Scam Citizen

>$200,000,000 pledged.
>"Fuck. I guess they expect a few alien species or some shit."
>"Guess I'll paint this human green. Fuck up his face a little."
>"Oh. Shit. Remove a finger from each hand! That's alien as fuck! Perfect."

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eyyy bossk


Yes thats Chris Roberts, have you ever heard of Wing Commander?

Is that a space ninja turtle race or space Groot race? Or they're adding another one that is just as bland?

How much money has Scam Citizen had pumped into it?


Shit alien. Hm. I guess nobody will ever top the aliens from halo it seems. You can make a case for protoss and zerg, too.

Jesus Christ, every couple of months I hear about this project and it's "Hey we added even more features"

This is what happens when you don't have a higher-up project lead that actually says "Alright, we need to ship a game by the end of the year. Wrap up and debug everything we've got in the game now, I want this thing going gold."

He scammed millions


>I have never consumed sci-fi media in my life until modern videogames

>being provocatively lazy and uncommitted

Absolute madman

Star wars has fucking stupid aliens as well, granted it was the 70's and trandoshans are among the better ones star wars has to offer

Its 2018, we have the technology to create truly remarkable looking aliens, this is just lazy and unimaginative

yeah but since then PUBG happened , which has already surpassed making 1 billion from selling copies of an unfinished piece of buggy shit , forever king of gaming scams, they also get a cut from all the items that the cheaters are selling...

humanoid reptiles are bretty boring too
I just like the character bossk
whats a good alien in your opinion?

If BioWare can get away with it..

that would be an absolute nightmare to animate, which is where this whole humanoid aliens thing stems from

They apparently want to keep swimming away from shore instead of saving time and energy to swim back when they are done. Reeks of lack of oversight

>overdesigned japshit

Xian, Vanduul and Tevarin were all planned from the start.

Name a more efficient body structure than the humanoid form. I'll wait.

Mass effect is fucking awful, and has mostly terrible aliens as well. And no those stupid jellyfish with guns are not cool, they are retarded, and theres a reason they dont move because bioware is terrible at animation.

In fact bioware is terrible at storytelling, too. And gameplay. And, well, everything.

porous sphere

this tbqh

maybe they're stalling until they can release an early access version on xbox seven at 3 fps in 2070.

>walking bara dragon
>truly remarkable looking alien
Pic not related, I hope?

Culture and behavior is more important anyway, and they've done a good job on that so far.

ok asshole, what is your idea of good aliens then and if you post a colored human I'll assume you're shit posting

Xenomorphs or Flood.

Not him but this

that thing would never feasibly exist. I'm a sci-fi fan but that is fucking ridiculous. We have our 2-arm 2-leg configuration because it is efficient and gets shit done, we evolved for millions of years to get to this point. Logic says that if there is intelligent life out there, it would be very likely to have 2 arms, 2 legs and a head.

Look at convergent evolution. 2 species originating on opposite sides of the planet, yet nature comes to the same conclusion and both species end up with similar physiques.

To scam billions

lol poorfag detected not our fault you cant afford a seat at the table we'll be playing this amazing game while yoy look through the bargain bin for 2nd hand games lol what a fucking loser.

Looks extremely impractical, honestly.

Maybe you should consider the fact that on a different planet with different conditions the evolutionary process might be different?

What you say doesnt even make sense since humans and primates are but one of many living types of animals, we are only defimed by our ability to use tools and brain structure. We are at a survival disatvantage compared to even our closest relatives physically.

Spiders are far more efficient in land traversal than us, Elephants have thicker skin, Felines have night vision and sharper senses, other primates have insane muscle power.

Its completely plausible to see a radically sifferent evolution tree with only a minor variation in land conditions. We are but a mistake that evolved through sheer luck. We had giant lizards rule the planet before us.

Humans are already impractical. On what pevel does that design seem problematic to you.

And Star Citizen has bird, turtle and mongrel technophile space races.

I can play PUBG right now, you will never play star citizen

Wasn't this game supposed to be out for like 2 years?

... ok? Thats nothing out of the ordinary really, just the typical motif of " take human, mix it with animal, skew a limb or two, tadaa".


Didn't the lead director's wife apparently use a lot of the money to fund her acting career which never took off? And wasn't she known to be outright racist and abusive towards other employees?

>Didn't the lead director's wife apparently use a lot of the money to fund her acting career which never took off?
what a cunt
>And wasn't she known to be outright racist and abusive towards other employees?
oh nvm sounds pretty based

That's how Chris does things though, that's how he wants the aliens in his game.

Nope, was bullshit from the Escapist in an article they have since rescinded and took down.