How come Sony's film division is eating shit even though their games and electronics division is at an all time high and destroying competitors?
How come Sony's film division is eating shit even though their games and electronics division is at an all time high...
Because their films suck.
Because their film division was shit before based Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson saved it
They just need to make more Spiderman movies and not fuck up Venom
Because the game devision could make Ape Escape 4, but not the film devision
The phonecall that saved Sony
>electronics division is at an all time high
>clocks don't even give the same time
>electronic division at all time high
lol dude. Only PS4 goes well for sony in that department.
fpbp. Cannot remember even one(1) good film from Sony in the last 10 years
Are all getting crushed by the competition.
Remember when owning a Sony CRT meant something? Now its Samsung or LG or bust.
Xperia? Oh you're just trolling.
Sony is still a buttpoor company compared to the others only the PS4 managed to keep it afloat at all from going under. Waiting for them to fuck the PS5 up like the PS3 and go under to be honest.
both doing really bad, thanks for pointing out.
I remember watching a good movie not so long ago and freaking out because it was from Sony. But I can't figure out what movie was
Bravias are great TVs they just tend to be higher priced so most people look past them.
Because Amy Pascal is a fucking moron.
>electronics division is at an all time high and destroying competitors
what the fuck am I reading?
People seem to like the Daniel Craig James Bond films. Personally, I think they are pretentious trash and making James Bond movies pretentious is a bizarre choice.
Even Sony fanboys hate the film division.
OLED is current tech and Sony can't compete with LG. Bravias were good LCDs but that's not the case for OLEDs.
yeah. pretty much, I mean there has to be at least a COUPLE good ones. I just can't remember any.
just literally checked if Casino Royale (the only really good Craig's Bond movie) was sony's, but I'm not really sure
Are you retarded? They're universally regarded as high quality. If you want to talk about overpriced look at LG
I bought a Sony tv and it's great but I only chose Sony to match my ps4
I only saw one of those in the wild and that shit broke 4 months in.
Literally no one can compete with LGs oleds. Even Samsung didn't get it right the first time. Give it a few years.
Columbia Picture is a subsidiary of Sony.
>being this uneducated
Left or right?
qled is better than oled it's just way more expensive
Right easily. Left looks half-nigger
Sony still makes great cameras and most film studios use Sony cameras.
right looks half devil
Even better
>most film studios use Sony cameras
That's probably because the vast majority of films are cheap shit nobody is ever going to watch filmed on a crappy digital camera. If you are talking about the proper film studio then no, most don't use Sony cameras.
Because they're continually attempting to make licensed films, or films based on pop culture when modern pop culture isn't even long lasting enough to be around or relevant after a 5 month production cycle much less 2 years like the emoji movie.
They just need to start funding better shit and not so much big stuff, go on youtube, find fifty shit indie moviemakers, give them a few hundred k each, throw a million on the marketing for each, see what sticks in sundance or cannes, set them up for more.
It's what paramount/viacom in general did.
Sony's gaming division is literally the only thing keeping them afloat right now, the Playstation is basically trying to plug up all these wounds that Sony keep self-inflicting, bleeding money all over the place.
the company as a whole is fucking trash, but you don't know that because the Playstation is all you're paying attention to and it's caused you 'average' for the company to be a hell of a lot more rose-tinted than it's reality.
there's a reason why I was of the opinion that there shouldn't have been a PS4 before it's massive success, I was expecting another case they had with the PS3, which only further hemorrhaged money for like three years after it released.
PS4 was Sony's last chance, and they got incredibly, incredibly lucky with it, so thanks to the PS4 we have the Emoji Movie.
Sony straight up outclasses lg and Samsung in the mid-range hdr tv market. Lg doesn't give a shit about anything that isn't oled anymore, while Samsung literally downgraded their mid range tvs to make their qleds seem better by comparison.
At the high end, oled does indeed typically give the better picture in most situations than led, which is why they bought the oled panel design from lg like Panasonic did, Sony oled has better picture processing at the cost of somewhat lower peak brightness than lg oleds. Samung qleds are ok in of themselvrs but, you're either a dumbass or riding their cock if you really think they compete with lg or Sony at the high end. Samsung did display an interesting lighting technology with their microled at ces, which in a few years may bridge the gap and give oled level contrast without the drawbacks of led. Until then there's just no reason to go for Samsung hdr, unless they pull their head out of their ass for the 2018 lineup.
Things are different at entry level 4ks, I can make some recommendations if anyone is interested, or specific models at mid-high end.
The only thing that is keeping sony alive is FGO
>lying on the internet
Results for the Pictures Division, which encompasses film and TV operations, saw revenues in the three months to December increase by 35% and net income turn positive. Revenues in the three months hit JPY260 billion ($2.37 billion), and an operating loss of $977 million was replaced by an operating profit of $96 million.
>that one billionaire guy that told Sony to sell off the video game division instead of having it prop up the entire company
>Sony refused cause of muh honor
>Meanwhile, Microsoft is seriously considering buying entire companies next gen or sooner to keep Xbox alive
>mfw Sony might die in my lifetime
Stay mad faggots
I think you mean PlayStation division. Nobody wants to actually buy Sony's lackluster products in comparison to Apple and LG.
>Sony straight up outclasses lg and Samsung in the mid-range hdr tv market.
That quite impressive considering Sony don't manufacture panels, they purchase them, and LG is one of their suppliers.
Xbox has to actually do that to stay alive though, cause as is the xbone x isn't penetrating the market anywhere near what I imagine ms was hoping for, I haven't heard hide nor hair of it since it's launch like 6 months ago. Which is pretty telling. No advertisements for it, no games coming out and saying "Hey we play BEST on xbone x!" nothing. asscreed was it and it's xbone x patch was falsely advertised as being native 4k at e3 and the launch event.
Also no crackdown, extremely few day 1 games having patches available, it's just sad. Forza looks great though, but that's really it.
>How come Sony's film division
Have you seen their movies? They're not just bad, they're miserable shit. They need like a kevin fiege or something to salvage their sinking ship.
I liked Hotel Transylvania and 2 and am looking forward to 3
Ghostbusters 2016
okay but do you actually like the movies or do you just want to dick the teenage main characters? Cause while having sexually appealing characters is important, it doesn't mean shit when your primary school marketed movie only get 30 year old men making porn comics/animations and not going out to actually see it in theaters.
I don't know if you've actually watched the hotel transylvania movies on anything deeper than background noise but with even a modicum of attention paid to it, it's fucking awful.
Check reviews for Sony 900E vs similarly priced samsung 9000 and lg 8500, or just go to a tv store and see them for yourself. At high end look at sony/lg oled, then look an samsung qled, then ask yourself why would you go for samsung?
If you want to know why sonys film division is trash you need look no further than amy pascal. That bitch needs to be fired like 5 years ago.
Jumanji was good
¿Qué no los dos?
Okay now I'm mad
the american jews in charge of the movie division are intentionally sabotaging sony because it's a japanese company
There's alot more that goes into tv quality than just the panel.
What this guy said.
Except instead of just their own jews it's all jews in hollywood.
How long before disney buys sony? I mean, its inevitable really
are you retarded
playstation is massively successful
sony had their most profitable year of all time last year
Within a decade. They already have their pen in the sony ink with spiderman
No, not really. The panel is the thing that matters, the rest is fluff.
If anything they will just buy their film divison and leave the rest to rot.
>How come Sony's film division is eating shit even though their games and electronics division is at an all time high and destroying competitors?
which films?
even shit like the Emoji Movie made shittons of money for them
They have to ask walts frozen head for permission first
>post yfw
>Sony's movie division keeps going down the shit.
>After Success of Death Stranding Kojimbo is given a chance to make a movie.
>It's a critical hit.
>More Sony Game studios are now instead churning proper movies instead of Vidya.
if they did that, disney wouldnt be full of jews
walt hated jews
He started to like the jews near the end. But he hated niggers til the bitter end
Sony is, by far, the worst performer of the big seven. They all make more than a billion easy, Sony is sitting on less than $100 million. If not for Jumanji Sony would have recorded yet another massive loss for the year.
Need more Adam Sandler clearly
>Sony would have recorded yet another massive loss for the year.
but how so?
every time I check the statistics for their movies they made some pretty nice profit regardless of quality
I don't know how it works. There's a lot of financial chicanery going on with Sony Pictures. As far as I know they expect around $400 million profit by the end of the financial year. They haven't made it yet and they don't really have anything else coming out.
Baby driver
Just the distributor, not involved in production.
Venom comes out this year i think
The film division is ruined by jews and severe nepotism.
Sony Pictures Classic is pretty great though.
In October. That's the next financial year.
Jumanji saved them big time, they might turn it around as they aren't scared of Disney because they know a) Jap Govt wont allow a buyout and b) they have them over a barrel with Spiderman and fucked them up the ass head to head with Star Wars with Jumanji.
I saw a funny comparison once. I think it was American Hustle and a shitty Adam Sandler movie. The former made something like over 250mil on a rather modest budget and the Adam Sandler shitshow cost more, made less but was ultimately much more profitable for them. It's weird how this shit works.
>be me
>buy a Sony Xperia L1
>only $180
>get compliments left and right about how sleek the phone looks
>it actually sucks ass. crappy, crappy, crappy camera, garbage processor, and 720p res
I have a LG 4k HDR tv. I don't remember the serial name but the price was $280 and I got it for $240. Based on the price was it a good deal? It had that shitty UHD meme all over the box.
It is better than my last tv. A 2009 LG with terrible game lag.
>specs mek fone gud
How is the prop android overlay, nigga? It is the only thing that matters.
If you would've told me that a rebooted Jumanji staring Dwayne Jonson and Kevin Hart would make close to 1B, I'd laugh in your face.
Sony will be a leader into a new VR future.
The new Spider Man movie looks legit, but then Venom is also a thing and I get sad.
Not enough diversity.
>prop android overlay
wat dat?
I don't care about specs as I hardly use my smartphone, but the last phone I had was a $350 Moto which had a 1440p screen, stereo speakers, blazing fast processor, and awesome battery life with a charger that charged it from 1 to 80 in like 15 minutes. So when I compare the L1 to it, yeah it stinks.
Hey what's wrong with Xperia. I have a Xz Premium and it's good.