What are your thoughts on this character from Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus

What are your thoughts on this character from Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus

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he appeals to my wicked sense of humor

Par the course for the rest of the game.

I'm offended that they have so little respect for a person that they'd mock him with that portrayal

me lik when he pee poopoo pants

>was an artist when he was younger
>had great making of a novelist
>comes from a family of jew
>demanded the aryan race (blue eyes and blonde hair) when he wasn’t one
No wonder he lost

>literally Hitler
top kek m8

Why did you draw a mustache on his face in paint?

The average faggot on Sup Forums could've written a better depiction of Hitler and set him up as an antagonist for the third game.

looks like an idiot
I bet he draws dogs like a pussy


I'll never understand why there was a shitstorm over killing Hitler. It's vidya tradition.

awful OC self insert

I bet this faggot can't even do perspective properly lol

>invaded Russia
>without winter equipment
>against the advice of his military staff
>and expected them to capitulate as quickly as the fucking French
How did Wolfenstein Hitler win while being based on a strategically retarded man?

I really like the scene with Hitler, easily the best if the whole game

If you think a Hitler did nothing wrong plot would be good.

A sad, pathetic, disgusting excuse for a human being. Ah, the joy of kicking his wrinkly old ass in the ribs. So worth it.

They won because of robots and advanced technology. It was technically Strausse who won the war.

From what I gather they portrayed him as a weeping retard incompetent?
Doesn't seem much in line with the off-the-record recordings we have of him 3 years prior to his death but eh, that's the least of Wolfenshit's problems.

I think pissing into the bucket was a bit much, but the scene with him was pretty funny. Shame it couldn't have been better woven into gameplay, though.

Makes me want to set back the German people 100 years then blow my brains out.

Nobody respects losers

There was gameplay?!

>being competent
pick one

Yes. Wolfenstein is otherwise known for its historical accuracy. Shame about the slip up with the characterization of Hitler.

You know how Boco is obsessed with Morrigan, right? He met a Morrigan ERPer on Sup Forums and he follower her to /trash/'s ERP threads hoping to grow closer to her. He would often try and initiate small talk with her and was making it very obvious that he wanted to be friends and then some. Meanwhile, one of the biggest attention whores in the threads saw Morrigan as the latest thing for him to try and possess and she wound up sucking his cock on a nearly daily basis to the point where Morrigan would flat out ignore Boco in favor of him until she left the threads to avoid him and his clingy, emotionally manipulative tendencies.

Mecha-Hitler was perfectly in line with reality user. :^)

This is a good 20 years after he died in real life. He aged terribly.

Strasse removed all the paranormal stuff from nazi and replaced with bio-engineering.

I thought it was kinda a dumb portrayal of Hitler compared to the antagonist of the previous game. That said, I don't care because I'm not worried about Hitler being misrepresented and I had fun with the game. Looks awesome at 4K60 on max settings via Vulkan.

Wasn't this guy like a confirmed pedophile and rapist or some shit lol

Basically a caricature with zero in common with the real man.

Well yeah because (assuming Return is still canon) he never put any stock in the paranormal and disregarded Himmler's own pleas to join him in Project Resurrection and looked towards science industry and technology.

where? obnoxious characters, unnecessary storyline, less guns.

It's what Liberal Arts do to people.
One second perfectly ordinary white man, the second a drooling retard pissing into buckets in front of spectators.


i actually want some paranormal unsettling levels in next wolf.

Well I do believe this character to be literally Hitler!

sneaking around the environments, running around and shooting, sliding under objects while shooting

The whole fucking game was disrespectful to people who wanted to play a Wolfenstein shooter and got some shitty movie instead. As for Hitler...it's just some foolish Jewish writer who gets a hard-on when it comes to discredit a dead guy. But the joke is on them because Adolf Hitler, that little dude from Switzerland, is humanity's biggest icon. No Religious figure, no politician, no scientist, no sportspeople and no entertainment figure will ever be as prolific as this man.

You'd be lucky to even get a next game after how bad New Cucklossus did

>perfectly normal

missed opportunity to use mecha-hitler

can't wait to kill him in the next game

why the fuck does he looks like hitler

Me neither.

Jesus still dwarfs him by a ton.

>forced stealth in wolfenstein
this was a mistake

Did nothing wrong.

RtCW did it too man, even worse is that the missions would end if you fucked up and the AI was such garbage it didn't take much

Boco is a retard, news at 11.

>another Sup Forums-bait thread

but it had one mission dedicated to it, not entire game where sneaking around is much better than going in blazing guns.

TNO seemed to imply Hitler was some kind of zombie who'd been resurrected after BJ killed him in Wolf3D.

Which might also explain his poor health.

It was 2 missions, the one early in the beginning and the one where you need to sneak around the village and assassinate the Nazi leaders

>I'll never understand why there was a shitstorm over killing Hitler.

There wasn't.

Shut the fuck up retard, adults are talking.

Can I have a juice box?

>fight the entire world for years
Yeah what a faggot.

Reminds me of gramps when he got severe dementia

why did he piss on the floor? is that whathappens when ur senile or was that just for jokes?
>giving a firearm to a senile person

Why the hell would we even want it?

There is next to no gameplay, the hub is a walking simulator, no real level design instead we got some set-pieces slapped together, every shootout ends with the player disappointed with the lack of enemies, two more walking sim missions, no bosses whatsoever, useless collectibles, all the stupid übercommander side missions are just replaying set pieces with even fewer enemies, pressing a button all across the map to get your armor up is still shit and all the rest of this "game" is a fucking movie.

Definition of tryhard edge to be different. You can tell they wrote a draft and no one pushed back because it's so whacky and fun.

Danger Five Hitler was better, Europeans are bad at humor. IDK what else to say, Wolfenstein 2 Hitler was cringe unfunny and I'm repeating myself but it was very tryhard humor.

I could come up with a better Hitler portrayal right now.
Imagine if they actually referenced Wolftenstein 3D and made Hitler some kind of sorcerer and his depiction were closer to Sheev from Star Wars than a pissy-pants senile retard. This would foreshadow the third and final game going back to the supernatural elements from the earlier days of the franchise. As it stands now Hitler is the only conceivable antagonist left for a third game and they blew their load in such a way that you're not hyped to face him.

Yeah, that’s why some old people wear diapers. No bladder control.

will my granny start doing that as well?



>Chimp out and attack your only friend whom is incidentally gigantic compared to you
>Cause Germany to get raped to death and split in two
>"The German people has not fought heroically, it deserves to perish. It is not I who have lost the war, but the German people."
Classic autism denial of consequences.

What was Hitler endgame?
if he would've won WWII

i agree, Charlie Chaplin deserved better

Literally soycuck just like all nazishits lul

well it was strasse's doing alright but the jew super science also helped

Wolfenstien 2 was a shitshow all around, but crying about how they portrayed Hitler just makes you a faggot.

They lost, deal with it or get the fuck out.

just place the old blood

i dont think the game performed that bad, honestly i think people give the devs too much shit for fucking up once, but thats just me

First I don't think that is true anymore, not with religion loosing it's relevancy at growing speed and second...why even bring up fictional characters? On the other hand why not. Let Mickey Mouse ride on Spongebobs back with a Cola in his hand and that bad, bad guy with the little beard will still be Earth's VIP Numero Uno!

nothing good if you were slav


Jesus Christ is humanity's biggest icon you dumb faggot.

You mean Muhammad


wtf i hate hitler now


The Third Reich, and the arische Herrenrasse! And while the second one was a fools errand all along the first one was directly in his grasp if not for him sending out all his soldiers to fight everywhere.

How does one reconcile this footage?
These aren't the white male Neo Nazi skinheads reacting this way, these are tourists from all over the world and seemingly multiple ethnic groups. So how can you explain this? Just people having a bit of fun with an impersonator? If so why the huge excitement you generally see when tourists encounter other historical impersonators? How do you account for the 'I LOVE HITLER!' remarks?
What gets me is that in an instant the basically hardcoded social mores to generally not throw the Nazi salute immediately collapses and everyone starts doing it right there in public, in a country where you could be jailed for it. How might one explain this in the 21st century?

t. sandnigger


It's from a German "comedy" flick.


Or Norwegian where they encouraged german men to fuck norwegian women and cuck the guys. Whenever a sister, wife or daughter, germans had the right of them.

Because it's from a movie, dipshit "look who's back"

The reactions are genuine, those were real citizens and tourists and they just filmed him going around speaking to them.

> a german film portrays Hitler as not being wrong
Is there some greater context to this film that is meant to make him seem wrong? Because this is rather unexpected.

for what purpose? werent they semi-allies?

The irony is that larpers lost the entire point of that film.

A world dominated by European peoples, chiefly Germans and Britons. Hitler had immense respect for the Brits and would have rather been their ally than enemy.
And contrary to the popular belief, Hitler didn't hate slavs. He thought that the slavic people had been essentially lobotomized by the bolshevik revolution, in which all their intelligentsia etc had been killed by the jewish bolsheviks, and thus the slavs themselves had been rendered into leaderless and directionless puppets of the jewish communists that ran Soviet union back then, before Stalin purged their asses.

Many slavs fought on the side of the Germans against the soviets as well.

In short, Hitler wanted to establish a world where European supremacy would never be questioned.

Look how race mixing worked out for the dinosaurs
That should be enough proof right there

It's funny how they made that film to discredit Hitler yet half of the scenes in it are super reasonable and you could relate to what he says.

One can almost swear the creators of it were somewhat subversive for once.
>certain racial arguments shown without a bunch of editorializing
>had to have a literal "Shoot the Dog" moment to even get some tension going
>ends with a literal media jew being incarcerated for delusionally seeing Hitler everywhere