ITT: Times Sup Forums were completely fooled
ITT: Times Sup Forums were completely fooled
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There's too many to count. Even Sup Forums is right more often and they're the deep south kind of retards.
The two constants of Sup Forums:
>Sup Forums is always right
>Sup Forums & Sup Forums are always wrong
The fake The World Ends with You 2 leaked images. If I remember correctly, I think there even was a website desgined too
No one actually believed this, right???
It wasnt that far off honestly
That was actually a real controller though
They just scrapped it
Not the gif but the controller itself. Even in non-Sup Forums circles people were fooled.
This is true. This is an official designed ps3 controller from sony
>/tg/ gets shit done
deep south towns have higher iq and less crime than major democrat cities, so i dont get your point. getting your beliefs from jon stewart or something?
This was fucking bullshit. I want a boomerang controller goddamnit
bullshit. Sup Forums was skeptical as fuck.
It's like someone saw a first generation Microsoft Sidewinder gamepad and thought to himself "I can make an even uglier gamepad!"
Non-Sup Forums circles are fooled even more easily than Sup Forums. I don't know how such a thing is even possible, but it is. And Sup Forums gets fooled every single god damn time.
Some news outlets believed too, and with that a good chunk of Sup Forums was taken for a ride.
>get mad at game
>throw controller
>it flies about 3 feet and comes back
>catch it and keep playing
I'm still mad they scrapped this.
Nope half my family is from the south and I go down there every few years for Christmas. Most of you are over weight and retarded and Mexican.
you don't know how bad Sup Forums wanted this to be true.
Some posts being skeptical isn't the majority, I recall it vividly unsless all posts assuring that shit was legit were all trolls.
im not even from there, im from a major city. people there are smarter than any diverse major city, by far.
How could anyone have fallen for this?
actual three
>nobody cares about tiny boards
no man's sky
most of you retards bought it and thought it was going to be everything they said
There is a large number of normalfags and underage kids coming to Sup Forums now.
They are easily tricked.
Brain damage which most of Sup Forums suffers from.
Not so much ever since they got gutted, I'm still broken up about mods trying to declare what is and is not /tg/ and deciding fucking forum-quests that couldn't even hold a candle to Problem Sleuth were ackchually tabletop games.
who the fuck got fooled by this literally impossible screen?
>He wasn't here when it got leaked
You missed some pure gold.
People were so convinced it was real that people insisted that when the leaker revealed it was fake they believed that Nintendo paid the leaker to make a fake mockup to show it was fake when in fact it was real
>actually falling for this
Im ashamed my friend actually fell for this crap but he isnt the sharpest tool in the shed.
Racists have lower iqs tho
getting a flu vaccine, got oddly strange sensations in my head, something the flu would never do as my immune system is in peak performance
luckily it only carried a weak form of control, something i overcame with meditation
Round screens are actually very possible. Just not practical.
Because the Wii U came before this
>this literally impossible screen?
Samsung and other mobile manufacturers are on a race to develop "Free form" screens, with a patent filled and everything, it's not impossible, pretty sure Samsung had a demo for it last year.
Could you provide evidence of this? Not that user but it seems like there's not a direct correlation. Though evidence does suggest higher murder rates and lower IQs. Incarcerated citizens is usually higher in "blue" states.
I also searched largely on state since cities are, by in large, have higher homicide rates and aren't a clear indication of "north v south".
>The Painkiller and the Nadelwerfer are LITERALLY the Solemn Vow and the Overdose actually released in the Uber update
What the fuck
Am I getting memed
Everything Nintendo related gets 'leaked' here because everyone gives a shit about that company, so naturally people believed it.
I mean it was kinda close
thats because blacks have the highest rates of racism
>anyone willing to rise from grave
>rise from grave
Did anyone actually fall for this?
>higher iq
I hope you retards don't actually think this, like have you seen Mississippi or Alabama?
If you're referring to quests, they got canned and booted off to their own board ages ago.
Nice citations
Hows towergirls coming you dumb fag
>average IQ is around 100
Really? So my 130 isn’t so bad after all? Or is that still retardation.
Better than what you posted
Probably better than that game Sup Forums promised to make years ago, fucking retarded nigger faggot
This thing was way cooler than the same-y shit Bethesda put out
130 is above average.
you can still have high iq and be retarded
>humble brag
Yeah yeah buddy your 130 you got from an ""official"" IQ testing site is definitely legit
>here's a map with a bunch of numbers on it and the only website cited on it is to prove my point
By "done" you mean they did-in SS13?
>tfw you accidentally derail a thread you kind of liked
It was just a prank. lol
Game Gate, when it happened people thought they were fighting the good cause against the SJWs, it didn't take long for the movement to become pure cancer and change Sup Forums for the worse.
Ive been to 2 jails and a prison diversion program and i can confirm that it was always the blacks who were the most racist. certain black gangs in the prison diversion program absolutely would not associate or even fucking talk to you if you werent black too. i shit you not.
granted, you can say the same about the Aryan Brotherhood not associating with other races but thats the only real racist white gang on the inside here, whereas most black gangs had a strict "no interracial politics" policy.
the puerto ricans were always the coolest though they fucked with absolutely everyone
Well it was expected to be average shit and it is... So i wouldnt count anyone here as fooled
>here's something I literally just made up
What did I make up? Are you really this retarded user?
Lemme guess, it's about harassment right? Not about circlejerking who is the most correct e-celeb in the group?
>he thinks 130 is something to brag about
Don't be a fucking retard next time
That always looked fake as hell to me.
>These bad black ppl were bad!
No duh, Sherlock. I don't point to the kkk and say all whites are racist.
we were fooled into ever thinking "Sup Forums sings" was funny or a good idea
I forget that autists don't understand jokes.
prove it
We all make mistakes sometimes. You just gotta learn from it. Maybe we can have this thread later
the new generation of Sup Forums is sensitive and easily offended by everything. If you make a joke they'll cry and derail the whole thread.
So that's a no then huh you deflecting pathetic faggot.
That's not me retard, I'm just a guy calling you out for having shit sources that don't prove anything
>little sister keeps asking if she can play your games
It's mostly just Nintendo fans that get triggered at every criticism these days.
>Little sister and her friend want to co-op on your PS3
>"But I only have one controller..."
I would like to hope nobody fell for the Rayman Smash 4 shit when it happened but I didn't even see anyone talking about it until the guy outted himself.
>Getting flu shots
but I'm a nintendo fan and I spam WHIIIRRRR constantly
Oh sorry. I saved the one that didnt have citations on the bottom. Here's another site that discusses this from another year (2013). Also includes countries if you're interested.
Can't find a federal consensus so this information is provided by a private company. Interpret that as you will. Crim, however, is easily reported.
it wasn't fake, it was just rerelease on ios & then on some switch
I hate how NY is skewed because fucking downstaters
Nobody with a brain believed this
Sure, there's always the stray retard that did but most people were just shitposters using it as an excuse to bash nintendo for no reason.
>California anything but sub 100
I'm sure pedro is bringing that average iq up
What do you mean?
Thank God. Quest threads were shitting up the discussion. /tg/ went from actual discussion of table top, idea generation, and meme creation to otaku-board levels of faggotry
>Sup Forums & Sup Forums are always wrong