Kill only the bad guys like im ordered too

>kill only the bad guys like im ordered too
>get a bad ending and I'm a bad guy
Wew, all these powers and I'm supposed to not use them

git gud

Now this is a highly original critique

why do you need to get the good ending?

Because i want to emily to be happy

Liar. You can kill all the targets and still get the low chaos ending. You need to kill over 30% of the level's population (assuming you're killing no civilians) for over half of the levels to get high chaos.

Nice lie stupid nigger

>guards who work for the main bad guy and attack on sight are suddenly not bad guys
Nice try

you can kill every target and still get the """"good"""" ending. none of this matters though since 2 decided that the canon ending is a mix of high and low chaos. play the game however you like, emily still ends up a mediocre ruler who rather be be playing batman with her dad.

They aren't. They are doing their job. You are only supposed to kill the targets. What kind of assassin are you?

this was one of the blandest games i've ever played

The main plot of 2 is some of the most wasted potential I've ever seen.
So many routes to make the characters and the plot more engaging and they somehow avoided all of them.

>What kind of assassin are you?
One who gets the jobs done. It doesn't matter how I kill the target unless civilians are involved.

Yes, but an assassin doesn't kill anyone other than their target.

what do you want him to do, make up critiques?
there's only so much to a game


But Blink was the most fun and useful power.

>but an assassin doesn't kill anyone other than their target.
By your definition, as long as civilians aren't hurt nor is his identity exposed it literally shouldn't matter

Summoning rats was much cooler

Wrong. You must kill only your targets, not the guards.

You can literally kill everyone in front of you and get the good ending.

You're murdering police officers just doing their jobs because their bossws are dicks

never kill anybody
game is still too easy, and looks worse than bioshock 1 despite being 5 years younger
i only paid 2 dollars on amazon and im still unhappy with it