Buying a Switch lads, what games does Sup Forums recommend?
Buying a Switch lads, what games does Sup Forums recommend?
There's Mario and, uh...
BOTW, Super Mario Odyssey, Fire Emblem Warriors, Xenoblade Chronicles 2, and Kirby in March.
Save your money. Switch is a flop. I own one and it was a waste of money
Shinobi Refle
and Mario as far as exclusives go
There's literally like 3 games for it
Golf Story.
BOTW, Mario Odyssey, Mario + Rabbids, Splatoon 2, ARMS, Wonder Boy, Bomberman, Puyo Puyo X Tetris, Battle Chef Brigate, MK8.
Bayonetta 2 and Mario Kart 8 if you didn't have a Wii U and you know you didn't, don't fucking lie
Splatoon 2, Mario Odyssey, BotW, Bomberman, Puyo Puyo Tetris
Don't listen to the xbox/playstation fanboys in this thread. The switch is quite an improvement over the shit Wii U. I'd recommend getting Odyssey and BotW. Odyssey is a breath of fresh air compared to the mediocre Mario Galaxy 1 and 2.
the only 3 games the console actually has? BotW, Odyssey and Xenoblade 2
I've only played 3 games for it (Mario, Zelda and Splatoon) But I have literally clocked in 20 times more hours on it than on my PS4. (20 hours)
I got my PS4 a full year before.
So yeah, you'll use your switch a lot if you like fun.
If its not clear enough for you brainlets, I've clocked in 400 hours in those 3 games.
What eshop titles you recommend?
Not op
Zelda, Mario Odyssey, Splatoon 2, Bayonetta1+2, Sonic Mania, Xenoblade 2, Mariokart Deluxe, Nintendo arcade version games, Neo Geo/SNK arcade games
Is Thimbleweed Park worth trying out?
Still better than buying ps4 xone 3ds or vita in 2018
I own
>xenoblade 2
>splatoon 2
I highly reccomend any of them.
Kingdom Battle if you're into X-Com games, BotW, SMO, Splatoon 2, Mario Kart
Has had the best first year lineup so far and it's first year hasn't even concluded yet.
that's much hours fella
Bomberman R got a lot better, if you like that franchise
Golf story
lotta SNK arcade games like Metal Slug and KOF
Yeah, those and MK8 are obligatory, everything else is up to personal taste.
They're really beefy and fun games
Wonder Boy and the Dragon's Trap, Sonic Mania, and Battle Chef Brigade are pretty fun.
>Rich of ReviewtechUSA just uploaded a vid showing his Switch is now bent.
This happened to anyone else?
Unironically Nights of Azure
Is the Mario + Rabbits good? My son saw it on youtube and has been nagging me to buy it for him
>Switch is a flop
>15 Million sold
You're objectively wrong
Gungeon is fun
I thought mine did and I barely bought it yesterday. Laid it on a surface and it was flat. My eyes are playing tricks on me.
Zelda and Mario will take up alot of your time, and there's bayonetta 1 and 2 if you want action, for RPG you got XenoBlade 2, Shooters you got Splatoon and racing mario kart
Get Bayonetta 2 if you didnt own a Wii U.
How's xeno2 for someone that doesn't like weeabo shit?
>implying there's anything besides mario and zelda
I recommend Dust Cover 2018.
Try to not play Zelda or Mario. See how many games it has. 2. And now 0
Its a deep and complex JRPG, if you like that genre then its worth getting. Youll sink 100 hours or so in it.
Fuck everybody else posting in this thread, get THE BINDING OF ISAAC AFTERBIRTH+
Seriously. It's the one game with literally hundreds of hours of replay value on this goddamn platform.
See these? These are powerup items. There's a lot more than just those.
I can't think anyone cares enough to beggar responses, but inb4 whatever
I only got Splatoon 2 and Pokken DX
They're both good but Splatoon 2 will probably keep you busy for longer
It's 2012 X-com with less percentage bullshit, more mobility, and no base management. It's absolutely perfect as an introduction to strategy games for kids, and some of the challenge levels are brutal if you want to test your abilities. I would highly recommend it.
I personally bought puyo tetris, zelda, mario, disgaea 5 and splatoon 2.
I wonder what causes this anyway? I bought mine on release day and I've played pretty extensively on it, both docked and in handheld, but it's not warped, or at least not close to as warped as his is. If it is warped, it's hardly noticeable.
getting one soon myself
just gonna get mario and xenoblade for now