a Black Panther game inevitable at this point?
Ocarina of Time
Atelier Lydie & Suelle
What's the meaning of this?
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Jesus fuck man, these shrines. These fucking shrines...
I think the Nipton part in New Vegas was weird in how the game basically directly told the player "Legion is bad"...
Why do some people oppose piracy so fiercely? >Oh no, the multimillionaire company will lose 0...
Scam Citizen
You will apologize. Then, you will die
JRPG Thread
Comfy Yume Nikki Bed time thread
Do you still have hope for this series? Where did XV fall?
Anyone else don't even bother with giantbomb east?
So why are there so many Zelda clones, Smash clones, Mario Kart Clones but no Mario Party clones?
Did anyone seriously side with this ugly fat fuck?
How come the Earthbound/Mother series has so many perfect girls?
What are you rolling?
Vidya music that instantly takes you back
Every planet you land on to explore is a barren, boring and featureless wasteland
Camilla is the best Fire Emblem
What’s the consensus?
Fantasy setting
Name a more kino trilogy
ITT show us your battle scars
ITT: Features that you want in TES 6
Most balanced class in the game
Valkyria Chronicles 4 Demo Out
Is fortnite the new king of vidya?
Is Silent Hill 2 really the greatest game of all time?
You replied to her on valentines day right, Sup Forums?
Now that our boy, Boog, is doing fine, do you think his personality will change once he becomes /fit/...
Post Beta content that is missing from the final game
Why are hot girl not allowed in video games anymore?
Just finished this
ITT: Worst missions in their respective games
Your dad's favorite game
Best SNES game coming through
Game doesn't autosave
Have you ever fallen in love with your own created video game character?
Is there such a thing as a woman who genuinely enjoys video games?
Sitting on the train listening to music, random child walks up to me and asks if I have any games on my phone
The average Dark Souls 2 player
How will Randy and the gang fuck this one up?
Steam profile rate thread
Poorfag thread
Vermintide 2
Were old games actually better it just nostalgia combined with contrarianism?
People will defend this
ITT: we recall our comebacks to WoW
Do you buy or pirate single player PC video games?
Five years and almost no worthwhile or memorable exclusives
Good morning, inspector
What's your ideal gaming chair?
SCP thread
Don't mind me, just delivering this bottle to page 10
RPG has giant spider monsters
Are there any games where you can do this?
Will this cancer ever end?
Was it really that bad?
*twists your plot*
Why haven't YOU played the best Zelda game, Sup Forums?
What went so horribly wrong?
What the FUCK
Do you like Ferns?
Game from 1999 has a better story than 99% of AAA games do now
Can we take a moment before the week begins and talk about the real best Final Fantasy game and the only one worth a...
Can you lower the price please?
Josh from Until Dawn did nothing wrong
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
Video Games are Not Art
"if woman want games with more females in them, they should make their own"
New FTL makers game
Which is the best vidya rivality?
Guess who's back raising those scuttlebugs. FIVE NEW IMPROVEMENT VIDEOS. And yet, only 4 A presses saved...
Why is everyone calling Jack BiBo?
Show me your mousepad. I just bought this one
Grown ass operators spouting leddit tier jokes during operations
What the fuck
Accidentally call Las Vegas New Vegas in front of a group of people
I beat Xenoblade 2 the other day after about 80 or so hours of gameplay...
Any idorts out there happy with their Switch/PS4/Xbone?
It's kino
Why is sonic so popular among the retarded/autistic?
ITT: games you like that have a fan base you hate
Snake needs injections to suppress the foxdie nanomachines
Was Diablo 2 even that good?
Dragon Ball Z BT3
Do you play vidya with ur gf/wife?
What went wrong?
PSVR gen
Try to prove that this game system is not the best in this generation
I sure wish FighterZ had a story mode like this
Filename thread
Langrisser Rebirth
Buy this game Sup Forums, you wont regret it
Worst Darkest Dungeon enemy
DB Fighter Z
Soulfags will defend this
Arle's game comes out on Steam in just 2 (TWO!) days, wow! You *are* going to buy her game if you haven't already...
Compelling storyline
So I've avoid this game becsuse I despise politics being used to shill movies and games...
Name 1 (one) game
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Death Stranding will be shit and Kojima won't be able to hide behind Konami as a scapegoat this time
Post an image, get recommended a game
That one guy who played shitty anime games just to impress a weeb girl
Fuck You, I Hated It
Remasters a classic for the fans
John Romero has to work a 9-5 in a gas station
What the fucking hell went wrong
How would you fix Dark Souls 3?
Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet
What did Sup Forums think of this game?
Has a video game ever made you cry?
There is nothing wrong with this series. In fact they are great
One of the greatest game i ever played, pure kino
Is this the best video game store of all time?
Want to get into Halo
Behold this Nep
Name a more iconic boss battle
He plays games older than 5 years
Team Plasma
It's called zoning, it's a legitimate strategy
What are they working on?
Resident Evil 4 Thread
Let's go kill some aliens
It's PSO meets Borderlands and with online PvP
Sea of Thieves
Do you think Kojima is proud of MGS V?
You enter your bathroom
Gimme your best psp games
Omae wa mou
What is the pineapple pizza of vidya?
Thoughts on blurry doom
Kill only the bad guys like im ordered too
Devil May Cry HD collection will you be buying it ?
Is it the GOAT?
What's the Berserk of video games?
Replaying FF7 for the first time in nearly two decades...
Click on pot to eat
Game: Subtitle
Thoughts on Curly Brace?
Who is the best character in OneShot?
Choose your Jason
You're at the mosh pit when this girl slaps your gf's ass, what do you do?
Vidya hardware is getting less aesthetic over time
Leaked Death Stranding gameplay, watch at your own risk
Night in the Woods
Cliff Bazinga left this for Lawbreakers
Is it too late to buy a console? Should I just wait for the next gen?
Gaming Monitor
Who is the target audience for this?
*ruins your remake*
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on Super Mario Odyssey?
Metal Gear Survive
Can I get a quick rundown on some Vita essentials? I recently bought one, as well as some games and a 32gb card...
This is a mighty japanese warrior ninja, be VERY afraid!
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Never ever, consolefriends
Admit it user, he was your first Husbando wasn't he?
Thanks Nintendo
This my Skyrim crew. Hektor...
There are girls lurking Sup Forums right now
What is better, Sup Forums?
What's going on with Batman: Arkham Insurgency...
Best GBA game ever made
Can metal gear solid 1-3 be emulated with any reasonable degree of playability?
Please leave you thoughts regarding this game in the reply section below this JPG
What is the Pop Team of video games?
Dropped this piece of shit after 20 minutes. Jesus Christ what a fucking snore-fest of a game
Fancy that! A Fallout 3 thread We seldom get those here which is a shame because I rather enjoy them
What are you're opinion's on this game?
Best girl is unromanceable
Just Monica
Is South Park: The Stick of Truth worth playing if I've never watched South Park...
Do you think Capcom is doing itself a service or disservice by keeping the future of the game a tightlipped secret even...
What went wrong?
Exit to desktop
Is there a single bathroom in this game with less than two entrances?
Why don't normalfags like Dead Money?
Name an eShop only game and I'll buy it
Games should be worth at least $70-80 today. Loot boxes, DLC, and microtransactions are fine
Denial-fags gonna get blown the fuck out of existence
Is this game worth pirating yet?
Remember me?
Devs want to make game about surgery
Red pill me on this game Sup Forums
Modern MMO experiences
What are the chances of a Persona 3 remake with the P5 engine?
The hidden meaning of Shadow of the Colossus
Will there ever be a Bleck Banter geme? What was the one good marvel game on ps2 called?
Mobile gaems
Reminder that a WII U game WON Game of the Year
I love mechanica
Early character concepts that look better than the final product
Don't mind me, just pirating this money
What are some games where I can fight dragons?
Tanks thread
Do you think you could beat her up?
How reasonable is it to beat the Water Temple without a walkthrough guide?
Was this game really that bad?
So why do people hate level scaling?
Why is facial animation still so shit in A.D. 2018 when a smile phone can do it better in real time?
Any newfag protips for Shadow Tactics? I'm having a hard time with the first level...
Who is the most broken character in a fighting game ever?
K/D doesn't matter, I play the objective!
Final boss is slippery
Post perfect vidya couples
What wad Vlodimir’s problem?
What are you rolling?
What's your go to gaming snack?
Alright, Second Suffering Chart Thread: Part Dos
Why are women so bad at vidya?
Sonic Mania into Sonic Forces
Now that Black Panther is literally setting history and brekaing new records...
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
I don't get it. Is dying supposed to be fun?
Why didn't any male in Arland try to do anything to sexy little Totori?
If you aren't a Sup Forumsirgin you should leave this board now
I throw holy water on this thread
Kojima doing some relevant research for Death stranding
Xenoblade 2
Shadow the Hedgehog
How do we fix horror genre?
When's the last time you had fun playing a game Sup Forums?
How pervasive would virtue-signalling be in SA if it was made and released today?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...
Sup Forums
Television and Film
Video Games