What does Sup Forums think about the cost of changing specs in classic wow? As someone who didn't play vanilla back in the day this is literally the only thing that I'm worried about in the (((upcoming))) classic realms. Will I have to create an alt for pvp to save gold on respecing? Should this aspect of the game in particular be adjusted somehow (like paying gold for a second spec tab that you can change to in rested area)? Because right now specs in classic feel like a massive cockblock to somebody who would like to do both pvp and pve.
What are your thoughts? Was it really as bad as I'm imagining it?
>and yes you need a PvP alt >not playing as a rogue and having your pvp and pve specs be one in the same
Wyatt Edwards
I hated it then and I hate it now. I'd be happy with just a cap on the respec cost though. No need to do anything drastic.
Chase Rogers
>not minmaxing >being this bad at WoW
Kayden Thomas
It really depends on what class you're playing and if you want to really min/max or not.
You can use each and every spec for PvP, yes even all paladin, shaman and druid specs. If you want to have the absoulute best damage, or best healing etc you're probably gonna have to pay the gold or make another character.. but in those cases the PvPers usually don't raid too often either unless they need one specific item so yeaa thats that
William Howard
A buyable second spec slot could do well. Back then it forced you to put thought into which spec you learn and which not but nowadays everybody is just gonna follow a guide anyways and all the metas have already been worked out so no need on experimenting anymore
Ethan Phillips
it was as bad as you imagined for healing specs
let's say you play a holy priest, you could farm mats for raids but it would take even longer than usual. but in general yes if you wanted to do pvp you would either pray that your spec lined up perfectly with pve/pvp (which never did) or just accept you'll be sub-optimal. since a lot of people don't have the time to make two characters equal it's a shitty situation
just hope that blizzard adds minor QoL changes that everyone complained about back in vanilla
Dylan Russell
Asher Garcia
>Was it really as bad as I'm imagining it?
it was worse
Camden Wilson
They should only add dual spec if it has a substantial cost to it.
Evan Fisher
You can do pvp in most specs. In fact it will be much easier, because pve gear is actually just as suited for pvp since there is no resilience. I remember my survival hunter being quite godly in both pvp and pve.
Matthew Adams
Reducing respec cost is the single change I will accept. Didn't matter to me as a Warlock but healers were fucked by it.
Mason Reyes
>Didn't matter to me as a Warlock Yeah, you had much bigger problems to deal with.
Connor Young
>be a tank >have to spec differently for specific boss fights paying to respect was gay
Gabriel Wright
so like it did when it was first announced?
i dont think you should be charging out the ass for things that help give you a better positioning to play and enjoy the game. flying was entirely optional outside of TK but was expensive, whereas respec was needed for everyone and expensive
Liam Sanchez
I made mad dosh farming 50 shards in burning steppes before the raids, I committed ogre genocide
Christopher Rodriguez
>druid >have to spec healing to be able to do anything with a group (even then, still can't rez, so another healer is almost mandatory) >have to respec to do anything alone >decide "Fuck it" and drop some DKP on the Lava Dredger, pissing off every Paladin in the guild in the process >realize I can now autoattack for more DPS than I can get out of a balance or feral spec >can now farm for days with my resto spec
Thanks Blizz!
Brandon Allen
i leveled from 16-60 in classic WoW by being a prot warr and tanking dungeons 24/7 AMA
i had to beat bitches off my dick wanting me to do a tank job for them daily
Joshua Wood
My nigga
The day I learned I could enslave doomguards was the day the nethergrade keep FP stopped spawning. Denying alliance Kazzak was my most glorious accomplishment.
Brandon Cooper
>make hunter alt >farm mara for literally infinite gold
Dylan Johnson
This. I did the same and it's unironically how I got my first gf.
William Howard
I don't think you should be able to respec in an rpg. it's just a cop out for casuals and the inept
John Howard
Why is the private server/classic community so toxic?
Brandon Adams
Cataclysm had the best talent trees. Most of the talents were good and the trees weren't bloated. The only thing I didn't like was that you couldn't start putting points in a second tree until you spent 31 points in your primary tree. Most of the 31 talents were good but it killed any possibility of gimmicky hybrid builds
Isaiah Flores
>tfw missclick
Gabriel Moore
lmao, just thinking back on all the cancerous shit from classic is making me die of anticipation for the servers to go live. The official forums will be filled with whiny shits crying about how awful everything is in classic. We will finally see the true colors of the "nostaligia fans" nothing more than contrarian rats.
>enjoy grinding for months for rep to get nature resist >enjoy wiping on almost every trash pull because people will think the game plays like live and pull everything in a room. >enjoy paying a shitload for repairs >enjoy garbage talent tree system >enjoy getting 1 shot by rogues and shammies >enjoy having all your honor kills stolen by some piece of shit hunter spamming volley from a safe distance >enjoy not having a mount till level 40 >enjoy taking a month or more to hit level cap >enjoy all the guild drama during 40 man raids when the GM decides to hand gear to his gf. >enjoy 10 hour long boring as fuck raids >enjoy sitting down constantly during boss fights to regain mana >enjoy 6 hour long AV turtles >enjoy only having 3 BGs >enjoy getting camped non-stop by high levels and having them wipe out an entire outpost including quest givers preventing you from leaving/progressing. >enjoy not having set bonuses and competing with 39 other people for a piece of gear >enjoy having mismatched ugly as sin vanilla color pallet gear. >enjoy having everything ninja'd by a hunter. Because hunters can use everything and everything is a hunter weapon/armor. >enjoy carrying bags full of ammo/runes and other bullshit reagents to use some or all of your abilities >enjoy getting feared for 30secs by a warlock or mind controlled off a cliff by a priest >enjoy farming for argent rep >enjoy being a paladin in classic and essentially being nothing more than a stat stick class being a buff bitch and terrible at everything else. >enjoy having spell tiers and being forced to use low tier healing spells to conserve mana >enjoy gettingt 40 people to raid.
Anthony Ortiz
>enjoy having everything ninja'd by a hunter. Because hunters can use everything and everything is a hunter weapon/armor.
Carter Scott
>implying you need to minmax to reach rank14 >implying you need to be a shitty tryhard in a 14 years old game >implying that consumables don't do 99% of the job for pvp in vanilla.
Also what changes OP, link?
Zachary Walker
>enjoy grinding for months for rep to get nature resist
You don't need any rep for nature gear though, why do retards that have no clue of what they are talking about open their mouth?
Henry Turner
IIRC grinding for dragon rep to get some pieces of gear that had nature resist. Might be wrong but I remember a big fucking rep grind to get into AQ. My guild wouldn't let me raid with them unless I hit a certain threshold of nature resist.
Nathan Clark
>enjoy wiping on almost every trash pull because people will think the game plays like live and pull everything in a room. >mfw this has already happened when they made dungeons harder last patch
William Nelson
i feel like the cost should remain the same as before, but reset if you don't use it for a certain amount of time, like maybe a month or so.
the old system was a pain in the ass to work with, but if you make it too cheap then talent investment is really inconsequential, which is a worse solution imo. with resetting cost it could encourage you to choose wisely, but still let you switch up your gameplay occasionally without completely breaking your bank or forcing you to roll an alt.
Parker Morales
>Enjoy playing the game You fucking faggots and your need for instant gratification are a disease upon society and should be purged. Even with all the """flaws""" you listed, somehow people are still playing vanilla private servers despite knowing that they usually always get shut down.
Sebastian Phillips
We have no lives. That is why we want to play a 14 year old game. We literally live for this
Justin Robinson
Yeah you are wrong, unless you are LW, but it's only mail gear that is BoE and the recipes are from CC.
Austin Thompson
No arena, no buy.
Robert Ramirez
because when internet guides to raid encounters and minmaxing exist, the vanilla experience they wanted gets destroyed, and they're all bitter as fuck because they're clinging to the delusion that the private server they're on is great, when the truth is that vanilla was only good because everyone was a shitter together.
Robert Hernandez
meant, on the AQ release there's only mail recipes with NR and the gear is BoE*, so rep only matters for LWs.
Jaxson Perry
>enjoy not having set bonuses and competing with 39 other people for a piece of gear you don't compete with all 39 though
>enjoy having mismatched ugly as sin vanilla color pallet gear. transmog, or some kind of transmog system, is literally the only thing I'll ever accept fuck that shit
I remember when the gates of AQ opened my guildies told me I needed to grind rep with those dragons to get a ring. Again, this was like 10+ years ago so my memory is hazy. I do remember killing mobs in front of that raid for fucking days. Almost as bad as the centaur grind in Descolace.
Angel Young
>you don't compete with all 39 though
i play a hunter
Dylan Morales
Thats a really good edit
Samuel Hall
Thomas Sanders
no, don't change a single thing, that way when they start complaining and believe me they will, they won't have the excuse of blizz changing things.
Angel Allen
Completely necessary and totally justified.
Easton Gutierrez
>just hope that blizzard adds minor QoL changes that everyone complained about back in vanilla They did add minor QoL changes to vanilla. They were called expansions, and they're what got us here now.
Classic is for the people who didn't complain.
Thomas Hill
except most people who are going to be into this classic WoW thing have been playing it for years on private servers and know exactly what to expect, also people who played it way back when will return (but who don't know about pservers for some reason / don't want to play on pservers)
what you are describing will come from fags who have never even played vanilla in any shape or form
Joshua Richardson
The brood of nozdorum rep pre-AQ grind is ONLY if you are actively going to get the mount and what later will become the scarab lord title.
Ayden Bell
>feel like doing some pvp today after yesterdays raid >oh thats right 29 days until reset
Leo Gonzalez
I dont remember much from vanilla days because I was a dumbass kid but how was a healer supposed to level? I never gave it much thought but I imagine its the biggest pain in the ass
Julian Torres
Your entire class kit was viable, talents allowed you to min-max your kit.
'alting' for PVP is retarded because PVE gear is just as good, if not better, then PVP gear because PVP gear was on par with tier 2 shit.
If you're raiding, you have enough money to respec for your weekly raids anyway, its classic, you don't need a spec for PVP and PVE, you can tank 5 mans in a PVP spec easy as a warrior, you can heal as shadow spec easy too.
The only time you need to min-max your kit was when you were pushing higher level PVE content.
Really, your 'spec' was more gear and class dependant rather then some arbitrary choice of talents, and people need to stop this shitty meme, modern WOW is forced cookie cutter, vanilla WOW each class had a niche they could exploit.
Brody Davis
Your guild was retarded
Most of the BiS nature resist gear wasn't even from the Cenarian rep anyway, more so, all the fucking NR gear from rep was crafted BOEs
Isaiah Morales
This is the most retarded post on Sup Forums. Congrations, u done it.
You don't respect whatsoever regardless of your spec to play the game and see all the content. However you do factually need flying in order to play the game and see all the content.
>outside of TK There was tons of fucking shit that required flying. netherwing ledge, skettis, ogri'la, and elemental plateau just off the top of my head. Flying wasn't optional. It was mandatory for a lot of content. Respeccing isn't mandatory for a single thing.
Anthony Wright
You spec dps and can still heal 5 man dungeons while leveling just fine. Might be harder for those with drool cups
Carter Robinson
>you can tank 5 mans in a PVP spec easy as a warrior, you can heal as shadow spec easy too. You know for a fact the playerbase that classic is going to draw will autistic screech at any player attempting to pull that shit even though it is completely viable up to a point.
Jaxson Wood
I just bought gold with RL money and ignored all that waste of time grinding shit
>implying I won't do the same once classic comes out
Nathaniel Brown
Justifiable given that the only way to really get gold is to farm dire maul and only priests and paladins can do that. And maybe hunters if that bug is present.
Connor Price
healing specs did almost nothing to actually increase your healing potency. a level 30 feral druid can heal almost exactly as a well as a resto druid, as long as he has a set of caster gear.
Ian Martin
classic was annoying and restrictive as fuck. you could only play 1 out of 3 specs for most classes, rarely 2, and then only on some ocasions. class balance wise vanilla was shit too. the only thing why it's so vividly remembered is because the community was tightly-knit as fuck, that's it. the game was buggy and broken and unbalanced, but you didn't really notice it. from today's eyes it's a bit unfair, because obviously you'll see and find every flaw and unbalances a decade later.
having said that: if they release classic as-is without any tuning to respec cost, class spec viability, class balance (pvp and pve), classic will flop hard after just 2-3 months when everyone notices it's by far not as good as they remember and they'll drop it. only a small circle of the initial playerbase will stay and it'll be totally stupid for blizz to keep up the servers and so on for so few players.
Evan Thompson
It wasn't a bug and hunters and locks and easily farm mara as well, on top of that herbalism or alchemy makes lots of money, tanks/healers can easily farm 5 man like strat live for gold.
Michael Gonzalez
The only non-raid viable spec that comes to my mind if prot pally, outside that everything works.
Ian Price
>upcoming classic WoW
is this actually happening?
Adam Lee
They are the cataclysm ones.
Owen Cox
no user, they were called patches every single patch added QoL in vanilla, but you turbo nostalgia autists choose to ignore that because it doesn't fit your agenda while coincidentally wanting to play on the most balanced and most QoL'd patch in vanilla (last patch)
Hudson Reyes
Lava Dredger was the one item I started raiding for as a druid because I thought it looked cool and had pretty good stats back when I'd browsed through epics on thottbot. By the time it eventually dropped after a year of clearing MC everyone immediately knew I was going to blow my DKP on it. Good times.
Joshua Morales
You need a raid main and a farm alt.
Caleb Edwards
>He still thinks classic is catering to the retail audience. Hate this stale meme.
Ethan King
coincidentally wanting to play on the most balanced and most QoL'd patch in vanilla (last patch)
Yea, and your point is? It's the last thing that was vanilla. Go past that, and it's by definition not classic any more.
I want this version of this product. >THIS SPECIFIC VERSION HUH?!?!?! SOUNDS MORE LIKE YOU WANT THIS OTHER THING No, I want this version of this specific product.