Is fortnite the new king of vidya?

Is fortnite the new king of vidya?

If by king you main most mainstream title then yes.

don't care about fortnite because it plays like trash but I'm happy pubg is losing more and more players/viewers
if it wasn't for china and their shit taste in vidya the game would be on life support

>if it wasn't for china and their shit taste in vidya the game would be on life support

it's not about shit taste in vidya, it's the ridiculously high prices the loot fetches on the marketplace. literally that's it. that's why bluehole was so slow to fix the cheating, because they make money back off of it as well.

What a piece of shit game I don't get why people like it

Competitive online games are stagnating, people crave for something new and bread tastes like cake in the times of hunger.

zero dollars cost might have something to do with it

more flavor of the month shit

Not going to lie, but watching Ninja taking on full squads by himself in Fortnite is incredibly entertaining.

is that still happening since they nerfed double pump?

Damn OW is dead without the OWL in terms of viewers

Still doing that with the nerf. He's just compensates with even more crazier buildings for set-ups.

>game is literally free and easy to run
>people would rather watch their epic streamer play it instead
i will never understand twitchfags

They are just parasites as paladins was for example. Stole the popular idea and make it free.

it's usually people on their phones watching it in public or at work where they can't play vidya

RNG people like unfair variety but they refuse to admit it
balance kills every game

I love this game. It's free and a great concept. No lifeing it since i discovered it 2 days ago.

nope, rng makes things exciting. just look at irl sports

>Irl isn't just boobs on a screen

Black Squad isn't a terrible free game on stream. It's alike COD except it has a different map for every game type. Play assassination.
There's this social FPS called Deceit too but i suck at it.

I watch twitch streams of people better than me so I can learn their strategies and tactics.

It's a free, stable PUBG-lite

>tfw playerunknown dropped his golden egg and someone else put it back together

but for real though, fuck all of these games