is he the WORST villain in the Final Fantasy franchise?
Literally who
Is he from FF15? Didn't play it lol.
FF13 was the last mainline FF I'll ever buy
Yes I'm still pissed about how shit it was, I got at a midnight release too because I was so excited for it.
>Is he from FF15?
Yeah, he;s the leader of the enemy empire.
Gets turned into a demon OFF SCREEN and it's casually mentioned he was turned into a demon while fighting his generic demon form in a really pathetic fight,
he was on screen for like 10 seconds. really pathetic
>he was on screen for like 10 seconds
oh yeah, forgot he had like zero fucking screentime.
that fucking Loki guy had more screentime and he was just a named grunt.
15 is the worst everything in the franchise.
Even 13 and it's spawn?
What demon was he? I beat the game and forgot this was a character until now.
>What demon was he? I beat the game and forgot this was a character until now.
the one that was obsessed with getting the ring during chapter 13. The one you could not kill until the party got back together
I swear there were more enemies that looked just like that. Oh well. The main story was on par with Andromeda. It's about doing the side chores, this game. If you enjoy that sort of thing.
>It's about doing the side chores, this game. If you enjoy that sort of thing.
I did enough of fetch quests until I got the trophy for doing 50 of them.
>I swear there were more enemies that looked just like that. Oh well.
There were, they didn't even bother giving the emperor a unique demon form.
Really pathetic.
I go to gamefaqs and there were people there who bought this day 1 and were like yea I love it!
Of course not, he wasn't the villain you tard Ardyn was.
That's like saying Gestahl was the villain of 6, or Pres Shinra was the ome for 7.
And regardless, even if he was considered a major villain he wouldn't be the worst. That fuckstick Bhunewhatever from Lightning Returns literally can do nothing without Lightning doing the work for him, has the most obvious betrayal that you can see it from the first twenty minutes of the game, and is generally only there so that Lightning can be considered an 'Angel' and every single fucking NPC in the game can swoon when she walks by.
13 was at least pretty.
He's not the villian of FF15 Ardyn is. Actual shit main villians
>Cloud of Darkness and the guy who summoned it
>What ever the hell the Kuja's puppet master was
They can't all be X-Death and Vayne
>fight against one of the game's main villains
>no unique design
>no unique boss music
>literally nothing
Him not having a unique model was the fucking point, to show just how hard Ardyn had fucked the Empire.
He isn't a .ain villain you idiot, the very first thing you see of him in game is how far something's pushed him off the deep end.
So after all the DLC and patches that XV got is the story still a disjointed mess?
That's because he's not the main villain faggot
ff15 was a trash fucking game, but at least get your facts right.
I know you're clearly retarded, but a villain doesn't have to be the primary antagonist. You can have multiple villains in a story.
>So after all the DLC and patches that XV got is the story still a disjointed mess?
yes because you access the DLC from a separate men.
>Him not having a unique model was the fucking point,
so SE being lazy was on purpose?
>Of course not, he wasn't the villain you tard Ardyn was.
>That's like saying Gestahl was the villain of 6, or Pres Shinra was the ome for 7.
they were villains but not the MAIN villain
Nope, primarily because FF Explorers exists.
That's not Kefka
What would it take for you to care about a Final Fantasy game again?
*dies in film*
We can go shittier.
>10/10 design
>wasted on a film and never mentioned in game
no wonder Roberto was SEETHING once the game released. all that work for nothing
Final Fantasy died the moment it went from faux-medieval fantasy to futuristic garbage.
All of his screentime is in Kingsglaive where he's an interesting character. Then Tabata came along and decided to convert him into ARGHHH THE RING THE CRYSTAL THEY ARE MINE LOL IM EVIL and turned him into a shitty imp enemy that attacks you in chapter 13. He had ONE scene in the entire game at launch.
They then tried to add in a scene where he tries to kill Ravus and you can see the scourge misting out of his body. Because a lot of people missed the subtitles on the screen when they fought Foras, where it literally said Iedolas was talking. I would have had more respect for them if they at least played up Iedolas as the Gestahl of the game, but nah.
They absolutely need more exposition on Niflheim in general in chapter 10-12.
So FF6?
He actually did nothing wrong after all. The new update next month says Regis' soldiers accidentally killed his family and then took him in. No wonder he hated Regis'. However why the fuck this wasn't mentioned in Kingsglaive is a mystery and is downright sloppy because his motivation and treachery didn't make much sense in the film as of now.
>film was better than the game
What other game does this?
I thought this was old Ezio Auditore
But FFVIII is great. In either 4 or 5 you're in some future tech base on the moon too and both of those games are great, just get them mixed up in my head
Hey atleast you get to see his kill trophy hanging around lifeless in the throne room right?
PC spoiler, very good, you should be banned
Worst villain is probably either Barthandelus or Yu Yevon, honestly. Hell, almost surely Yevon.
He was actually great in the movie, only for the game to miserably squander everything about Niflheim in the worst way possible. It's Gestahl all over again, but a dozen times worse.
His final boss fight is utter garbage, but Vayne is actually a great character.
Haven't played XV because I value my money but Yu Yevon wasn't that bad. He had a clear motivation and the twist of learning the whole religion he inspired was a sham just to let Sin destroy more places was, although predictable, good, in that it lets us see how little he values other people's lifes. Seeing him reduced to nesrly nothing, a black speck, inside Sin shows how low he's fallen but how far his malice can go.
His movie version was so much better.
His game incarnation was literally "Im evil and I want power"
I like the original rumor back in the Versus days that he wanted to steal the crystal because Insomina was hording all the tech and advancements that the crystal granted. He wanted the crystal not out of power, but also to improve the lives of his people.
Kingsglaive was really amazing.
Why couldn't they just put that in the game as an prologue, instead of making it into a movie?
What even was the appeal of this game series apart from the OST?
I figured its because they couldnt make the invasion into a cohesive sequence. They kind just showed one cool section after the next with no idea of how Noctis got there.
Every game is different from the other, having only small concept similarities. The good part in final fantasy is that they can make literally anything from setting to characters, and the power of the brand gives SE security to put money on those wild ideas. It's jrpg with AAA budget.
Of course, because they are so different from each other, usually you will never find someone saying they like everything don't matter how much of a fanboy this person is.
The game literally feels unfinished without the story it provides. The movie sets up all the players and introduces the setting in a wonderful way, and it utilizes amazing setpieces and concepts that are never seen in the game, like the Empire using a Weapon to assault the garrison at the very beginning, or the Refugee Army of Insomnia.
And mind, this isn't meant to be me praising for the movie, but rather chastising the game for how badly it handled everything about its setting.
There is no better introduction for JRPGs as a genre out there, it has had consistently great stories and production values across the years until recently, and the way each game tries to reinvent the mechanics of character building basically offers a lot of choice for people who might not enjoy one game to love the next.
Final Fantasy is not a challenging series nor extremely deep, but it's still the gold standard of quality against which JRPGs in the west are measured against. In Japan I think that's more Dragon Quest's role.
So FF1?
I see. Well, I got curious about FF because I'm playing Dissidia on the PSP but I wanted to know more about the characters/villains. So it won't change anything if I decide to play Final Fantasy I or VII as my first one?
I didn't mind the shift in setting, but the way X-onwards had a very noticeable architectural shift with the locations looking more eastern and "non-recognizable" in their appearances never sat well with me.
>that feel when watching that 2011 Versus trailer for years and your hyped to see with this smug motherfucker has got
>amounts to absolutely nothing
>they cut out the opening of the game and sold it as a terrible movie
I will never, ever, not be mad.
Every game that doesn't share the same Roman numeral is an isolated setting and story from the others. They can share general monster designs for some iconic ones and references, and in a "deep lore" kind of way they actually ARE connected and that fact becomes relevant a small handful of times, but never in a way that demands knowledge of one for you to understand the story of the other.
Even less in the game
Fucking Tabata
Yu Yevon isn't a villain. He's not consciously aware of what he's doing. Killing him is like turning off a machine.
Well Jecht sure as hell isn't a villain either, and Seymour doesn't really qualify because he's not really the moving force behind The Big Bad Thing going on in the world which you try to stop.
I'd argue awareness is not really necessary. The husk of his magic that constantly reanimates Sin, hell, the thing that basically IS Sin, is the main antagonistic force of the game. We just call that Yu Yevon to simplify matters.
How is this even a question? This guy fucks your shit up with a knife when you least expect it.
Hope you guys fucking pumped for $20 boat dlc!
>meet this cunt in battle for the very first time
>looks terribly ominous
>it does nothing, it just takes a step forward and ends its turn
This is the universal symbol for "You are doomed".
is that Ezio?
BFA/Sin aren't villains either, they're extensions of Yu Yevon's mindless summoning. They're like a tidal wave or a meteor falling towards you. They'll destroy you, but there's no malice in their intentions.
Mika/Yevon(the religious organization) were the actual villains of X, Mika because he and Yevon knew all along what was going an and worked towards the status quo instead of trying to come up with a solution. Seymour was much like Yuna, he was trying to find a solution, only his solution was at the opposite end of the spectrum from hers. His actions could be considered villainous, but his intentions, at least in his mind, were virtuous.