Whats the longest you have wasted on a game that isn't even that good?
Whats the longest you have wasted on a game that isn't even that good?
Heroes of the storm, don't know how many hours I have though
Like 400 hours on Fallout 3, across like 20-30 playthroughs.
The game you posted
About 800 hours on Chivalry. I just wanted to recapture the fun of the first couple of months after release, but it was gone. I know that now.
kill me
Several hundres hours on Maplestory 13 years ago.
200 hours on Dark Souls 2 like almost everyone else
i'm so so sorry
>only 1400
kill me
A couple hundred hours in Warframe probably
Just a decent time waster when I don't feel like diving into my backlog. I played a lot of gook MMOs when I was younger but didn't stick to any one game for that long.
I wish that game actually had more content than the developers promised :-(. It seems like Three Rings and Sega were more focused on gaining more revenue through cosmetics and microtransactions unfortunately.
final fantasy 14
i like it
kys tripfag
OP said a game that isnt even that good
and he posted a shitty game
what's your point
right so he was supposed to post a bad game
actually is that game by nexon called mabinogi,i ain't loading up the launcher to post the screenshot
900 hours on Wakfu and Warframe
I'm not proud. I'd play 3 more if it could go 10 minutes without crashing.
Overwatch and Dota 2. Thank fuck those 2 things are out of my system.
played some 7000 hours or so on path of exile
brb gonna neck myself
a strangely cathartic game, just got a bunch of hard maps to contend with too.
i put like 400 hours in skyrim across 2 platforms despite thinking the game is mediocre. idk i just liked the atmosphere
Why have you not posted a original comment? Is this some safe posturing to make one feel 'secure'? And I'm not sure sending a pitiful message for suicide is that well constructive, if I say so.
>that one guy that has over 3k hours on pajama sam games
Not counting the thousands of hours before i switched to the steam version.
Dethroned Watch_Dogs as "Meh game with a shitty" ending. Holy shit, End of Act 3 as so bad I immediately the game.
Looked up the ending on YT and it didn't made any difference.
And these are the same developers that made F.E.A.R. and NOLF series.
3K hours on Shadowverse.
I regret nothing
556+ hours in Dark Souls 3.
>isn't even that good
You better be talking about rs3 faggot
>tfw have a fully heated 5* set in that game
Kill me
RS3 which I play is meh, the nostalgia holds it together for me
OSRS however is pure shit and an insult to the good old days
Probably 1000+ hours in RotMG
I have probably somewhere around 2,500 hours on League of Legends
it started off pretty fun, but the more you become good at the game the more you realize how garbage it was and how much worse it got
Probably world of warcraft
basically any MOBA
I just uninstalled it in a fit of rage. it's sad how much time i've wasted on this poorly designed game that I knew was garbage the entire time while playing.
I just truly have nothing else to do
What the fuck is wrong with me
I put 300 hours into dark souls 2 thinking "maybe it just isn't clicking for me" ive cleared like 4 NG+4s on different characters and its just not fun
>Not fun
>Played for 300 hours for the good part
>How retarded are you
Very, apparently
As far as unfinished games go, MGSV is better than botw.
wow man
What an awful opinion
For Honor
Dont even know why I bothered.
Man Final Fantasy 14 is the best MMO I've played. Shame that it's fucking pay to play.
3000+ hours on WoW post WotLK
Guild Wars 2, this was taken about 2 years ago
battlerite is fun tho
>The majority of my time in shitgames isn't on my Steam profile because I play cracked versions on various patches
Thank God
Runescape has only improved with time, loser
This is the only one that has really surprised me
>when your only friend buys you literal shit and you have to eat it so you don't lose him
runescape is an autist game for dirt poor third worlders and you should be utterly embarrassed for not only playing it, but praising it.
540 hours in Trove
1300h Skyrim
1250h MW2
1000h MW3
2570h LoL
rofl. did you even dupe?
fuckin oath I did