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>he bought memetal pachinko: survive
Look at this fucking shit. Why lock all of this away behind a 30 hour playtime? Also holy fuck Scout is obviously the superior option for the sheer utility and quality of life changes it brings.
Fuck off shills, your game is bombing and there's nothing you can do about it.
It doesn't take 30hrs to get to level 30 user
I watched my friend play this last night it looks pretty fun honestly. Seems like people are just pissy it has the metal gear name
Spoil me on the ending
You either fuck off through the portal that took you there and become a wandering MSF in the phantom pain, or you end up stuck there with nanomachines
You were actually a nano machine the whole time, the world is snake body
I'll just conveniently forget about kojima's review embargo of mgs4, kojima's refusal to stand up for his subordinates when he was chairman of the board at konami, and his decision to completely abandon david hayter!
you were the zombie
it's all a dream
You were actually a nano machine contraceptive, the zombies were sperm and you must protect quiets womb
If nothing else it was fun to see how mad this game made Reddit.
I loved MGSV's gameplay so I assume I'll enjoy this.
not to defend the game, but why does this faggot end every single sentence with the exact same inflection.
The game is actually good. Every reviewer just went in wanting to hate it because of muh kojima.
It's gameplay is nothing like MGSV sadly.
Yes, its all one big conspiracy to hate on this game, it couldn't POSSIBLY be because its a lazy cashgrab on the zombie genre 5 years too late built with the hard work of a previous employee that you treated like shit and fired before stealing his work to make this turd.
>legendary chest piece
>perk: chance of not using ammo
>perk: chance of not using arrows
dont think il be replacing this one
What are good skills to take early on? Also, holy shit, the enemies are now level 10 and I barely scratch them.
>pick strength boost, offensive style, and berzerk
>use a spear and spin to win forever
>pick dexterity boost, concentration, and hawkeye
>use nothing but a bow to keep the crowd back and snipe mortars
>pick stamina boost, scavenger, and unit enhancer
>no need to do shit except run around and clean the map of resources, your traps will take care of everything
Medic seems really underwhelming though.
I want idubs to transition and become my gf
how many chapters are there my dudes, google turns up nothing
More than 2
you survive