Do you play vidya with ur gf/wife?
My girlfriend literally can’t even move and look around at the same time.
She just walks a few inches, stops, turns around to look and repeat. That’s why I banned her from playing any of my games it’s just so painful to watch.
Sometimes but she's so incredibly bad that neither of us enjoy it.
I don't interact with women and I want them to stay away
gf, sure!
Yeah, we play Divinity original sin 1 and 2 together, we met on guild wars 1, and we played a number of GameCube games together
Playing Witcher 3 and dark souls 3, switching off between the two. After we finish, Bloodborne followed by yakuza 0
Get out.
>get out
Sorry, I only get out after I've finished inside.
My girlfriend at the time 5 years ago was sick and I went to her parents' house to take care of her and she wanted to watch me play Dark Souls while she laid in bed and I had never played it
It's one of the last happy days of my life that I can remember because I found out she was cheating a few weeks later and I dumped her and spiraled into depression
my ex played skyrim, she liked the cat race
fuck off normalfags
When I had a GF, yes. Sometimes we played sexual pranks on each other. Like when I was fighting Lance in Pokemon Stadium 2 and she decided to see if I could concentrate while getting my dick sucked, knowing that I'm hilariously sensitive down there to where I always just burst into laughter when she did that.
tried it, she wasnt very good
Yeah, we play fighting games together and take turns trying to beat each others scores in Project Diva.
But we mainly play shogi together.
Is Shinji okay?
Is that Estelle and Joshua?
Does my sister count?
haha nice bro my mum and i used to do stuff like that
Yes. Whoever tops the score board tops that night. She loves it as much as I do
my little sister never stops bugging when i want to play games
My gf kicks my ass at mario kart and she's good at GTA. I'm still better at smash bros tho.
I thought this thread was gonna be about playing games with your siblings for a moment. Too bad it's normalfag shit.
Better without that whore.
My gf keeps trying to get me to play her shitty ass JRPGS like i wanna play that trash like it was some shit called Tokyo Xanadu and looked like some cheap ps2 game. Told her to piss off and played fortnite with lads.
My little sister wanted me to watch her play gtaV which consists of her asking me to get her to the airport so she can find a plane then fly it into people
She's letting you win. For your pride.
>buy my 8 year old a switch
>can't play zelda or mario and loses interests
>try get her to play gravity rush 2 on my ps4 but shit was too hard for her
Man i need to sell this switch
haha I am very lonely
Yeah, she fucking loves Orcs must die 2
She just wants your attention idiot
Do what every good onichan would do and pull her on your laps so your dick presses against hair ass and smell her head while she watches you play
..why didn't you start with the kino classics?
the whole point is that those were simple for the shitkids to understand
Is she also your girlfriend?
My gf is pretty typical and hates that fact. She plays Animal Crossing, Pokemon, TF2, Portal, Ace Attorney, Professor Layton, and Ghost Trick and is shit at just about everything else she tries to play with me and always freaks out about it. Has a complex about being bad at games because she's a girl and says it makes her feel like all the other fraud "gamur grrls" but I don't really care that much about how good she is and doubt anyone else does either.
basically this. But lately I'm playing BotW and she enjoys watching me play, she likes the game
>she's played ghost trick
That fact alone redeems her sucking at all other games.
your love sounds pure
best regards
now put that bitch in training
you don't want a shitty coop partner do you user?
Nah she plays shit games like the sims and minecraft
Once or twice a year Ill play wow with her for a few weeks before I get completely uninterested
Used to but she's been working a lot recently
things are getting pretty stressful actually
we'd play monhun it was fun
Have a gamer gf sounds cringe af. Rather have separate hobbies.
Tell me there is a light at the end of that tunnel...
fucks a GF?
>Used to but she's been working a lot recently
We played mario party once. Now we're broken up.
Shit's real
I think part of the problem are her reaction times/reflexes. She hasn't played games her whole life like I have so I told her that if she wants to cultivate better reflexes she should play some hard action platformers or F-Zero and she'd start to see improvement across the board, but she hasn't had time recently. Workaholic who's been caught up in her studies and goes into overkill mode to make sure she aces everything when I'm sure she could with half the effort, oh well
Fucking disgusting.
My wife just beat Bloodborne. She’s not bad at games, but it takes forever to get her interested in a new game
That picture always reminds me of Ken Akamatsu's artwork for some reason.
Guardian Force. You've probably used one in the past.
sorry you feel that way user.
My wife plays an okay range of stuff. Right now she's juggling
>Stardew Valley
>Yakuza 0
>Wind waker hd
>FF6 snes
But we don't really play anything multiplayer together. Someone's the Lego games, but neither of us like multiplayer very much
She likes to play Diablo and Arms with me. Only game she'll play by herself is Okami.
>conforming to someone you dont love simply because you're too lazy to better your image
fat fucks deserve eachother
Try Kirby. It's a great starter game for kids. Also stop being gay.
yeah don't bother pushing vidya into her then
you might be able to squeez some platformer coops like kirby or yoshi i guess
>conforming to someone you dont love
you think I don't love my gf?
We just played through Human Fall Flat
Highly recommended, it's fucking hilarious
hell no you don't and you can argue that you do all you like but there are ways to test it and you...someone who suffers from impassivity like you cannot love.
man 2017 was better
Got my wife to play Sheva with me for RE5. Problem was, she never wanted to play Mercs. It was too hard for her, so she only wanted to do campaign which was shit. After a few years of not playing, now she ONLY wants to play Mercs, and is pretty good at it. Only problem is she has zero sense of direction and it takes her a very long time to learn a map.
This sounds like my fiance. She hates basic bitches but knows deep down she still is one. She still appreciates my music and trys to play some vidya
I used to when I had a gf
Is Sup Forums Facebook now?
What went wrong?
>someone who suffers from impassivity
are you implying that I didn't get angry enough at your insults, therefore I have no emotions? God I really hope not.
>wanting a gf when you can get a cute fuccboi who helps you with your squat plug
that and you're fat
Projection the name is user.
>working a lot recently
I’m so sorry.
>stranger can observe something relating to me personally therefore he is projecting
try using that in court
>youre fat
and that's incredibly insecure.
Why on earth would an insult warrant my rage. Words are supposed to hurt me now?
>that grease stain on the shirt
Good thing we're not in court and you're still projecting.
I used to play games with my mom and Sis...miss those days.
She's fucking a nigger.
you being unable to correct something detrimental to your health and choosing a partner who reflects that indicates you are impassive. You being on Sup Forums, being fat, having a fat gf, buying a toy for kids thinking it'd be acceptable for someone like you, responding to and aggressive challenge of your character like an asshole, and the list goes on and on. You don't love her you're just afraid of being alone.
Yeah i play monster hunter with my fuck buddy
Shes actually really good at it considering she doesnt play much. Just beat rathalos and diablos without carting. Was impressed.
this is not /r9k/ you fucking neet fucking cuck, killyourself
3 more years till i get those powers promised to me long ago.
Yes, she is 5 inches taller than me too so that makes it better.
Sometimes. You would think I would do it more often but I end up not wanting to put the effort in. She liked watching more than playing which I'm cool with .
Turns out my girlfriend actually hated spending time with me and just didn't want to tell me. It didn't last very long.
>she plays shit games like the sims
Depending on what Sims are we talking about here.
>diablos without carting
she's a keeper
I bought my wife from Cebu with PSN cards, too bad she doesn't like video games
it amazes me how some people can't accept there are others more intelligent them. google dunning kruger and get your mind right /eoc
There is a special lack of self awareness to this post that makes me think that you might be on the spectrum.
No I play with my bf. We take turns sucking eachother off while playing. Had a couple GFS before, they very needy and expect you to do everything. Having a bro that can take care of himself plus give you sexual pleasure, there's nothing better. Plus vids.
I recognize that I'm guilty of some of these things but I don't lie about how I feel like the fat boner I'm talking to.
Who the fuck are you virgins trying to fool here. You're in fucking Sup Forums and pretending like you've actually had sex before? Lmao, what fucking losers that you have to lie on an anime website.
Intelligence and arrogance aren't the same thing my friend. I assume your therapist has been trying to explain that to you for years now.
this if it's a troll attempt you already took to long to deliver the punchline
now it looks like you are just projecting
thanks for the free cringe my dude!
I just noticed that too myself and I'm genuinely unsure what that is. I suspect water because as far as I know I'm a pretty violent hand washer. Either that or she fell asleep on me. Idk, that pic is pretty old, and she took it without me knowing.
>responding to and aggressive challenge of your character like an asshole
I literally asked an uncharged question. If being the peacemaker makes me an asshole then I guess that's all I've ever wanted to be.
>You don't love her you're just afraid of being alone.
Actually I've been thinking I want to propose to her lately. I hadnt been sure about it for the 3 years we've been dating, but after she proved to be just as much a partner to me as I am to her durring our last big date, I'd be a fool to let a girl like that slip through my fingers.
Plus it helps that she's fucking obsessed with sucking dick. like at all hours of the day.
>hurr durr i am happy stop reminding me im not i dont want to be alone
You'd be delusional to think that everyone on here are virgins. If anything, the fact you said that makes YOU look like a virgin. Millions of people have sex everyday, it's just a normal thing. I'm sure plenty people here are telling the truth. Don't be one of those delusional 4chaners