One of the greatest game i ever played, pure kino

One of the greatest game i ever played, pure kino.

Other urls found in this thread:

Hey! Henry has come too see us!

why Henry looks inbreed?

Kraut blood

>first post brings up Sup Forums for no reason
top kek. That's why no one takes you seriously

He's British.

> my black ass is on fire

but G*rmans looks good
that makes sense

if they added blacks they'll most likely be slaves.. are they aware of the era the game is set on?

its my goty for sure

>if they added blacks they'll most likely be slaves.. are they aware of the era the game is set on?
Are YOU aware of the era user?


>every thread about this game uses the same picture

despite some pretty annoying things about the game, it's the most fun i've had with a game in the last few months

because its Henry!

the power creep is retarded


The priest mission was actually the funniest thing I have played in a long ass time. Caught me off guard I guess but still

Gave up after my save got fucked. Can't do the quest with ginger.
Nobody has dialogue options and after a few hours he shows back up at the town like nothing happened.
Tried reloading way back and it just happens again.

Still no ETA on that patch?
how did Warhorse fuck up so badly with the patches

combat becomes nothing after a certain point and everything is far too easy to do

can you fuck whores in this game

looks like he feels quiet hungry

Yeah but unfortunately only your mom is available


More bugs than every Bethesda game combined.

best country
best people
best country
best people
this country is the best country and if you do not like this statement of the truth then well sir you can simply go and kill yourself you fucking cunt best COUNTRY BEST

I don't think you've ever played a Bethesda game on launch.

If you can, go find an unpatched torrent for Oblivion or Fallout 3, then come back here and say that stupid shit.

Do the same thing for any Ubisoft game, then remember that both have budgets that are 10x more than KCD.