Post the weirdest and most obscure games you know of

Post the weirdest and most obscure games you know of

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Tail of the Sun

You will never play this.

I will if you give me a name.

Space Funeral
Not that obscure but very weird


Can't let you do that, user.


Last one I can post.

Maggie's Apartment.

I remember this. The dev himself posted here.

Remember what it's called?

Any vore simulator made with rpg maker


I was gonna post "inb4 someone posts their own unreleased game" but looks like I'm late.

Holy lord this is the most beautiful thing in existence!

wow. Someone provide some info

Not a clue, unfortunately. I don't think it has a title because it's not really even a game, yet. I offered to help write for the guy a year ago but it seems there's not much of the game yet.

I don't think you can actually play this one any more. It was only accessible via some online Korean game portal and it was just a demo. Still it seemed promising.

>t-thanks grandpa...

Damn. I hope this sees the light of day at some point. The aesthetic is incredible.

I've never seen anyone talk about this game, but I remember it actually being really fucking fun.

zeno clash

While still a little know due to the fact its from the guy who made fnaf, this game has some really fucking neat designs.

memory of a broken dimension

Can you provide any more info? I'd like to pinpoint it somewhere so I can track the progress / find out more about it. Based on the visuals, I'd support it financially.

This one, it's really fun




I wouldn't get my hopes up, I don't even get results when I search for it

This looks like what would happen if Nicholas Fedorov made a video game

You fight mud, trapdoors and cockroaches the size of men


Did you know Telltale made CSI games

A lot of people have played Desolate Hope, it's free after all.

>copy paste generic 90's skyscrapers
looks so fucking bland

You fags don't even know

Have you guys ever played Daemonica? I remember playing it back in the day but barely remember anything. Does it hold up?

It happens at 2:01 and it's one of the most intense moments in cartoon history. It's like Twin Peaks but better.

Maybe Freak Out (Stretch Panic), Knights of the Temple, The Red Star, GrimGrimoire, and Without Warning

>No Martian Gothic: Unification
I guess that makes sense.

good videogame

Is exploring Neocities a game? Because it feels like one.


Biosys, I've been trying to track a torrent for years. I lost the original cd ages ago.

But what did she say??


>only came as a free game in a cereal box or something

Not that obscure but sword waving has never been more fun

So roulette with fucked up faces?

Stretch Panic doesn’t seem that obscure anymore, I see it pop up around here from time to time.
Cool game tho.


Hopping on the one remaining leg is even more fun

Everything by Amon26.
Specifically Au Sable and All of our friends are dead are good ones.
I know he had more games involving the cat like character from the latter, I cannot remember their names though, it was a series of like 4 games?

Tounge of the fat man

Maybe so. I heard some e-celeb did a let's play on it, so that might affect too.

The adventures of Dr. Franken.
Even the plot is stupid.

I swear this was released in every EU language except English

Horrible box art though lmao look at that fucking thing

>plumber in mushroom kingdom goes bing bing wahoo
>heh, that's fun

>two russian dudes match stacks of hats in a factory

Just check any of the few videos that mention it. To be fare, it is kinda cursed considering what happened to one of them.

love me some obscure PS2 games

ive never seen anybody here mention FLY'N, granted is not that exceptional but its a fun little platformer with a great artstyle


I know of 2 games so obscure I haven't been able to find any info of them online, as far as I know I am the only human to have ever played them.

>A family game from the 90s where you follow a family of purple or blue creature people to the beach, as you clicked on shit to start activities a hermit crab would come out of his she'll to give you directions

>Another family PC game from the 90s where you go around a house and fmv muppets come from the bottom of the screen to talk to you and explain activities to you. I believe there were fmv humans as well. I remember very specifically a mini game where you enter a room, the lights go out, a female muppet appears from the bottom and tells you how scared she is then a bunch of circle shaped monsters bounce around the screen and you have to click on them to destroy them

Searching for these just gives me links to "TOP 11 90S PC GAMES FROM YOUR CHILDHOOD!!!!" clickbait and I have yet to find the names of them.

It's not really weird, but Picky Pop is one of my favorite games and nobody seems to know about it.

Valdis Story deserves way more recognition, there are hardly any other metroidvanias on PC with this level of depth


Well spank my ass and call my Sheila, as soon as I post this make one last google search and I find the name of the first one.
"A day at the beach with the Fazzooly Family"


i played this

I remember playing a game at a friend's house, but I can't remember what exactly it was. I remember that it had a wizard (or some kind of owl) that may or may have not been Merlin, and you were just checking out this castle full of neat stuff. There was a hay cart, I remember that for sure. At the end, you had to sneak through the enemy's camp in the middle of the night or something and then you won.

Would anyone know the name of this game? It came out in the late 90s / early 00s and it's been bothering me since.

Not the most obscure but I rarely see people mention it. Great action platformer with cool atmosphere

This fucking game got really fun and really hard near the end.


It freaked me out as a kid.
Blowing up a pig still does.

Drakkhen for the SNES
Maybe not the most obscure but its up there in weirdcore

>Unreal Engine Demo 9.22.2017
Gee, I wonder what it could be?

The only thing I remember about this is enjoying the GC game and being really disappointed with the GBA version

try this one... ps2 era

harry potter and the chamber of secrets for gbc. The last official gbc game

Holy shit, tribal rage. Only got to play it for a bit before my dad spilled coffee on the cd

Wage war across crumbling bridges you place between floating islands in the sky.

The most obscure game I've ever seen in my life was this remake of the Tower of Druaga I once saw on YouTube. When I translated its name, it was apparently "The Tower of Salmon Roe" or something like that.

The gameplay elements were similar to the original game, except now everything was done on a sidescroller playing field instead of maze. Just like the original, you could still collect the treasures when certain conditions were met, could break walls with the pickax power up, and all that jazz, but the gameplay was drastically different.

Combat reminded me a bit of Adventures of Link with Gil having the ability to jump stab, downward thrust and all that jazz, but instead of a 1-hit kill like in the arcade, clashing or touching most enemies just drained or chipped away health. Though getting hit with spells was a 1-hit kill.

Shit looked hard as fuck because it was much more difficult to avoid enemies due to how small the rooms were, and were filled with unkillable enemies like ropers on early floors.

I would post a Youtube video or even picture, but for some bizarre reason, they've all been taken down. Like even on various wikias, you can't find evidence of this game existing. Weird.

I watched raocow play it

>e-celeb played it
this episode was pure kino

You didn't miss out much

MirrorMoon EP

I tried playing that.

I... I didn't understand much.

Agreed. It's very bizarre. But I oddly enjoy the game. It's therapeutic and soothing, especially when you're in the dark and listening to lofi hip hop livestreams. The lonely atmosphere of walking around on a planet and flying in your spaceship, charting planets, it's really comfy.

It was all right, from what I remember.

I'm surprised anyone else actually played it. Wonder if I can still get it to run on a newer machine.