ITT: dumb things in GTA 5
>shoot someone with a silencer in the middle of the desert and no witnesses
>one star
ITT: dumb things in GTA 5
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V sucks compared to every other game in the series
It ain't silent
GTA sucks in that animals can call the cops on you. Thankfully mods can fix that.
>invincibility cheat is timed
>cars lightly tap each other after traveling a moderate speed
>cars enter the upper atmosphere before descending towards the ground and exploding into a scrap metal fireball.
>characters get into a situation where they are forced to do unsatisfying missions for the FIB without getting paid, and get more frustrated as this goes on and none of their goals can be fulfilled and no progress is made
>player gets into a situation where they are forced to do unsatisfying missions for the FIB without getting paid, and get more frustrated as this goes on and none of their goals can be fulfilled and no progress is made
>delete from hard drive
i also hate how sluggish and slow the characters are when it comes to getting in and out of cars. 4 had the same problem to.
The fact that everything is so needlessly detailed.
Go walk around in the back alleys and on the streets in front of the non-enterable stores, and you'll see what I mean.
I don't like how it doesn't matter where you shoot people
>suddenly remembers that GTA 4 people react to being shot in different areas of the body.
GTA 5 is the goddamned epitome of one step forward and two steps back.
i miss the physics in gta4 and the ability to shove. spent hours shoving people down stairs watching their flailing bodies tumble to the botttom
How about the gunplay? Guns in GTA 4 played like they had some weight in their firepower.
literally for what fucking reason
If you have fun you won't play GTAO
>playing Battlefield: Los Santos in the year of our lord anno domino 1600+418
>Dumb things in GTA4
>Cars drive like a fucking boat
fucking casual
>muh boat cars
>I like the inertialess 90s arcade racer physics and not being able to turn my sports car into a fucked up Catamari ball rolling down the sidewalk at 150 mph because I hit a phone pole like in 4
git gud bitch
>whole plot
>cops attack you in human waves with armies of helicopters even if you are in a stolen fighter jet or mowing down downtown LS with the coaxiel on the MBT
>Cop ai is complete and utter shit compared to every other game in the series
they made it that way cuz they are making fun of the fact that cops these days are trigger happy as fuck.
That's been the excuse for shit ai since the game came out in 2013. It's not a parody, it's just awful ai
no its just shit AI
>no beat cops
>cops dont arrest AI anymore
>more cops in LS then every member of the red army and they've adopted thier tactics too
>If we stuff the barrels of thier guns with our bodies they cant shoot anymore
Also the fact that the gore has been toned down. The cutscenes are suddenly gory as fuck, sure, but you can't shoot off people's limbs like in 3/VC/SA. What the fuck.
...i think yall are forgetting that gta was always satire first. just sayin
Not in a gameplay sense though, you fucking dunce
>You can crouch only on very specific situations
This shit pissed me off more than I'm willing to admit.
>doing some single player role play because it's fun and r* did a good job at recreating LA and it's people's attitudes
>punch a civy once for making me slam the brakes so I wouldn't run him over (this shit actually happens in LA)
>dies in one punch
Fun = over. What the fuck rockstar
Shit taste alert.
What a moronic thing to complaint about.
>haha I want less detail in my games!
Fucking idiot.
>anime poster
>join lobby
>killed by modder
>join another lobby
>killed by modder
>join another lobby
>killed immediately upon leaving garage by hydra
>exit game
Orbital Cannon. What the fuck were they thinking.
I miss that too, I do however enjoy using the ragdoll button.
I got the feeling that it doesn't really add anything new to the series
>pump 7 AK-47 rounds into some fatass cop
>he gets back up
At least they actually fucking die in GTAV
>I like my suspension to be looser than my grandma's twat
No thanks
>passive toggling
>passive to jet
>wiggle warriors
>sticky suicide/easy way out
>bullshark testosterone
>ghost organization
>apartment teleport
GTAO is a shitshow on any platform. The game is inherently broken and it all comes down to who can out-bullshit the other guy and how Rockstar can monetize said bullshit.
Cops in IV won't give a fuck if you slam into their rear bumper, or even aim a gun in their faces. How is that remotely realistic?
>cops don't arrest AI anymore
They kill AI civillians, just like real American cops
You get a 1 star for both of those things dumbass, same as in V only they don't immediately open fire
An online mode that isn't barebones?
Special abilities in single player?
Special vehicles like KIT?
>go online on PS3
>kill three people on a mountain with a jet
>were hackers
>keep warping me to their location to kill me
>keep killing them with a shotgun
>they hack my character and boost it to level 120 then leave
...well, that was nice of them.
Maybe you should try playing with friends. This game is only fun if you have buddies to do shenanigans with. My favorite is Smear the Queer.
One player is in a Panto (smart car)
All other players are in Insurgents.
The object of the game is to cause the Panto to explode upon impact. No weapons allowed, only collision damage counts. The last player to hit the Panto before it explodes is the new queer.
Bonus points if the Panto is stickerbombed with a roof rack o' crap.
Also stunt races are fun
>you get 1 star for crashing into cop cars
Boot up GTAIV and do it. I was playing earlier today. There are no consequences for crashing into cop cars.
I've beaten the game 9 times, you do get a 1 star but you have to actually crash into them. If you just bump them or scratch them you won't get a star.
>My favorite is Smear the Queer.
sounds comfy
Holy this.
>stands next to someone literally doing nothing
>everyone starts freaking out
yes it does. a shot to the head will kill someone no matter what gun you have, body shots will do more than leg/arm shots etc. i play a lot of gtav online and there is definitely location damage
Yeah you really have to slam into them to get a star.
It's maximum comfy. Most people who play GTAO are either pointlessly grinding or protecting their fragile k:D ratios. People sometimes forget, video games are supposed to be fun.
I think he meant how the ragdoll reacts, in V they just fall down limp no matter where you shot them. In IV, they actually grab the wound and try to balance based on where they're shot. IV's physics are better all around
I think he means that in GTAIV people will limp if you shoot their legs, or cradle their arm if you shoot them there. That sort of thing. ll
>IV physics are better all around
Except for the driving physics. My Sultan's fender shouldn't scrape the ground while turning at 30mph. The suspension should be much stiffer.
>pointlessly grinding
>not duplicating elegy retro customs for 980,000 each
I forgot to mention people who scour youtube for hours on end searching for the newest exploits.
I disagree on that too, V is arcadey as fuck. Vehicles shouldn't stick to the ground like that when turning a 90 degree corner at 80 mph, there is no challenge to the driving whatsoever. Even III, VC, and SA had better driving than V
nigga what the fuck v has great driving. you must be on meth
V's driving is designed for children, like the rest of the game
you probably just dont have a fast enough car for it to be challenging and fun. you realize you have to go the mod shop and get the upgrades for the car right?
dumb anime poster
I used to make mods for this game and the reason that happens is literally because fucking coyotes and deer can somehow call the police on you
If the game was set in Australia this would be realistic.
Are you assuming that I play online?