Is this rom really worth $10 ? How different is it from vanilla SMB? Its been in the eshop top 10 for awhile.
Is this rom really worth $10 ? How different is it from vanilla SMB? Its been in the eshop top 10 for awhile
the game is a whole lot harder than the original and it includes lost levels.
Does it really cost 10 bucks or you are shitting me?
It does. Nintendo knows the name brand allows them to get away with such absurd prices for decades old merch it's why the old pokemon games, most DS games and most WiiU games are still high priced, Super Mario 64 DS still costs fucking 35 bucks
Its in the top ten because its goddamn Super Mario Brothers in a world without virtual console, but yeah there's differences like fire flowers in places where 1-ups used to be, levels being replaced with SMB2 levels at random points, and I'm pretty sure fire mario is yellow for some reason.
no, it's 7.99
>and I'm pretty sure fire mario is yellow for some reason.
wow racist
>HURR $10
mobile retards spend much more money on much shittier games
Its like $8 which is still way to high for god damn Mario Bros. Should be $2.50 tops
It’s up to you, really. I’d gladly buy more Neo Geo VC games, namely crossed swords if it ever comes out, but I just can’t see myself getting mario brothers of all things
Cant wait for nintenbros to defend $30 SNES roms
user, Nintendo are masters at charging money for old stuff. SOTC, Crash NST and Wipeout were $40 on release while Zelda WW and TP HD still are $60.
They did.
Remember All Stars on the Wii?
Well it's still too much for me. I got SMB on Wii U for like 10 cents.
Super Mario All Stars on the Wii was just an overpriced SNES ROM slapped on a disc.
>10 for a game from 1983 that is less than 50KB
I forgot that file size = quality
The original Super Mario Bros aged like shit. There's no reason to play it anymore when every later game is better.
>$15 for a movie from 1941 that isn't even in color
False dichotomy
Games age
Movies dont
Movies absolutely do age.
Here's your $30 ROM, bro
in videogames size matters in the final price because the media you need to distribute it will change. Of course a game that take 50GB should be more expensive than one that takes 50KB because you have to pay higher fees on servers.
Movies on B&W take the same space as color movies in the same resolution on the same media, you retarded twat
>I pay to play roms with less options
nintenbro retards
>Believes that b&w video has full rgb scale color information
>Calls others retarded twats
yall ever seen anything with CGI that came out in the 90's?
SMB is a proved game.
Deserves more that price that whatever new games are releasing for 60.
SMB has aged gracefully. Its biggest flaw is hammer brother spam at the end.
There isn't any reason to play the original version when the remakes do the same thing.