Why does this game make you mad?
Far Cry 5
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It doesn't?
But I'm gonna play it
because no good games until FC5 and no good games after FC5 so far until fall
Mad why? It's gonna be FUN
Redneck Simulator
It doesn't, I'm looking forward to it
I'm not a fan of the setting, just seems like a shit on christianity dull deal
compare that to far cry 5's nepalese setting which was GOAT
remember the fucking spirit animal quests getting high af with brit explorer bros
I dunno, I'm just confused why they're just doing america this time, i don't want to shoot rednecks in their shitty drawled american accents
why not fucking somalia or some shit
>playing ubisoft cookie cutter games
alt-right babbies carying over nothing.
The people in the picture clearly look like hipsters. So if anything, you're saving rednecks from the hipster menace.
Stupid setting
Or if it was going to be in America Alaska would have been amaxing. But yeah, I think Montana is a lame ass setting.
>setting sucks ass
I might give this a try if FC5 was set in Australia or something.
Too many white people desu
How original.
The setting is fucking awesome, fuck you retards.
They all have shit haircuts
Will there be a school building in the game, or would that turn the game into a American real life simulator?
mocking Christianity is the lowest hanging fruit and hasn't been exciting since 2005. Now mocking Islam is where it's at right now in terms of people who are actually funny and have something to say.
They're all hipsters on that cover
Its ok to kill browns and germans but killing american whites is too far. It hurts the fee fees of the average white boi here.
Yeah. It looks like one of those bullshit cults from San Fancisco moved as they were known to do back in the 60's and 70's.
I really don’t care about any of the politics revolving around this game. My problem is how uninspired it looks. It’s set in podunk backwater county and the MC can get a mac-10 with an ACOG on it? HOW? That’s fucking retarded.
It has a premise and shows no interest in taking full advantage of it, which makes it seem like a really half-assed entry into a series that really needs something new going for it. Co-op would be cool if the game didn’t look like it sucks
You would be absolutely accurate if you were joking. Killing brown people is offensive these days. If you killed a white southerner, it's fine.
Um I believe its easy to acquire guns in the american south.
we have videos for this game?
We killed white southerners in RE7 and Outlast last year. Nothing wrong with killing white people. We've done that shit in countless games.
Except every game we are killing brown terrorists. But kill american whities and suddenly everyone is offended.
are you a felon?
Were you dishonorably discharged?
Have you ever been held for mental health against your will?
Are you of age?
Do you have a license?
Isn't the game set in Montana? Maybe I'm misremembering.
It's in first person and first person games are shit
I'm not a amerilard.
yes, you're agreeing with me
name a game about killing brown people that didn't start a huge shitfit. RE6 started a massive shitfit.
>american south
Who was in the wrong here?
far cry 4
I just want a game where I can go on a 'Nam psychotrip with Hanzee Dent in rural murrica.
Most people fit that bill, not very hard indeed
Because there are no individuals of color in it.
Everyone except Pagan Minh
Far cry 4 did not feature brown people as the villains. It was set in nepal in the Himalayas. They were asian.
Most people are okay to have a weapon. If you don't have brain problems and don't have a history of violent crime you should be able to buy a weapon.
Yeah, maybe an 870 or Winchester or any other civilian tier weapon that could be used for hunting or self defense. Not a fully decked out SMG, that’s just immersion-breaking. It would even be better if they made it like FC2 where all of your starter guns are total shit so that the progression feels satisfying.
pretty much
bcoz best farcry ever
I forget, was the guy about traditional religion beliefs and child brides or some shit?
Either way, they're both wrong. Glorious Min is the right choice.
nepal is almost inside india. They are half brown.
>dude racist redneck christians imao
>constantly lies and plays the victim
>doesn't actually seem to have a problem with any of the things pagan min is doing to the country, is basically just at war for the sake of it
>wants to enlist child soldiers, something even min wouldn't do, and he's a fucking psychopath
>claims to care about bhadra but actually has her killed
>all because she had shitty parents who tried to marry her at age 6, and uses this example to paint the entire culture of the country as something that needs to be uprooted at all costs
I have a big suspicion that the delay was because wolfenstein flopped showing that you cannot go full fuck whiteys qnd now it is purely cult vs normal people instead of white supremacists vs normal people
When's it come out shill?
The setting should be good and I hope they upgraded the amount of guns you can have and the customization, like put on and off a suppressor on different guns and shit. Fucking love silently killing a camp or whatever without raising an alarm.
Gonna be great.
Im still mad that they gimped the map editor from far cry 2.
That game had hands down, the best map editor on consoles. It had anything you could think of.
Then in far cry 3 they took out half the cool shit, I dont even know if its in far cry 4
just a fyi, these threads are viral marketing with a 90% certainty. i've seen this thread a bunch of times already. it's pretty obvious they're trying to provoke some of the lower iq peeps here and get free publicity out of it
Really wish it was a game about Pagan's Minh violent son that raises hell on dumb rebels.
>Ubishit could make an intersting setting a game that features a bad ass black protagonist cleaning out an african country out of a corrupt dictator and militias and helping the people there, that would be diversity that actually makes sense
>instead produces another le racist redneck Christian nonsense, after a 1000 other games like this
..have you played far cry 2 user?
nah i didnt
I'm waiting for a deep sale, I doubt this will be worth full price.
I don't really get the story. How can a Christian equivalent to ISIS emerge on the territory of the United States? Why would the government allow that instead of immediately crushing it? Or is the implication that evil racist white patriarchy in the White House is actually approving it?
What? you mean it isnt out yet? shit was revealed like two years ago.
It’s exactly what you described though
Pretty much. In the end both become dickheads, Amita taking kids from family's so they can be put to work and implying she had that teenage girl killed, while the dude has people executed from siding with Amita in front of the girl. Both then essentially tell you to fuck off, and you can kill them if you want.
It doesn't, cos I'm russian. It's fun to kill americucks.
Because they could've done something really interesting with the cult angle, yet they chose to just make "DRUMF LOL".
Should've been some spooky shit like Jonestown, which was a front for CIA mind control experiments.
By being covert
Is implied in the promotional material that there's a crisis in the U.S. governent and that is why the cult gained many followers and that the governent only send (You) to deal with it.
I'm not even American and I know it's one of the northmost states.
What was the whole story about Ajays dad? I can't remember why the golden path were formed, only that the dad was suppose to be a cunt and killed Pagan and his wife's daughter when they fell for each other, and the wife killed him and fled to America.
nah, the game was always going to be "sure they call themselves christians but they're not true christians". ubisoft just loves to drum up fake controversy because it's basically free marketing. fc3 and 4 both had an anti-globalism theme
the delay was probably "holy shit this had better not be another ac unity-tier disaster"
Amita moreso, but they were both awful people.
But the Christians are the good guys? You kill blasphemous cultists.
Because far cry hasn't been good since the third one
The only reason I sided with Sabal is because until the end, was pretty much always your Bro, while Amita almost always seemed to act like a cunt. Once you get to the point where he asks you to go kill Amita though, he starts distancing himself from you and starts acting like a cunt as well.
Would you Sup Forums?
I'm pretty sure faggots from Sup Forums have hit a point where they prefer the cultists' version of Christianity over the real one. Guess that's why they're mad.
Sabal because it's funny to see the painted Shaman guys getting high on opium when Amita takes over.
>muh pol boogeyman
It's funny that people who bitch about pol ruin far more threads than pol.
As said, they're both faggots. Sabal is the better choice between the two, but they're both the same kind of evil as your dad and deserve to be taken down for it.
>it's funny that people who bitch about pol ruin far more threads than pol
Is this your first time on the board or something?
Pol or not people are genuinely retarded for thinking the enemies in this game represent the Christian faith. I think even if you've never read a bible you've heard of "thou shalt not kill". Meanwhile the main bad guys motto is souls won't harvest themselves. Read the thread and you can see these idiots. DUDE TRUMP. what?!? Where was Trump ever brought up!?!
Not him but fyi everytim you Sup Forumsedditor resetera idiots post you stick out like a sore thumb.
I haven't been to Sup Forums in quite some time, so you could say that.
It's less of a shithole than current Sup Forums at least.
Half the board consists of Sup Forums-bait threads, as easy as it is to go "haha redditors, Sup Forums aren't guilty!" Sup Forumsfags stick out like a plague still
>you Sup Forumsedditor resetera idiots
you forgot to mention Gaf too mate.
People who think this game is anti-white or anti-christian are just as fucking retarded as the people who think Black Panther is a defining movie in black history or some shit.
What I wonder is when can we just nuke NA and all its degeneracy with it?
Aren't they suppose to be some crazy cult somewhat based off of Christianity?
>people are genuinely retarded for thinking the enemies in this game represent the Christian faith
just a coincidence
It's a definite strike at the more conservative christian groups in the US, and a rather blatant "fuck you" to anyone right wing.
And that's not even my main problem. My main problem is they could have done something more interesting than another fucking Wolfenstein 2.
Yes you're the genuine retard. He's a bad guy that compares himself to our Lord and savior. He's a blasphemer and God does not approve in the slightest.
>while the dude has people executed from siding with Amita
is this really that bad he's trying to avoid another civil war when amita and her followers inevitably turn on him. doing it in front of bhadra is fucked up though, i agree with that
>I can't remember why the golden path were formed
to rebel against min, that's basically it. min betrayed the royalists and seized power during the previous civil war, so they became the golden path under mohan ghale. they were somewhat successful at first, at least that's what sabal says. and then the rest of what you said happened, and the golden path entered a 20-year lull. until ajay ghale showed up and single-handedly won the war for them
The right wingers Christians are the GOOD GUYS THIS GAME IS SO PRO SECOND AMENDMENT. Whenever you wipe out some bad CULTISTS and save a town the based black CHRISTIAN preacher shows up to preach the real word of God and inspires hope to stand up to the evil oppressors. I feel so bad for you people that don't understand this. The fact that people think the bad guys are representative of Christianity is actually the only offensive thing.
It doesn't.
I plan on playing it.
I don't know anything about this game
Did they initially have the guy in the bottom left corner be black and have "NIGGER" written on his back, but then puss out and edit it later?
>a franchise where one man with guns solves all the problems that any given nation faces
>a rather blatant "fuck you" to anyone right wing
is dis nigga serious
I got the impression he was just going to become another dictator like Amita does, only through religion. I can agree with killing the traitors, but as you said doing it in front of Bhadra is fucked. He also seems to want nothing to do with you now that he's in power.
It's been always 'SINNER', you are a sheriff deputy fighting cultists jerks in Montana.
No, in fact I think I've seen screenshots and gameplay that shows that some of the cultists are black.
They are. Tons of them. That's what enrages me when people say this game is "anti white" when they clearly know jack about it.
Frankly if you feel this game is criticising you then you deserve to be shot IRL